Yuki's pov
We arrived back to the school everyone was moaning and groaning about being back not even noticing the changed neighborhood in front of them
"Um guys...look" I said while pointing at the dorms in front of us and their eyes widened taking the sight in
(a bunch of updated two story houses looked better than before)
"Wha- how much did this cost you?"
"A lot of money but it's not a problem enjoy this while you can guys." I said while grabbing my Bags and started to walk inside the house then I seen the living room
I sat down on the couch "this is really comfortable." I said then I got up and Charles and Amy came from upstairs and I look at them and smile
"We are here to help Ms. Abe." They said and I got up and went over to both of them and hug them
"Aiko really let you guys come." I said
"Well we didn't really ask your step mom." Charles said
"Oooh so you asked my dad." I said and they nodded
"I see no wonder why you two are here right now." I said smiling "I'm glad that you guys could fulfill my wishes." I said
"No problem yuki." Amy said then she came up to me and hugged me "oh yea you have to come see your room I decorated it while thinking of you." Amy said while dragging me up the stairs.... Litterly then she dragged me into this huge room
"Is this suppose to be my room or..." I said and Amy clapped her hands together
"It's your's and sasuke's." Amy said
"Ehhhhh?!" I yelled
"Aren't you two together?" Amy said
"Well yea but....we aren't to that point in our relationship yet and who the fuck told you?" I said
"Your big brother..." Amy sais
"Rinji....I told him not to tell anyone that bastard!!!" I yelled
"I'm sorry I got carried away but I did give everyone in this place their own rooms personally so if you don't want him to sleep with you then he can go to his own room to sleep." Amy said
"Thanks a lot and is Charles doing what I asked him to?" I asked
"The promise he made with you?" Amy said
"No... No about releasing my album for me." I said
"Oh yea he's doing it right now so don't worry." Amy said
"Oh thank god I don't want it to be late" I said
"How was the trip was it fun?" Amy asked
"Oh it was perfect we had a blast and I didn't forget dad's wine it's in my bag it's the finest Wine he'll ever have in his entire life." I said while smiling
"How was your auntie did she tell you anything about... You know....?" Amy said
"Oh that... Yea she talked to me and rinji about her she said she was doing well but.... We didn't see any pictures of her or anything... She said we weren't allowed to because of Aiko." I said then Amy sat on the bed
"I'm suprised you never asked me about your mom." Amy said
"What do you mean I thought you didn't know my mother I thought you only knew aiko." I asked
"Like I tried telling you guys me and Charles have been working for your family for years I use to take care of you since you were in diapers Emiko and I got along very well never had a disagreement if anything she was like my older sister." Amy said
"I couldn't remember that far back." I said and Amy started to giggle and then Amy pulled out a photo
(a picture of her as a baby and her mom is holding her in her arms)
Then Amy gave it to me then I started to tear up
"Your dad told me to give that picture to you once you figured out that aiko wasn't your real mom and wanted to learn more about your real mom in the picture haha I guess I'm too late." Amy said
"No, no your fine it's perfect... Perfect timing... Really" I said while putting the picture to my chest and then Amy just smiled at me
"You must really miss her." Amy said while coming up to me hugging me
Then I hug her back crying Into her chest
"I really do we all miss her... As you know... I've never really liked Aiko... Never." I said
"I know it's kind of obvious by the way you two always argue." Amy said
"Okay... Enough about me and my fucked up family situation... How did your trip go to hawii~" I said
"It was great I'm so glad you gave us the opportunity to have that break." Amy said and I look down at her hand
No ring really? I thought he would've proposed already?
