Yuki's pov
"Do you believe me now?" I said while showing her the text she just sent then she faints
"Mai... Oh my god!" Rinji yelled while catching her
I look towards my dad
"Papa?" I said and his eyes widened
"Oh no no no I'm not upset about you being the DJ I'm just suprised that your doing something you love." Dad said and I smile
"You haven't called me papa in years." Dad said
"Now that I think about it your right I guess you haven't really been upset or mad at me lately." I said
"How could I be mad at my Angel." Dad said while ruffling my hair
"Dad!" I said while giggling
"Rinji has told me something that I'm somewhat happy about dealing with you." Dad said
"Oh no what did he tell you." I said
"He told me that you have a boyfriend." Dad said while clenching his shirt where his heart is
"Papa..... I know your upset I can feel it and see it on your face." I said
"I just want to meet him." Dad said
"If I bring him to you.....you have to promise me that you won't kill him or me." I said while holding my pinky out to him
He looks at my finger for a while and hesitates then he finally wraps his pinky around mine "I promise I won't kill him." Dad said
"Okay go into the living room and I'll go and get him." I said and dad walks over to the living room
"This is going to be interesting." I said whlie walking towards sasuke
"Babe." I said and he turns towards me and smiles
"Hey you ready to go now?" Sasuke asked
"Actually... Hehe....My dad....He wants to you know.....Meet you." I said and his smiles turns into a frown
"Why does he wants to meet me?" Sasuke said
"My big brother told him that I had a boyfriend so I had to come clean." I said
"I wasn't really ready to meet your dad yet." Sasuke said
"I just met your dad a couple hours ago so now you can meet my dad he promised me that he wouldn't kill you." I said
"Wow that makes me feel so much better." Sasuke said sarcastically
"Don't be like that come on babe he really wants to meet you." I said
Sasuke sighs "fine but you owe me lots of kisses in the car." Sasuke said
"Okay I promise I'll kiss you a lot in the car okay now come on." I said while taking sasuke's hand and leading him back into the living room
I take Sasuke over to my dad on the couch
"Papa this is my boyfriend Sasuke, Sasuke this is my dad." I said
"Hello nice to meet you Sasuke." My dad said while getting up firmly shaking sasuke's hand
"N-nice to meet you t-too." Sasuke said
"Have you been treating her well." My dad said
"I couldn't treat her bad if I wanted to she deserves the best out of me." Sasuke said and he smiles
"That's a good answer Sasuke you have me permission to date my daughter but if you ever-" My dad said
"Hahaha that's enough dad." I said while cutting him off
"Well we should get going back it's kind of late." Sasuke said
"Dad tell Mai to visit me tomorrow." I said
"Okay I'll make sure I do so." Dad said while waving to us goodbye
We walk up to Naruto and I look towards the blonde officer
"Who's this?" I said
"Oh this is my dad he's the hokage." Naruto said
"THE HOKAGE?!" I yelled "OH MY....CAN I HUG YOU." I said Minato smiles
"S-sure." Minato said and I hug him
"I am so sorry for bringing you into our family drama." I said
"Oh it's no problem we've been searching for her for years and we finally found her because of you guys." Minato said
"Oh that's good how's your wife doing I herd you guys were expecting another baby." I said and Minato smiles
"Yea we are it's going to be a girl this time." Minato said
"Thats good." I said
"My wife is a huge fan of your familys modeling agency and so am I it's an honor meeting the Abe's." Minato said
"Oh wow....I'm honestly speechless and flattered. I can't believe the hokage and his wife are fans of my families modeling agency." I said while smiling
"Yes we make sure to keep up with you guys my wife wants to really meet your mother even though we haven't really seen her in the magazine's anymore." Minato said and then Naruto comes over to his dad
"Umm dad we have to get going back to the dorm haha we have exams coming up and all." Naruto said
"Oh your right sorry for keeping you yukikio good luck on your exams." Minato said while going over to Fugaku and getting inside his police car driving away
"I'm sorry yuki I know your mother is a hard subject to talk about." Naruto said
"Yea but it makes me happy knowing people are worried about her." I said while smiling at him and he blushes and looks away
"L-lets go to t-the car." Naruto said while walking away from me
{Back at the dorm}
"Finally were back!!" Mio said while going in the kitchen getting bottle of orange juice
I follow her and gets me a pink lemonade out of the fridge
