Ch.Thirty-six: The Last Party

Yuki's pov

Today is our last day of vacation from school so we decided to throw a huge party right now the guest are coming in so were about to PARTY!!!

"Babe you look stuning." Sasuke said while putting his hands around my waist

"Sasuke you can't be doing this while I'm dressed as syink people will start spreading rumors." I said and Sasuke chuckles

"Well can I at least have a kiss from my girlfriend." Sasuke said

And I start blushing "yea sure but make it quick I don't want people to see." I said while pulling my mask down and Sasuke kissed me then it pulled my mask back up

"Your honestly the coolest girl I've ever met you know." Sasuke said

"Well duh I'm a Dj." I said

"Besides that." Sasuke said then I started blushing thank god for this mask

My auntie Funmi walked over to me and started smiling

"Look at you girl you look amazing." Fumi said while hugging me

"And you look Fabulous." I said while winking at her

"Oh hush you Look Marvelous." Fumi said

"I hate it when you do that😢" I said while pouting

"But it's true your glowing...Literally." Fumi said and I started laughing

"I'm not staying like this for the whole party I might just change now I'm not use to being like this when I'm in My own house." I said while sighing

"Oh you were the one that bought this I thought your brother did." Fumi said

"Did he tell you that he bought this house." I said

"Yep he said it was his." Fumi said

"Well he's lying it's ours we both bought it with MY money." I said and Fumi started laughing

"Your mom would love to see this she would love to just sit here and watch you guys." Fumi said

"Oh! I've been meaning to ask you how is she?! Its been on my mind for a while." I said

"But you asked me on the way here though." Fumi said

"But things change I want to know!!" I said and auntie Fumi sighs

"She's fine syink she's as healthy as a horse nothing is wrong with your mother and she is living a happy life." Fumi said

"Good I don't want mom to be miserable." I said

"I told her what you told me." Fumi said

"What about my Graduation." I said

"No... About Aiko." Fumi said

"Sasuke come here bro it's important!" Kiba said while looking worried and sasuke walks over to them while I continued talking to my auntie

"Oh that thing...." I said

"Yea." Fumi said

"So how'd she act." I said

"Well she was very angry  about it."

"Of course she would from what I still remember she doesn't play about her babies." I said

"Yep that hasn't changed at all." Fumi said while checking her phone

"Oh I'm sorry syink but my wife just told me that our daughter caught a cold." Fumi said

"Oh it's fine I hope she feels better." I said while waving goodbye to Fumi and she waves back while leaving out of sight then I walk over to sasuke and hear something about November which started to catch me interest so I Sayed my distance and just listened

Sasuke's pov

"Why do you guys keep trying to keep me away from my girlfriend." I said

"Sasuke this is important man." Shikamaru said

"What's gotten into you guys you all look scared." I said

"Once you hear what we have to say you'll be the same way dude!" Kiba said

"Just tell me what the hell is going on." I said

"Bro no nut November is starting tomorrow we just herd some dudes say it and I checked my calendar and it's the 31 of October oi...Sasuke we gotta get prepared." Naruto said

"What's this no nut November you speak of." Yuki said while walking up and I freeze then slightly turn the the other dudes and shake my head no to not tell her what it is

"If you dont tell me I'll easily figure it out only thing I have to do is use Google." Yuki said and I stopped her

"Babe you don't want to know what that is its so boring." I said

"But you look worried or scared even." Yuki said

"Babe." I said

" Sasuke uchiha if you don't tell me what it is I cut you off." Yuki said

"Okay okay fine! It's just a month where we can't have sex nor jerk off we can't nut but you not going to let me go through with the no nut November thing right..... Right?!" I said

"Hmm idk it'll give me a break from you." Yuki said

"But we've only done it twice come on babe." I begged I really don't want her to cut me off I just want to make love to her when ever I want but this month is just going to get in my way!!!!

"I'm making you do it." Yuki said

Yuki's pov

I have my reasons on why I'm making Sasuke go through with this I know he doesn't like it but it's going to make him learn to not rely on sex to Our problems

"Well could you at least do it with me.... One more time please." Sasuke said

"Ugh fine fine come on." I said while grabbing his hand and started dragging Sasuke up stairs to my room

On my way up there I see naruto begging Mio and I wave at them then keep walking towards my room

"Thanks." Sasuke said while kissing my neck and I smile while leaning into his touch

[I don't feel like writing sex scenes I got lazy😂]

After an hour of love making we were done

"Are you going down as my girlfriend now." Sasuke said while getting dressed

"Yea syink has now left the party." I said

While getting dressed into this ⬇

(a black dress)

then I was my hair to make sure the pink was out of my hair then I put my hair down fixing it a little "done." I said

"You look more beautiful like this." Sasuke said while kissing my neck

"Thanks babe." I said while Sasuke kissed my cheek

"Okay come on let's go back down to the party." Sasuke said wrapping his arm around my waist walking me down into the party

"Hey Yuki finially I was waiting for you to dress back." Mio said

"I was too I feel more comfortable." I said while laughing

"Look at you two." Haru said

"Yea.... Um Haru are you leaving after this..." I said

"I'm afraid so hun I have to get back to work soon." Haru said

"Oh well I'm glad you came to see me." I said while looking a little upset

"Don't worry I'll be at your graduation." Haru said while patting yuki's head

"Thanks now I actually have something to look forward too." I said while smiling

"Right I'm going to go enjoy the food so I'll talk to you guys later ok." Haru said and Sasuke nodded while I smiled and he walks away

"Babe I want a kiss now that your actually dressed as my girlfriend." Sasuke said while putting his arm around my torso

"You know what fine." I said while turning around to face him then I kiss him "There so stop asking for kisses its embarrassing." Yuki said while putting my face on sasuke's chest

"But I love embarrassing you it's so adorable." Sasuke said while looking at me

"So I'm guessing once we leave here were going to have to fucking deal with haruhoe." I said

"I actually just forgot about her until you said something." Sasuke said

"Wait hold on since were going back don't you think she's going to try and start shit with me again." I said

"Well if that happens the  I'll get her to quit because we're young adults we need to act like it she's needs to get over me because I'm not going with her." Sasuke said

"Yea because your with me." I said

"Yep you and you only." Sasuke said

"You better keep it that way too I'm not playing." I said while looking up at him smiling

After a few hours later the party was winding down with everyone leaving then everyone started saying their goodbyes because we were getting ready go and headed back to the school now because the dorms are ready I can't wait to see how it turned out.

A/n: sorry for the wait you guys here's the chapter