Ch.Thirty-Two: 10 O'Clock

Yuki's pov

After me and sasuke finally departed from each other everyone started to come back home since it was already getting late I was on my way to the spot where I was suppose to meet the girls until Rinji stopped me and boy oh boy he looked pissed.

"Yuki come here real quick." Rinji said while leaning on the wall far away from the room.

"What's wrong." I said while walking close to Rinji.

"What's going on with you and duck ass." Rinji said this isn't good he's in big brother mode...

"Nothing why?" I asked looking away from him

"Your lying tell me the truth." Rinji said

"Your going to get upset with me..." I said

"I won't promise you that I will stay calm...But still tell me I hate it when my sisters keep secrets from me." Rinji said

"Rinji I know you said I shouldn't mess with any boys....but I accidentally feel in love with the duck ass." I said

"What's wrong with you having feelings--" I cut him off

"That's not were dating Rinji....." I said

"Well....As long as he doesn't break your heart I won't break his neck." Rinji said

"Your not upset...." I said

"Auntie Fumi told me to let you date so that's what I'm doing." Rinji said he looks like he's struggling with letting this slide I knew Rinji wouldn't just give the ok for me to date.

"Your struggling with letting this slide aren't you...." I said

"You have no idea....How hard it is to just give you away.....we literally went through everything together and now some dude is trying to steal you away." Rinji said

I go up to him and gives him a tight hug "Look Nobody is going to steal me away from you GOT IT that will never happen AS LONG AS I'M ALIVE so take the shit out your head right now Rinji." I said and he started smiling.

"What are you smiling for I'm serious." I said while punching his arm.

"Owe ok ok I get it I love you to sis geez." Rinji said and then I started smiling too then we both started laughing.

"Ok Rinji I'll see you later okay." I said

"Alright bye baby sis." Rinji said

And I walk back in the room where the slumber party is going to be held.

(If you forgot how it looked go read the slumber party chapter again)

"Finally hun your finally here now we can actually get started." Haru said

"Get started with what haru." I said

"The game duh." Haru said while holding up a poster board

"Oh this is about to be fun." I said while smirking.

"Y-yuki." Hinata said while pulling on my shirt and I look back at her and she looks really nervous.

"What's wrong Hinata." I said

"I'm nervous Yuki." Hinata whispered

"Don't be.... I'm here You Shouldn't be nervous your around all your friends Hinata." I whispered

"But still there is a lot of drinking shots and stuff on there." Hinata said

"Have you never gotten drunk before Hinata." I asked and she shakes her head no.

"Uhhh Haru we have a problem." I said

"What's the problem hun." Haru said

"Hinata is afraid of getting drunk." I said

"Ooh.... Do you still want to play or do you want to sit out." Haru said

"If you sit out I'll sit out too even though they have shots....." I said and everyone looks at me surprised.

"No.... You want to play so i'll play." Hinata said

"Are you sure." I asked

"Yea I'm positive." Hinata said

"Well let's start playing." Mio said

"Alright so who goes first." Karin asked

"I'll go first I ain't scared." I said

"I'll go second." Karin said

"I'll go third." Mio said

"I'll go after Mio." Hinata said

"I guess I go after Hinata." Ino said

"I'll go sixth then." Temari said

"I'll be last then." Tenten said

"Wait what yal are staying over too?!" I said

"No we just want to play the game it looks like fun." Tenten said

"Right." Ino said

"Anyways here everyone take a shot." Haru said then we all took a shot but I stopped hinata

"Give me your shot glass." I said

"Yuki....." Hinata said

"You don't want to get drunk right then just give me this shot because it's to strong for you." I said then Hinata gives me the shot and I drink it.

"Okay here Yuki take the dice and roll it." Haru said I roll the dice then I go up two spaces

"I'm in the safe zone haha bitches." I said and Haru laughs.

"Alright Karin your turn." Haru said

Karin gets the dice and rolls a four

"Twerk Aw come on do I really have to do this." Karin complained

"Yea girl twerk twerk twerk." Ino said

"Ughhh fine...this is so embarrassing." Karin said she got her phone and started playing music then she begins twerking I started throwing twenties at her

"Ay ay ay" I yelled

"Alright alright that's enough....oh my god I can't breath haha." Haru said while laughing.

"Alright Mio your turn." I said Mio gets the dice and rolls a 4

"Move 1 space back... Aww" Mio complained "Wait pick one person to take two shots hmmm Yuki go ahead and take some more shots." Mio said then Haru got two shot glasses.

"Alright fine I will." I said then I downed the two shots "Alright Hinata it's your turn." I said Haru looked at his phone kept laughing "Haru why are you laughing so much?" I asked

"I caught you on video haha." Haru said

"Dude it's not that funny." I said then Hinata grabbed the dice and she rolled a one.

"Ooh truth or dare Hinata." I said

"Truth" Hinata said

"Hmmm is it true that you like kiba." I asked and she immediately started blushing.

"I-I-I d-don't really k-know y-yet." Hinata said

"Hmm....alright" I said

"Alright Ino go." Haru said while giving ino the dice and she rolls a two.

"Safe zone." Ino said

"Awe your lucky." I said after temari and tenten went it was my turn again I got the dice and rolled a six

"Group selfie ughhh!!!!!" I said while getting my phone out and unlocking it.

"Come on let's get this over with." I said and everyone comes near me posing for the photo and I take the picture.

"Okay next is Karin roll the dice." Haru said and she rolls a five.