"So now that aiko is now officially out of your life what are you going to do now." Mio said
"I honestly don't know well I'm pretty positive I'm officially going to college for four years and then I guess I don't know what to do after that." I said
"I think I'm only going for two years with Naruto we were already talking about meeting up after we finished college." Mio said
"Oh that's good." I said
"What about you and Sasuke what are you going to do since your going to college?" Mio said
"Well we never really talked about it." I said
"You might want to do that before you actually leave for college yuki. Just so you know how things are going to be between you two after you leave." Mio said
"Hmm your right I'll do it tomorrow." I said while leaving the kitchen going up to my room
we take exams tomorrow so I got to think quick on what to say to him
(The next day at school)
"Everyone take your seats" Mr. Hatake said then everyone starts to get to their seats "Today we will be taking the science portion of the exam first. So everyone take a pencil out while I pass out your exams." Mr.Hatake said while Passing out the exams
Well let's get this over with yuki
{After the exams}
"Everyone pencils down and pass your exams forward." Kakashi said and everyone passes their exams up to the front then Everyone started talking
"Yuki your ready to meet my family?" Sasuke said
"Not really." I said
"Okay class quiet down I have an announcement." Mr. Hatake said "I just got an email saying that students are allowed to leave right after the exams so if you are leaving now get up-" Mr. Hatake said but everyone got up before he finished and left out the class room
I walked towards my car
"Oh look who it is little miss boyfriend stealer." Sakura said and I look at her confused
"Excuse me?" I said
"You herd me boyfriend stealer." Sakura said
"O... Kay." I said while putting my bags in the backseat of my car
"Oh your not gonna snap back." Sakura said
"Sakura I'm not stupid I see the damn tape recorder behind your back hun your not about to get me in trouble again so just turn around and walk away." I said
She pulls out the tape recorder "yea I did have one." She turns off the tape recorder here she goes again..."stay away from Sasuke he's mine." Sakura said
"Only if you knew that he's actually not yours but he's mine." I said loud so she could hear it
"What did you say?!" Sakura said
"I just said that he was already mine." I said
"Prove it I honestly don't believe Sasuke would ever cheat on me." Sakura sad
I pull out my phone and show her a picture of me and Sasuke
"What this doesnt make since." Sakura said
"It actually does your just avoiding the truth that you know...Sasuke and you.....Were never together and you know that he doesn't like you anymore." I said
"How could you say what I think Is the truth Sasuke is my man baby." Sakura said
"Don't say that again I almost barfed in my mouth just then and I'm not going to sit here and fight with you over somebody that isn't yours so you can just leave." I said while opening my car door while getting inside and pumping the trunk open
"Hold on you will listen to me and stay away from him." Sakura said and I see Sasuke come up from behind my car putting his bag in my trunk and closing it
"Babe can you get her away I have stuff to do and she's keeping me from doing that." I said
"Oh yeaaa I was trying to find you....i was going to tell you that I'm dating yuki now so me and you are over even though we were never really a thing but since you thought we were I'm breaking up with you." Sasuke said
"No no no no this can't not be happening I lost my man to this bitch." Sakura said while walking away crying
"Maybe she'll leave us alone now?" I said
"Let's head back to the dorm and change into some good attire for the party." Sasuke said
"But I want food." I said
"Then we can get food first." Sasuke said while leaning over giving me a peck
Then we got in my car and drove off to Chick-fil-a
{After eating Chick-fil-a we drove back to the dorms}
I pull up into the drive way and Naruto runs outside
"Help meee!!" Naruto yelled while running behind me
"What's wrong with you dobe." I said
"Your little sister is scary when she's mad." Naruto said
"My little sister?....." I said and then the front door bust open reavealing my angry sister.... I'm honestly not fazed at all you want to know why I've seen that face so many times😅
"!!!!" Naruto and Sasuke backed away from me and hid in my car
"Yuki!!" Mai yelled
"Shut up girl your to loud." I said
"You lied to me for a damn year!!" Mai said
"I had no choice you loved syink I couldn't just ruin that by just saying what I did." I said
