Ch.Thirty-Eight: No! I'm Done!

Yuki's pov

"I don't care I'm tired of aiko she's really starting to fucking piss me off. She has done to much to this family. And I'm tired of it she broke all of us apart. She separated you from mom and even sometimes she would fucking locked me up away from everyone. I can't deal with her shit anymore! " I said

"Sweat heart listen to me!" Dad said

"No I'm done!" I said

"I'm going to tell you anyways Missy don't come! I'm just trying to protect you...." Dad said

"From what Aiko...pft haha" I said while starting to laugh

"Yes from Aiko she's crazy sweetie! you don't know what she is capable of!" Dad said

"But I don't need to know dad I want you to get back with mom!" I yelled

"I can't! I just can't!" Dad said

"Why not don't tell me that you actually have feelings for that son of bitch you call your wife!" I said

"No! It isn't that it's just!" Dad said

"Fuck this dad I'm coming over." I said

"...Yuki listen to me!" Dad yelled and I hung up. And I toss Charles his phone

"Naruto I need you to drive me back to my house. Once I yell your name you better be ready" I said while walking away quickly

"Ook..." Naruto said

"Babe what's going on?" Sasuke asked while immediately getting up trying to keep up with my pace

"Nothing just stay here. I want you to obey me just for today." I said while kissing him on the lips. Then I left to go straight upstairs to my room.

"Hey Yuki I need to ask you something?" Naruto asked while walking up to me

"Ask away" I said while walking into my big closet. Naruto following me inside.

"What's wrong you look pissed." Naruto said leaning on the door way

"Mind if I change in front of you." I asked

"Nope I just want to know what's wrong with you." Naruto said

"I'm just done Naruto I'm done with that bitch Aiko ruining my life, my family just everything I'm over it." I said while Slipping out of my dress.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked while secretly taking glances at me

"You know Charles and Amy the couple that just got engaged." I said

"Yea what about them?" Naruto said

"Aiko is fucking planing on firing them. Just because they are happy and got engaged. And I'm not gonna let that shit happen not again no no no not on my fucking watch she isn't!!!" I yelled while putting on a new outfit.

"So Aiko is trying to fire your butter and maid?" Naruto asked

"Yep she is." I said while putting my hair in a high pony tail.

"Alright that means we have to save them from getting fired right?" Naruto said

"Yeah...pretty much." I said

"Alright so You ready?" Naruto said

"Hell yeah let's go do this" I said and we walk out of my room but Sasuke pulls me into his arms.

"Your not leaving with out me. And why the hell do you look so fucking sexy?" Sasuke said

"I wasn't going for the sexy type. I was trying to go for badass but it's whatever. And I honestly don't care if you come at this point I'm just done with this bitch. She's ruining everything." I said

"What?" Sasuke said

"I'll explain once We get back to her house." Naruto said while walking up to his car I got into the back and Sasuke got in the back with me then Mai came running towards the car.

"No the fuck yal wasn't going to leave without me that's just wrong." Mio said

"Then get your ass in the fucking car and stop complaining!!" I yelled and then she got in and naruto zoomed off.

I was in the back Balling my fist up then Sasuke made me turn towards him and he kissed me trying to make me forget about my problems.

"What ever you are going through just don't get hurt doing it ok." Sasuke said and I looked towards him.

"Okay I wont I promise." I said and he smile then Naruto pulled up into my drive way and I got out storming towards the door.

"Fuck this door it's in my way!!!" I kicked the door straight opened. And once I seen Aiko I started to rage. Dad was talking to her trying to make her reconsider her decision. And my part of the eye turned red and my dad looked at me suprised because the other three turns red too.

"So you think it's okay to take the only two people that has actually been their for me. The only two people that has physically took care of me. And fire them THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?! You have no heart honey your fucking cruel!" I yelled and I just started realizing that I was crying. And Mai and Rinji came down stairs with two full red eyes.