"Soo... Where's the ring..." I said and Amy looked down
"He never brought it up..." Amy said
"I'm pretty sure Charles is just waiting for the perfect moment to ask you Amy don't look so down because you never know he could just come down and surprise you." I said
"Yea your right your so right." Amy said
"Yea don't lose hope." I said
"Okay let me show you the rest of the room that you didn't even realize was here." Amy said while walking up to my closet then she opened the door ⬇
(big walk in closet)
"What in the hell." I said
"Yep your very own walk in closet." Amy said
"Why the hell is it so big?!" I yelled
"I wanted your closet to be bigger than aiko's." Amy said
"This is huge you know my graduation is coming up like right after the exams were having graduation." I said
"...oh my I thought you were going to be here for a while" Amy said
"It's fine it's fine but let's get back with the other's." I said while walking back to the living room
"Welcome back yuki." Charles said and I storm over to him and grab his collar and pull him into a room
"Why didn't you do it." I said
"Do what?" Charles said
"Why didn't you propose." I said
"Well I wanted to do it in front of you guys." Charles said
"In front of us or in front of my family." I said
"Just you to be exact." Charles said
"Do you have the ring on you." I said
"Yes I do I was just waiting on the perfect moment to do it." Charles said
"Well she's honestly waiting on you man remember what I told you before I left....she wants to be yours for eternity so don't even think that she doesn't want to be with you for a mo-" Yuki was saying but got cut off by someone knocking
Yuki opens the door "This is my room right?" Naruto said
"Umm..." I look back behind me at his room it's mostly orange
"Yea this is your room." I said
"Well can I come in." Naruto said
"No...im using it." I said
"Wha-" Naruto said while I shut the door in his face
"Back to what I saying Charles don't think that Amy doesn't want to be with you for a moment because she is madly in love with you." I said
"Okay how about I propose to Amy tonight in the back yard." Charles said
"I haven't seen the back yard yet." I said
"It's honestly beautiful." Charles said
"Okay I want you to be there but It has to be at night in the mean time you should take a look at the back yard and I guess make perperations if you want." Charles said while leaving the room then Naruto comes in and puts his suit case on his bed
"Why are adults so complicated." I moan
"I don't know Yuki." Naruto said and I look over to him and I decide to throw a pillow at him
"Your no help!!" I said
"Hahaha" Naruto started laughing
"Stop laughing it's not funny!!" I said while throwing pillows at him
"Hey hey calm down yuki." Mio said while walking into her man's room
Then I stopped
"Where's sasuke." I said
"He just went to go look around the house he's probably in the backyard right now." Mio said
"Oh okay thanks im going to leave you two alone now." I said while running out the room then I stopped my self and then I turned back to Naruto's room grabbing both of their arms dragging them to the garden with me
(In the garden)
"Why did you have to drag is here" Mai said
"Babe come here." Sasuke said
"No you come here I have something to tell you all" I said
"What is it." Sasuke said while walking up to me
"Mai you remember Charles and Amy right?" I asked
"Yea what's going on" Mio said
"Charles is going to propose." I said
"Oh my god really?! " Mio yelled
"Yep and he's doing it here in this back yard." I said
"But it's plain." Mio said
"I know that's why we all have to get it ready before night time because that's when it's happening." I said
"Why didn't you tell us sooner." Mio said
"Because he just told me not to long ago now let's get to work Sasuke me and you are going to run to the store to get the stuff you guys make sure no one comes back here." I said and Mio and Naruto nods
"Are we taking your car babe." Sasuke said
"No my car is at my house we have to take your car." I said and he nods walking up to his car opening the door for me and I get in then he drives off
(After getting everything we needed we headed back)
"Got the shit now let's decorate!" I said while throwing the shit down on the floor
"I guess me and Naruto will try and make the arch and you and Sasuke will make the candle path down the stairs." Mio said and we nodded
(After hustling our asses off we eventually got it done before it was actually dark outside)
(it was a lantern lit path way)
(The stairs)
(had a bunch of candles with cream curtians with a lit up path ways)
(The arch)
"Look at this arch it looks pretty fucking good." I said
"Well you can thank me." Mio said