"You still lied to me I thought we were actually close." Mai said
"Mai we are close if we weren't then we wouldn't have had the connected by emotions thing." I said and she looks at me then hugs me
"Now you are the really cool sibling." I said and then I smiled and hugged her back
Then Naruto pokes his head out of my car "Is it safe?" He said and I nod then they both got out of my car
"Mai come and help me choose my outfit for this dinner party." I said while dragging her upstairs and into my room
"Okay so what were you thinking about wearing." Mai said and I take out this long black dress
"You know what that's a cute dress can I borrow that from you after you wear it." Mai said
"Uhhh sure but should I wear it will it impress sasuke's mom." I said
"Oh definitely." Mai said and I smile then I go Into my closet and Mai follows me
"Your closet at home is bigger." Mai said
"I know....i know...Where is Charles and amy." I said while changing into my dress
"They went shopping." Mai said
"Okay good." Then I put in my shoes then does my hair and TADAAA I finished
"So how I look." I said twirling for Mai
"You look sooo Georgous sis!!" Mai said "Okay now you have to go see Sasuke in this come on!!" Mai said while taking me to Sasuke
"You look gorgeous babe and your figure really pops out in that too." Sasuke said while biting his lip and tugging me over to him grabbing my ass
"And you look handsome." I said while fixing his tie. He was wearing a black tuxedo
"Thanks babe okay ready to go." Sasuke said
"Shit honestly I'm pretty fucking nervous right now." I said and Mio looks over to yuki
"We know your cussing more than usual." Mio said
"Shut the fuck up." I said while burying my face on Sasuke's chest
"Okay babe we need to get going." Sasuke said while holding my hand
"Okay bye guys." I said while following Sasuke out of the house
{Later that Night at the Uchiha dinner party}
We pulled up at sasuke's parents house
"Wow your house is really breathtaking it's huge." I said
"Yep I know sometimes I get tired of looking at it." Sasuke said
"Wha- why it's beautiful." I said
"Not as beautiful as you." Sasuke said
"Oh my god sasuke~ stop it.😳" I said
"Okay okay but first look over here." Sasuke said
"O....kay.... " I said while looking at Sasuke and he gives me a quick peck "okay now let's head inside." He said while smiling
"Bastard fucking retard." I muttered while following him inside
"Oh hi again yukikio it's nice to see you again." Itachi said while taking my hand and kisses the back of it and I can literally hear Sasuke growling
"What did I tell you I told you to call me yuki." I said while taking my hand out of his grip
"I was just being polite that's all....hello brother." Itachi said
"Itachi." Sasuke said while grabbing my hand
"Come on let me introduce you to my family." Sasuke said
"Oh great." I said
{After a while of speaking to sasuke's family I finally get to speak to his parents}
"Mom dad this is yukikio abe my girlfriend." Sasuke said
"This one better not be a hoe." Mikoto said
"Excuse me?" I said while looking at his mother like she's fucking crazy
"I'm just saying because of the way she dresses and thinking of all the past girls Sasuke has brought here you can't blame me." Mikoto said
"Hold on.... Hold on.... Hold on.... Listen here I didn't come to this party to be disrespected by my boyfriends mother. I came to impress you and to finally meet the women who gave birth my man. But if your just going to sit here and disrespect me. Then all I can say to you is fuck your blessing. I don't want it. Don't just sit here and call me a hoe either just because of sasuke's ex girlfriends and his past mistakes. We're gonna have a fucking problem because My parents taught me how to act right. You know what I'm leaving nice meeting you." I said while trying to walk away but Sasuke wraps his arms around my waist stoping me from leaving
"Babe it was a test calm down okay." Sasuke said while smiling
"A test?! What do you mean a test?" I said
"My mom always does these stupid test to see how the girl reacts she did this to sakura to but sakura just pouted but I think you pasted." Sasuke said
"What?" I said when looking confused
"Oh finally Sasuke you brought a good one." Mikoto said and I look at her confused I have never been this confused in my life
"The only bad thing about this one is her temper." Fugaku said and I look over at him and he shuts up
"Fiesty...I like her." Shisui said
"....bleh..." I muttered and Sasuke started laughing at him
Then my phone vibrated and I looked at Sasuke "I'll be right back okay." I said and he nods I head to the bathroom and opens my text messages to see Mio texting me
Did you talk to him?