"They are getting engaged. I told them specifically not to do that and they disobeyed me so they are now cut off from our family." Aiko said

"Our family.... Our family... You have no family. THIS ISN'T YOUR FAMILY! We've never been a family!" I go up to our family's picture display case and I take every picture with Aiko in it and smashes them on the ground. "These pictures are FUCKING WORTHLESS! They don't mean SHIT AT ALL! You've destroyed our family so much. You've seperated us from our mother. OUR FUCKING BIOLOGICAL MOTHER just because you were fucking lonely!!" I yelled

"W-what are you talking about I'm not lonely I have your father." Aiko said

"No the fuck you don't and You know who were fucking talking about." Rinji said

"Emiko Abe you know who that is don't you?" Mai asked

"Yea so...what's the point in knowing her your not going to meet her anyways she's long fucking gone... I hope she died in a ditch somewhere." Aiko said

"Say that again will you..." I said

"I hope you mother fucking died in a damn ditch somewhere!!!" Aiko said

"You need to be the one that's in the ditch dead... Want to know why? because your cruel. And I can't believe that you had the nerve to disclaim me in front of millions of people." I yelled

"Oh yea I did do that because your a disgrace to us you came to the party wearing who the fuck knows what and expected me to accept it!" Aiko yelled

"That's not why you did that is it that's not why!... You.... You wanted to embarrass me. You wanted to humiliate me in front of thousands no millions of people you wanted to bully a fucking 9 year old girl!!! I fucking hate you!!!! You fucking peice of shit!!! I went through non fucking stop straight depression because of you I've never ever felt happy when I was near you! I felt fear, Anger and sadness because I've never had a actual mother to be there for me when I needed her mos-" I said but my dad cut me off.

"I've had enough your not going to sit here and yell at my daughter and talk about my wife like that." My dad said while backing away from her completely and I balled up my fist.

"She isn't your wife anymore Daisuke I'M your wife You married Me!!!" Aiko said

"The reason why he married you because you threatened us. That's the only reason why my mom and dad are not together anymore just because you threatened us!!" I said while crying.

"Listen I told you guys that they broke up why do you keep saying that I broke them up!" Aiko yelled

"GODDAMIT SHUT UP I'VE HAD ENOUGH!! You broke them up we already know it's no use of hiding it now and trust and believe me Aiko were going to meet her one way or a fucking nother." I said

"H-how?" Aiko asked

"like I told my auntie you can never break a bond between a mom and her children because she will always find a way to reconnect with her children so I'm giving her a chance at my graduation and if you try and and interven I swear I will make your life a living hell!!!" I said while walking up to her almost slapping her but Naruto is holding my hand back.

"When did you get so damn strong?!" I said

"Don't worry about it come with me." Naruto said and he dragged me outside to these two adults one dude with blond hair and blue eyes like Naruto and then another man but with black hair and black eyes like sasuke's.

"Umm... Naruto.... Did you call the police on me?" I said

"Oh no that's not what we're here for were not arresting you." The man with blond hair said.

"We're arresting a lady named aiko" The dude with black hair said.

"Oh yea come with me you can take her away right now." I said while leading them inside the house once aiko seen them her eyes widened.

"Aiko Abe you are under arrest for identity theft." The men with black hair said

"Identity theft!? Why am I charged  for identity theft!" Aiko said

"I don't think you want your family to know who you really are-" The men with blond hair said.

"We're not her family!" All of us said

"O-okay." The blond said

"Well come with us right now Missy." The male with black hair said

"Oh hold on for A second officers." Dad said while pulling out a piece of paper.

"What's this?" The officer asked

"Oh she needs to sign this before you take her it's a divorce paper." Dad said

"Oh no I'm not signing that no!" Aiko said

"Umm yea you are once you sign this paper you will have nothing to do with us at all." I glared at her

"Oh yea and can I get a restraining order on her too." Dad said and me and my siblings started hugging and jumping up and down and when our dad looked away from us and the cops were not paying attention to us and Aiko looked up to us we all shot her a bird.

And mouthed the words "Fuck you" And she started screaming then they put her back in the car after she signed the divorce papers.

"We're free!!!!" I said then Amy and Charles pulled up looking worried they came up to me and hugged me tight.

"We were so worried about you why'd you run off like that!" Amy yelled

I touched my heart and started smiling "I'm sorry but I saved you guys and now you guys can stay with us forever and you guys can do what ever you want including getting married." I said

"What do you mean?" Amy said and I looked down and turned to them.

