Ch.Thirty-Four: Lesson Learned

Yuki's pov

"Everyone has to be apart of this." Naruto said

"Alright what do we have to do." I said then everyone gathers around

(Time skip because I'm lazy😂😂)

Sasuke finally comes down stairs and everyone looks upset let's get this started usually right about now he'll come and wrap his arms around my waist and kiss me

"Why eveybody look so upset." Sasuke said while coming up to me wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my cheek

"...." Nobody said anything

"Babe what's wrong." Sasuke said

I pull out of his grip and turn to him "I'm not on birth control sasuke...." I said and he freezes up.

"Can we talk about this in private?" Sasuke asked

"What are you talking about?" Kei said

"Sasuke I could be pregnant." I said ignoring Kei

"W-what.... Wait are you serious?!" Sasuke said

"Yea I'm serious Sasuke I could be carrying your child right now." I said with a straight face.

"This isn't a good time For this." Sasuke said.

"I know we are still in school." I said

"Besides that I didn't even get right with my mother yet.... Damnit are you sure...can we see if you are." Sasuke said

"We're going to have to wait a couple of weeks but you should've pulled out." I said

"Damn Sasuke you might be a dad your mom is going to be even more upset with you." Naruto said

"Hey...." Sasuke said

"You didn't even graduate yet." Shikamaru said

"Mother is going to be upset with you." Itachi said

"B-brother?!" Sasuke said

"I'm disappointed in you." Itachi said while walking out the room he just walked around the corner don't worry

"Wait wait what the fuck she isn't even pregnant we don't even know if there's a baby in there yet." Sasuke said

"We've had sex twice Sasuke... You could never know." I said then sasuke's eyes started widdening

"Now you have to worry about more stuff other than the exams Sasuke." Mio said and I just bursted out laughing then I could hear Itachi laughing from the corner.

"W-why are you laughing this is bad I'm not ready for this even though you migh-" Sasuke said but I cut him off.

"Babe calm down I'm on birth control." I said while putting both my hands on both his cheeks.

"Then how-" Sasuke said but Naruto cut him off.

"You just got PRANKED." Everyone in the kitchen said

"So y'all think this is a joke." Sasuke said and I started backing away from him hiding behind Naruto.

"Y'all thought it was fine to just prank me about something this serious." Sasuke said

"It was Naruto's idea." I said

"Naruto!!!" Sasuke yelled

Then Itachi came out of the corner

"Calm down Sasuke." Itachi said

"I thought you were overseas." Sasuke said

"I was I came back yesterday." Itachi said

"Did you visit mother." Sasuke said

"Yea she is still upset with you Sasuke." Itachi said

"I had a feeling." Sasuke said

"So why didn't you introduce me to your new girlfriend little brother." Itachi said while looking over at Yuki

"Well let me think of a reason oh I got a one YOU WERE FUCKING OVER SEAS!!!" Sasuke yelled

"Well I'm waiting for an introduction." Itachi said and Sasuke sighs and grabs Yuki's hand pulling her over to Itachi

"This pretty girl here is my girlfriend her name is Yukikio abe." Sasuke said

Then Itachi walkes up to Yuki "Nice to meet you ma'am I am Sasuke's older brother I'm sure you've herd a lot about me from Sasuke." Itachi said

"Umm no... He hasn't mentioned that he had a brother to me." I said

"Oh really." Itachi said while sounding a little annoyed.

"Well now she knows you exist?" Sasuke said

"Sasuke has she bumped into any of your ex's. " Itachi said

"If your talking about the pink headed whore then unfortunately yes... " I said

"Ooh how did that go." Itachi said

"Well haruhoe doesn't know about us yet." Sasuke said

"Haruhoe? Is that a new name for the whore." Itachi said

"Yea I came up with it doesn't it fit her perfectly." I said and everyone agree's

"Yes it fits her just fine." Itachi said while laughing and Yuki joins in but Sasuke cuts us off.