"Yes ha skip my turn bitches." Karin said while laughing

Then everyone else goes and have there turn then right around back to my turn I roll a ten

"Go live? Go live on what? Instagram?" I asked

"I guess so." Mio said

"Ugh fine." I said the I pick up my phone changes my account to my original Yuki Abe account then I go live and as I expected a bunch of people were watching because I'm an Abe....

"Wow Yuki you almost have over 20,000 people watching." Tenten said

"Hey people I don't know." Temari said

Then I started to read the comments

And they mostly said hope you feel better Yukiko damnit and I'm not even sick...

"Thank you all for worrying about me but I'm feel a lot better now I'm here playing a game with my friends at the moment so you guys can watch if you want it's a pretty wild game like seriously." I said while flipping my camera to show the board "Okay so I'm here at the go live on Instagram spot I'm a head of everyone right now" I said

"Okay hun so let's continue Karin your up again." Haru said Then I noticed some people came to see my live my baby sister Mai Sasuke and Kei is watching Karin rolled a six

"Skip to the end or continue...." Without no hesitation Karin skips to the end "I'm done bitches I'm going to go get a snack from the snack table." Karin said while getting up.

"Wow that's just rude." Mio said

"If you guys don't hurry I'm going to eat all this my self." Karin said

"You sure you want to act fat while you have thousands of people watching you right now I said while pointing my phone to Karin then she started blushing.

"Yuki you better turn that phone somewhere else before I break it." Karin said

"Oh please don't this was really expensive." I said while focusing on the game.

"Alright go ahead Mio." Ino said

And Mio rolls a Twelve

"SELFIE TIME!!!!" Mio yelled

Ugh not again (T_T) Mio takes the picture and post it on Instagram and tags all of us in it.

"Um I'll stop playing before anything gets worse." Hinata said

"Alright you heading to bed." I said

"No I'll just watch you play." Hinata said while smiling I read the comments.

"Hinata kiba called you cute." I said and Hinata started blushing.

"T-thanks." Hinata said

Every one else goes and it's back to my turn I also roll a twelve.

"Make drunk call to bae?! But I'm not even drunk." I said

"Well were going to have to get you drunk then." Mio said while bring out some vodka shots (colorful right😀)⬇

"Drink all five of these then you should be drunk in an instant." Mio said

I give my phone to Ino and starts drinking all of the vodka shots then after a while I start feeling really good.

"Okay hold on Mio give me your phone." I said

"What are you going to call your bae." Mio said

"Yea I have to that's what the board says." I said

"Okay fine here." She said while handing me her phone and I call Sasuke

(Phone call begging)

"Hey duck ass!!" I said

"Yuki what did I say about calling me that ." Sasuke said and I hear the boys laughing from the other end of the phone.

"I'm sorry I'm really sowwy daddy." I said then I herd nothing but silence from the other side of the phone.

"Yuki don't make me go to where you are and fuck you silly." Sasuke said

"That could be arranged." I said

And Mio takes the phone and hangs up on him.

(Phone call ended)

"You are not going to be doing that on my cell phone!!" Mio said

I put my phone back on live

"Hey were back." I said

"So yal want to stop playing and go ahead and eat something." Karin said

"Yea come on let's stop." I said while getting up.

I look into my phone and its almost close to Twenty Five thousand people watch my live.

"Okay you guys look at all this good food what do you guys think I should eat it's so much!!!" I said while turning my camera to the food.

Majority of the counts said eat healthy so I got some fruit and the some mini chicken wrap along with some chicken wings like of course I'm going to get some chicken like duh...

Then I look back at the comments and started laughing because the coments are saying 'Put the chicken down!!!' Mai said and I pinned her comment what it was funny😂😂

"Okay guys I'm gonna eat the damn chicken if I want too!!! Mai!" I said while laughing I turn my camera back towards me.

"Okay I want to eat something so I'm going off live love you guys bye." I said while ending my live stream.

And I sigh "See that's why I never go live on Instagram anymore." I said

"I wish I was in your place." Ino said

"Why modeling is not really that fun." I said

"What?! How is that not fun." Ino said

"Because they dress us up like where dolls and then sometimes you have to go nude like as in have no clothes on at all its embarrassing." I said

"You really have to go nude." Ino said

"Only when you have too it's annoying but I kinda of got use to it so." I said while eating my food

"Wha??? How do you get use to being naked in front of so many people." Ino said

"I honestly don't know I knew the the photographer ever since I was little so I guess I was cool with it." I said

"It your photographer a dude?" Ino asked

"Ask Mio she modeled with me before." I said

"But that was so long ago we were really little!!!" Mio said while eating

"You modeled with Yuki and her family." Hinata said

"Yea but it was a while ago I bearly remember it." Mio said

"My real mom still has the pictures from what my dad told me." I said

"Mio met your real mom?" Tenten said

"Yea she has she's the one that put the both of us in the modeling bissines anyways."  I said

"Aw I know you probably miss your mom." Karin said

"I do a lot I never really considered aiko as a mom because she's always been so mean so yea I never really had a mother figure haha...." I laughed awkwardly

"Well enough of that sentimental shit let's watch a movie then head to be it's almost one in the morning." Haru said

I turn on my phone and it shows that it's 12:59

"Haru it is 1 o'clock dumb ass." I said

"Shut up hun and help me choose a movie." I said

Then we all layed down and watched the movie but me ha I fell asleep once the movie started😂😂

A/n : that's it for this chapter next chapter sasuke's going to be doing some snoping around 😂😂