"Aiko was trying to fire you guys just for getting engaged and I ran over here to give her a piece of my mind she already ruined one marriage I didn't want her to ruin this one." I said

"Aww we love you for what you did but umm what where is she?" Amy said

"In the back of a cop car." I said and her eyes widened and she started to laugh.

Then Amy shot a middle finger at Aiko and Charles stopped Amy and then Amy showed Aiko the ring and stuck out her toung and then Charles put his hand over amy's mouth "Stop acting so childish darling." Charles said.

"I'm sorry but I just don't like her Charles." Amy said

"Sis were free!" Mai said

"Yes we are!" I said

"Now you can tell dad who you really are!" Rinji said

"Yea there's no reason for you to hide it now Aiko isn't with us anymore and she can't lock you away so just tell him." Kei said and we all jumped.

"Where'd you come from?! " Rinji said

"Yuki's boyfriend called me and told me what you were doing...Yuki stop being so fucking reckless!" Kei yelled and flicked my forehead.

"Oww!!!" I yelled

"That's what you get!" Kei yelled

"Now go tell the only two people who don't know who you really are." Naruto said

"Ugh fine I'm not that scared to tell dad but Mai's probably gonna scream." I said

"Wait why?" Rinji asked

"I'm guessing you never actually went inside of her room." I said while laughing "She has a whole bunch of posters of Syink on her wall😂" I said

"Ooh" Rinji and Kei said

"How come I never noticed that..." Rinji said and I started laughing and Sasuke came up to me.

"Come here someone wants to meet you." Sasuke said while grabbing my hands and pulling me over to the two police officers

"Hi there I'm guessing this is your girlfriend Sasuke." The man said

"Yea this is Yuki Abe and Yuki this is my dad." Sasuke said

"But you can call me Fugaku." Fugaku said

"Im so sorry we had to meet like this Fugaku." I said

"Oh it's fine I would've meet you sooner or later." Fugaku said

"Oh really?" I said a little confused

"You didn't tell her Sasuke." Fugaku said

"Well I tried but she got a phone call from her dad then we came here soon after." Sasuke said

"Well I'll tell her." Fugaku said

"No let me she's my girlfriend." Sasuke said

"Fine I just wanted to look good in front of the Abes..." Fugaku muttered and I started laughing.

"Babe." Sasuke said

"Yes hun?" I said and Sasuke puts his hands around my waist.

"Yesterday I got a call and my dad...Well family wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow." Sasuke said

"Oh that sounds nice." I said

"So will you go?" Sasuke asked

"Yea I have nothing to do tomorrow after school." I said

"Really?" Sasuke said

"Yes I've been dying to meet your mom why do you not want me to?" I said asked

"No no no I just didn't think you were into that stuff." Sasuke said

"Well if we're going to be together I want your family to like me I already met Itachi and Fugaku now I just have to meet your mom she's important to meet you know she's the one that made you." I said while smiling

"And I still have to meet your mom too." Sasuke said

"I know we should just have one big ass family party once we leave this place." I said

"Wow thinking that far out" Sasuke said while laughing.

"Of course I am-" I said

"Come on sis let's go." Kei said

"Wh-what but I'm talking to Sasuke." I pouted while Kei was pulling Me through the door.

And into the kitchen

"Sis come here I want you to help me." Mai said

"Hold on I have to speak to you and dad where is he." I said

"I'm here" Dad said

"Well you won't believe what I've been doing for the past few years." I said while laughing a little

"What sis?" Mai said

"Well you know about that DJ right?" I said

"Oh your talking about Syink oh my god she is literally amazing." Mai said

"What about her?" Dad said

"Well...I'm her." I said

"I don't beilve you..." Mai said

"I am Syink Kei and Rinji knew too" I said

"Prove it." Mai said

"Okay text her Instagram account." I said while getting my phone out turning on my notifications.

"Okay?" Mai said while getting her phone out texting Syinks Instagram account then my phone notification went off for Instagram then I show her the message she just sent me.

"Do you believe me now?" I said


A/n: hope you enjoyed this one