"Well brother what brought you back." Sasuke said

"Umm we are on break so I just decided to spend my time here with you." Itachi said

"Why couldn't you wait till my graduation to actually come back." Sasuke said

"Because I'm going to be down here for a while so you can say that technically I am here for your graduation." Itachi said

"Oh great." Sasuke said

"Well why are you guys up here instead of in school." Itachi said

"Well Syink is renovating our dorms so she let us stay in one of her houses for the time being.....which is supposed to be a field trip but all we been doing is getting drunk and partying." I said and Itachi grins

"I like this chick and wait what... We are in the Syink's house like For real For real this is her place." Itachi said

"Yea the real deal it's her house I know amazing right." Naruto said

"I love Syink so much her music is the best ever." Itachi said

"What's your favorite song by Syink." I said and Itachi's eyes started beaming

"You must like her to my favorite so by her is night fall ugh that song is the best!!!" Itachi said night fall is my new single that I released I honestly thought that it was a rushed song but hey I'm glad people love it

I start smiling "I'm glad." I said and Sasuke bursted out laughing.

"Why are you laughing brother." Itachi said

"Should I tell him neji tenten and temari went shopping so it's just everyone who knows already." Sasuke said

"Tell him only if he can keep a secret." I said

"Yea he's good with that." Sasuke said

"What's going on." Itachi said

"Well it's kind of nice of you to say that to Her." Sasuke said


"I really love that you liked my new single night fall Itachi I honestly thought it was rushed but I'm glad people enjoyed it like you did." I said while smiling

"You guys are not pranking me today nope don't even try it if she is syink prove it." Itachi said

"Wow your the first person to actually tell me to prove who I am okay come with me." I said while bringing him up to my room

"You can't prank me I'm smarter than you-" Itachi said but I cut him off

While Itachi was talking I went up to my dresser and grabbed my voice changer and put it up to my mouth with my back towards him

"I'm really glad you liked my new single Itachi it means alot." I said while turning around to face him seeing that he is literally speechless

I put my voice changer down and look at Itachi "my brother is the most luckiest person On earth to be dating you." Itachi said and I smile

"Oh thanks but Itachi you know you have to keep this secret no matter what I'm trusting you with the most important thing ever so please tell no one about who I am okay." I said and he nods

"Can I please have your autograph please." Itachi said while giving me his note book and I get a sharpie and sign it "oh my god thank you so much!!!" Itachi said and I smile

"I'm glad to see my fans smile like that it really makes me happy." I said "hey Itachi would you mind coming here for a party your not that much older than us so you can party with us so before we head back and stick our noses back in the books I want you to party with me." I said and he smiles

"Will you be dressed like syink." Itachi said

"If it makes you happy then yea sure." I said

"Ahhh then of course I'll be there!" Itachi said

(Okay now time skip to the last day of the field trip)

"Aw man I can't believe it's already time to leave." Mio said

"Ugh I now but soon you guys are going to be graduating so at least be happy about that girl." Haru said

"We are throwing a party here so don't pack up yet just let's get ready for the party we have a lot of people coming." I said

"Ooh really." Hinata said

"Don't be shy I'll be there but as syink for a little bit then I'll change back into me." I said while smiling

"Why won't you just go as yourself." Ino said

"because my fans want to see syink." I said

"Don't you ever get tired of that dressing up as someone else." Karin said

"Some times but it's fun trust me I love doing it so it's fine." I said

"Well I'm going to get ready so I'll be back it's already almost time anyways." I said while getting syink a outfit

"I'm going to use the bathroom so don't just come in knock." I said and the girls just nodded

(A couple of minutes later)

I come out the bathroom looking like this and wearing this ⬇

I go and get my voice changer and puts it into my mask

"I've never seen syink like that where you get those clothes." Ino said

"Well long story I've had this for a while just never put it on you guys ready to go mess with the guys." I said

"Yea come on." Mio said

After we travel to Naruto's room ⬇

(He loved it when he first saw it lol)

I walk in with my syink stuff on

"You guys ready." I said with my voice changer

"Woah I feel under dressed." Naruto said

"Oh stop it." I said

Then Sasuke comes up to me and wraps his arms around my waist

"Of course but you sure are going to be the center of attention in the dark." Sasuke said while laughing.

"It's only for half of the party then I'm going back to my original self." I said

"Well the guest are arriving so let's get this party started." I said

A/n: this was a nice one hope you enjoyed


