Ch.Fourty: Buzz Of He's Mine

Yuki's pov

Once sasuke left out of the room me and Itachi followed him but in a higher place and that place is the


Right above where Sasuke and Sakura are talking I can hear everything.

"What are you doing here?" Sasuke said

"I'm here for you. To take you away from that bitch." Sakura said and Itachi just looks at me but I just keep listening to what she's saying.

"I would prefer if you don't call her a bitch she's my girlfriend treat her with some respect." Sasuke said

"What has gotten into you I thought it was just me and you. That's what you told me at Syinks concert you told me that I was the only one for you. Don't tell me that was all a lie." Sakura said

"..... It was all a lie. At that time I was just mad and upset from trying to move on from Yuki. You were just a rebound." Sasuke said

Then I herd a slap come from down there. At that point something just ticked inside of me telling me to go beat the living shit out of her. So I ran down to where Sasuke was and pushed her into the pool.

"Yuki?! How did you know she hit me?" Sasuke said

"A girlfriend's instinct..." I said while staring at Sakura with a glare.

"AHHH MY HAIR!!!" Sakura yelled

"Don't put your hands on him again you hear me and that's a threat to you." Yuki said while taking Sasuke's hand pulling him back into the house.

"Girlfriends instinct.....I don't believe it." Sasuke said

"Of course you wouldn't I knew something was wrong that was going on with you so I tried to find you just as simple as that." I said

"Hmm." Sasuke said while picking me up.

"Woah what are you doing put me down." I said and Sasuke looks dead at me.

"Now that I'm actually looking at you, you look smoking hot no, Your fucking gorgeous and your all mine." Sasuke said and I started blushing.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked

"Well knowing that you can apparently sense when Im getting slapped or attacked by a female it makes me happy." Sasuke said then Itachi comes over then Sasuke puts me back down on the floor.

"There you are I was looking all over the place for you." Itachi said while winking at me and I smile.

"Well she did run over to protect her man." Sasuke said

"Well you sure look happy." Itachi said

"Yea but tell mom that me and Yuki left because we have our other exams tomorrow" Sasuke said while leading me out of the house.

"We're not going home are we?" I said

"Oh we sure are not going home were going to a hotel room so I can have you all to myself!" Sasuke said while getting in the car driving off to the nearest hotel to have some fun with me and let me tell you I was blessed that day because he wasn't rough at all he was real gentle just how I like it ͡°͜ʖ͡-

(The next day)

I get out of bed to find Sasuke still sleeping so I just decided to get into the shower before he wakes up and start to beg me to let him bathe with me.

Sasuke's Pov

I woke feeling that she has finally gotten out of bed.

"What time is it?" Sasuke said while reaching for the nearest phone but it wasn't his phone it was Yukis.

He turns on the phone and checks the time then she got a notification from Karin.

"Hmm what's this...nahh I don't want to be nosey.... Uhhh well I'm her boyfriend so it shouldn't matter she be looking through mines so." Sasuke said to him self while clicking on the message.

"A video looks like it's back from when we were on that trip." Sasuke said while playing the video.

Yuki gives Naruto her freshly painted foot and Naruto puts the heels on Yuki's feet then Naruto smiles at Yuki "Now kiss her prince charming." Haru said

Naruto and Yuki looked at him confused

"Your ruining the story kiss her." Haru said with puffy eyes.

"Your kidding me right." Yuki said

"No I'm not kiss her Naruto." Haru said

" U-Uummm do you want to do this...." Naruto asked Yuki

"I don't mind but I thought you liked Mio." Yuki said

"I do I still do but~" Naruto said Couldn't hear the rest of the conversation but then Naruto leaned in close to Yuki and kissed her on the lips and Haru starts clapping.

"I LOVE IT!!!!." Haru said while smiling "okay so let's get going guys we have a party to get to." Haru said

Then the video ended

"...." I sat there in silence and put her phone back on the night stand and then I got up putting my clothes on grabbing my phone and leaving the room.

Yuki's pov

I get out the shower and put a towel under my arms and over my breast and I walk out of the bathroom to see that my boyfriend is gone.

"Where did he go?" I muttered to myself and picked up my phone to see that Karin texted me.

Ooh I hope she sent my the video with me and Rinji dancing together.

But when I checked it wasn't that it was something I never knew existed a video of Naruto giving me a peck.

"WHAT!!!" I yelled then I called Karin quickly.

Phone call


"Why do you have a video of that!"

"I got it from someone else I thought you asked for that." Karin said

"No! I wanted the video of me and my big brother dancing my auntie wanted me to send it to her Ughhh!!" I yelled

"I'm sorry my finger must've clicked the wrong one by accident I'm sorry!!" Karin said

"It's okay as long as you delete that video from your phone were in good hands and as long no one sees it were in even better hands." I said

"Okay video deleted." Karin said

"I still want that video though." I said

"Okay okay I'm sending it know okay." Karin said

"Do you know where Sasuke is he was with me but when I got out of the shower he wasn't in bed anymore?" I said

"Oh no he isn't here." Karin said

"Okay can one of you come get me from the hotel plz Sasuke drove me here and now he's gone so I have no way to school and bring my stuff and a change of clothes." I said

"Okay we'll be there in a bit." Karin said while hanging up

"Uhh well I guess now I just have to text Sasuke and I can just put on my clothes once she gets here." I said to myself

After I text Sasuke I waited a Minute and he still hasn't responded so I Just threw my phone on the bed then someone knocked on the door.