No not yet
Did you forget?
No I just couldn't get him alone
Well your going to have to try
Our school year is almost
Over. After tomorrow
The exams are over. So it's
Going to have to be tonight.
I know I'll try okay I'll try
Okay plz do
Okay talk to you when I get home
Okay if I don't talk to Sasuke today I'm pretty sure Mio is going to be upset and she's right I need to hurry I walk out the bathroom and walk over to Sasuke and he looks at me
"Welcome back." Sasuke said while giving me a glass of champagne
"Thanks." I said while taking the glass
"So who texted you." Sasuke said
"It was Mio." I said
"What did she say." Sasuke said
"It was just a reminder to study to the exam tomorrow." I said
"Oh that's lame." Sasuke said
"Yea I know but um I need to talk to you." I said
"Is it important." Sasuke said
"Yes very do you mind taking me up to your room." I asked and he nodded then Sasuke grabbed my hand leading me up to his bedroom
"Your room is so huge." I said
"Why are you so suprised your room is bigger than this if you would just break your walls to your walk in closet." Sasuke said
"Never!!!" I said
"Okay so what did you want to talk to about." Sasuke said while sitting on the couch
"Okay you know that our year is coming to an end pretty quickly and I just wanted to know like what are we doing after high school." I asked and he pulls me on his lap
"Um well I was planing on staying here to be an intern for Itachi for a little bit since he's taking over the family company." He said
"How would you feel about me going to college for four years?" I said and he looks at me
"Are you leaving the state to go somewhere else? " Sasuke asked
"I don't know yet it's whatever school wants me I was planning on going to the university here." I said
"Oh are you solid on going to college." Sasuke said
"Yea I want to go and learn more on Music and how to play a bunch of more instruments then I want to go into the the business world I was thinking we could start one together once I get out of college." I said
"Well that sounds nice but what about the four years we are apart." Sasuke said
"Well we could do long distance and video calls or you could always just come over to my place once I have one." I said
"So we don't have to break up? " Sasuke said
"No we don't have to break up. Who said anything about breaking up? Sasuke that has never crossed my mind." I said
"Once your free and were living our lives we should at least get married and have 3 kids." Sasuke said
"3 kids?! Why three? I want 5." I said
"Oh my okay wish granted then." Sasuke said and we both started laughing
"Three will be fine okay." I said while giving him a kiss
"Okay." He said and then Itachi comes through the door
"Ever think about knocking brother." Sasuke said
"Your crazy ex girlfriend is here." Itachi said
"Who?" I said
"Haruhoe." Itachi said and I started laughing
"And why would haruhoe be here right now." I said
"I honestly don't know but she wants to see sasuke." Itachi said
"I'm not going to have him speak to her alone I'm not dumb I know what she's up to." I said
"I'm not going to get back with her I promise I'm with you and you only so stay here." Sasuke said
"Okay." I said then Sasuke sets up and walks out the room
"Want to go spy on them?" Itachi said
A/n : longest chapter I've ever written 3,417 words ugh that's a lot but on Christmas there should be a Christmas Special coming out for this story so tune in on Christmas Day ͡°͜ʖ͡–