"Naruto you didn't help?" I said
"I helped put the arch up but she didn't let me help with the rest she kept saying I was doing everything wrong." Naruto said
"Mio... Really dude...." I said
"Well it was true he was messing everything up literally we had to put this arch up twice." Mio said and Sasuke started laughing
"Good job dobe." Sasuke said
"Well I'm going to get dressed." I said
"I'll go do the same." Mio said while walking away with me
Sasuke's pov
I sigh and Naruto looks at me "what's wrong dattebayo." Naruto said
"Nothing Usuratonkachi." Sasuke said
"It's kind of hard to belive when you sigh like that dattebayo." Naruto said
"Well I was just talking to my mom and she said she wanted to meet Yuki and she wanted to see me." I said
"You better hope she doesn't throw n
Anything at you this time." Naruto said
"Yea hopefully..." I said
(Night time)
Yuki's pov
Once I finished getting dressed I heard someone knocking on my door
"Yuki is okay to come in." Charles said
"Yea it's okay." I said
Then he entered "you look nice oh you Kept your hair in a pony tail..."I said
"What's wrong with my pony tail." Charles said
"Nothing I just thought you could've put it down this time since it's an important day for you." I said
"Oh yea you know what your right." Charles said and I walk up to him
"Okay sit down and let me fix your hair." I said and he obeys an I put most of his long hair to the right side and tucks the rest behind his ear
"Bam... You look better than you did before." I said while smiling
"Alright let's go." He said
"Wait you go get Amy and I will meet you there." He said
"Stand under the arch charles." I said to him before he left
I walk down to the living room where everyone is located and I look at Amy and smile
"It seems you got my message." I said while smiling
"Yes I did indeed what's the special occasion" Amy said
"I can't tell you that until we actually get there." I said and she giggles while linking her arm with mine
"A surprise huh this is going to be good." Amy said while I started to lead her towards the back yard
I walk her down the candle lit walk way and her eyes started to widden
"Charles?" Amy said and Charles smiled offering his hand to Amy and she smiles unlinking her arm from mine and I run over to Sasuke and he puts his arms around my stomach
"You look Geogous babe." Sasuke said
"I know I do it took me a while." I said and I started giggle then I started to look back towards the two love birds then Mio came over to us with Naruto Tagging along behind her
"Amy You look Geogous as always." Charles said while kissing the back of her hand and Amy started blushing
"Amy I honestly know you were waiting for this for a long time we've been together for over 5 years and I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much that every time I look at you my heat can't do anything but beat faster than you can imagine I've already wasted enough time on thinking of how you would accept what I'm about to do but" Charles said while pulling a ring out of his pocket and he gets down on one knee
"Amy Yamamoto would you please marry me." Charles said
"Yes, yes yes I would." Amy said and Charles puts the ring on her finger and we all started clapping
"When's the wedding?" Mio said while hugging them both
"Ooh were going to wait a while until the wedding but where ever you will be we will send you an invitation." Amy said while smiling
"Look at you. You got your wish I told you he would do it i'm so happy for you. Now you guys can be happy with eachother." I said and Charles phone started ringing
"Give me your phone I'll answer it." I said
(Phone call)
"Hello" I said
"Yuki is this you." Daisuke said
"Dad?" I said
"Where is Charles" Dad said
"Celebrating why do you need him" I said
"Celebrating what?" Dad said
"Him and Amy just got engaged!!" I said
"Oh no no no no this isn't good" Dad said
"Why isn't this good" I said
"Because aiko was trying to seperate them she told them not to marry or they will be fired" Dad said
"Why do you need them" I said
"Because your stepmom wants them both here right now" Dad said
"But I want them here with me their like family to me and at that she's trying to break them apart" I said
"I know baby girl but aiko wants them here because she know's your keeping things from her so she isn't going to let you have your way" Dad said
"Then put your foot down!" I said
"I tried but she doesn't listen" Dad said
"Fine then I'll come over my damn self" I said
"No then your going to activate your power" Dad said
"I don't care I'm tired of aiko she's really starting to piss me off!" I said
A/n: well Yuki is now tired of aiko its time to beat some asss😂😂