"That better be Sasuke or-" I said while opening the door to see Shikamaru holding our bags and extra clothes.

"Oh your not Sasuke....sorry about that." I said while inviting him inside

And he comes in and puts the stuff down.

"Came at a bad time?" Shikamaru said

"Nope not at all came at the perfect time actually." I said while Picking up my clothes and walked back inside the bathroom but left the door open Shikamaru wouldn't peek he has common sense then changed into my clothes.

"So how was the party yesterday?" Shikamaru said

"It was fine until Sakura came and ruined it." I said while putting on some deodorant right along with some perfume and then I put my hair in a high pony tail then I on a orange hoodie with roses going down the sleeve with black tights then I put on my shoes and some glasses.

"Okay let's go shikamaru." I said

"Are those real?" Shikamaru asked

"Y-yes now go." I said

And I checked out from the the room then we headed to school.

"Thanks for stopping by Starbucks for me." I said

"Girls got to have their morning coffee am I right." Shikamaru said

"Oh your so right thanks." I said then he pulls up at the school and parks and I see Sasuke's car is already here.

"We got here early I thought we were going to be late." Shikamaru said

"Why is Sasuke here so fast he's never here this early unless he's with me." I said

"Hmm..." Shikamaru said

"Come on let's get to class okay Shika." I said while smiling at Shikamaru and we started walking to class but on the way I see Sasuke in the hallway talking to Sakura and putting his hand on her cheek putting her hair behind her ear then I stop and just keep staring over there.

"Yuki what's-" Shikamaru said while coming up from behind me looking over my shoulder "uh oh." Shikamaru said and I ball my fist.

"Let's just go to class it's about time for the bell to ring anyways." I said While taking Shikamaru's hand pulling him to class.

"Where were you this morning?" Mio asked

"Well I was with Sasuke but he left when I was in the shower to meet a girl." I said and Shikamaru looks at me then pull's Naruto over to side of the classroom.

"Really did something happen?" Hinata asked

"I honestly don't know any more And I don't care if he wants to be with her then he can. It's no use to keep fighting for a relationship that's ment to be ended right? And plus he's almost a grown man he can make his own decisions am I right? Haha...I was dumb to ever think Sasuke would change for me...." I said while walking over to my desk putting my dink on my desk then sitting down.

Shikamaru's Pov

"Naruto do you know what happened between Sasuke and Yuki?" I asked

"Well yea I do...." Naruto said

"Well then tell me so I can try to fix this." I said

"Well I don't know if you can Shikamaru... It was kind of me and her fault and partly Sasuke and Mio's fault too you know." Naruto said

I sit on top of a desk near by " I'm ready to listen we got a little time before the test starts." Shikamaru said

"Okay so only the girls knew about this but for some reason Sasuke found out me and Yuki kissed." Naruto said

"Wait for real?!" Shikamaru shouted

"Yea but I don't see why he was upset because it was on her birthday and they weren't on good terms at all then and neither was me and Mio because Sasuke and Mio almost fucked on the buss." Naruto said

"What?! Hold on hold on...When did that happen?" I said

"During the trip... You probably don't remember because you were sleeping for majority of the ride there." Naruto said

"Yea that sounds like me." I said then I sigh "I go to sleep for one second and I already miss things." I said

"Well yea Mio and Sasuke almost fucked but it turned out it was an accident but when Yuki was still getting ready I put her shoes on for her I was just trying to be a gentleman to her you know and act right but then the girls told me to kiss her then I did she wanted too so it wasn't a one sided kiss you know." Naruto said

"Do you not feel bad about this?" I asked

"No not really." Naruto said

"Why?" I asked

"Because he made out with Mio so I kissed his girl it's called getting even Mio knew about it but I guess Yuki never told Sasuke and he took it the wrong way it was just pay back." Naruto said

"Well it looks like Yuki is actually getting tired of his bullshit now and so am I. I know he's upset about finding Out his best friend kissed his girl but he doesn't need to keep going back to Sakura to make himself feel better!!" I shouted

"He went back to Sakura?" Naruto asked

"It looked like it honestly they were huddled up together touching each other's cheeks and Yuki saw it all." I said

"She was so happy this morning worrying about his Whereabouts saying I need to find Sasuke and see where he makes me happy to see them like that. They're a good couple I just don't want to see their relationship go down the drain." Shikamaru said while looking over to Yuki with her head down on the desk.


Brie: finally I finished ughhh this was a tough one but I hope you enjoyed it

