Ch.Fourty-one: Time For A Change

Yuki's pov

Then Mr.asuma finally comes in and Sasuke and sakura comes in right behind the teacher.

"Okay class take your seats it's time to take the final part of the test today." Mr.Asuma said great I actually have to deal with Sasuke being next to me...

Then everyone turned around and looks at the both of us.

"What bakas." Sasuke said while putting his head on his hand

"Where have you been Yuki was searching all over for you." Mio said

"No I wasn't... We already know he was wi-" I said

"HEY! I'm passing out the test so be quite." Mr. Asuma said

"Ok geez." I said

Once Mr. Asuma passed out the next test we got to work on it.

Uhh reading easy let's get this over with so I can leave. I said while getting my pencil and start doing my work.

After the test all of our friends crowds me and Sasuke's desk.

"Back to what I was saying aren't you two lovers and madly in love with each other-" Ino said glaring at Sasuke

"We aren't lovers and were not madly in love any more. Not after what I saw I don't care if your some big celebrity. You don't need to keep something that big from me." Sasuke said while looking at Me.

"Now it's my turn to tell you Buzz of he's Mine." Sakura said while walking over to Sasuke and my eyes widened I grabbed my drink and poured it all over Sakura then tears started streaming down my face.

"Okay class dissmi-" Before Mr.Asuma finished I ran out of the classroom crying.

The classroom conversation

Sasuke just looked at the way Yuki ran out.

"Yuki wait hold on!" Shikamaru said while chasing her out the classroom.

"Ahhh that bitch ruined my hair!!! I swear my sweater coast more then her house!!! But Finally that bitch is out of the picture now I can have my man back." Sakura said while coming up to Sasuke.

Hinata slaps Sakura before she could even get a chance to get to him "Shut the fuck up already! No one wants to hear your mouth your always ruining shit I swear your so fucking petty and maddly annoying coming up to our fucking dorm all the time saying Sasuke Sasuke Sasuke shut up!!!! And know your running my besties relationship you asshole..." Hinata said but Kiba picked her up before she could slap her again. "Fucking let.... Me go Kiba." Hinata yelled

Mio went up to Sasuke and slapped him making him stumble back."I told you if you ever hurt Yuki I would hit you so don't you even dare look shocked about it." Mio said

"Hey who the fuck do you think you are?" Sakura said while grabbing a wipe wipping the coffee off of her.

"I'm Yuki's best friend and if your going to even try and start a something with me included in it I suggest you should think again bitch because I'll fuck you up in a heart beat." Mio said while glaring at her

"Hmm so your the girl named haruhoe am I right your the girl that keeps bothering my girl." A dude said while coming in the classroom the teacher was already gone and everyone looks his way.

"Haruhoe? What?" Sakura said

"Wait aren't you the dude that was getting Yuki ready for the party right Haru?" Naruto said

"Yea... That's me well it looks like Kei is going to wake up soon and all I have to say is run... once he wakes up then Rinji is already gonna be out looking for you and that one doesn't play about his little sisters that one never forgets a face." Haru said while walking over to Kei waking him up and Sasuke just looks at him.

And Kei runs up to Sasuke grabbing his collar and Pushing him against the wall and Sasuke could see that Yuki's part of the eye turned completely dark blue

"I trusted you with my Older sister and you do that to her WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!!" Kei said while glaring at Sasuke and pushing his back really hard against the wall again.

"Keitaro and Sasuke in my office now!" Sarutobi said while pulling Kei off of Sasuke

"LET ME AT EM!!" Kei yelled while keeping a tight grip on his shirt

"Your brother is here to check you out so come on." Sarutobi said

"ARGHHHHHH!!" Kei yelled while punching a wall before leaving the classroom.

Yuki pov

I ran back home not the dorm. But my family home. I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut.

I wish mom was here then Amy came inside my room.

"Yuki honey I brought you some lemonade... Yuki are you okay?" Amy asked

"No I'm not Sasuke broke up with me in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing and then at that I think he went back to his ex girlfriend.😢" I said

"Really but I thought every thing was okay with you two." Amy said

"It was...everything was perfectly fine we were happy. But then all of a sudden things started to go South in the blink of an eye." I said

"Well look here okay that Sasuke boy doesn't know what he's missing. Because you are the best girl I've ever met. Honestly Yuki he's going to regret what he's done to you. Then he's going to come crawling back on his knees begging for you to come back to him." Amy said

"Like that will ever happen... He broke up with me for a reason. He said were not together and were not lovers anymore. Then he said I don't care if your some big celebrity you shouldn't have done what you've done." I said

Amy looks down then starts smiling "This is no time for you to be sulking about a boy. Your about to graduate high school that's a big accomplishment for you Yuki." Amy said

"Your right but I'm going to stay here for a while to avoid you know." I said

"Your father will be glad to have all of his kids back in the same house you know so it's fine.😁" Amy said while patting my back and leaving out the Room.

"Well I think I'm going to give my self some type of make over to make me feel better." I said to my self while going to the storage closet getting my box of Syink hair dye in it...should I go for a lighter brown or go for a dark brown maybe I'll just do top half dark then the bottom light brown it won't be to much of a change. I get both of the hair dye's and go back to my bathroom to dye my hair.

After a while of waiting for it to actually dye I go back to the bathroom then I start screaming.

"WHO THE FUCK SWITCHED MY HAIR DYE OUT!!!" I Yelled then my little sister came into my bathroom and almost started laughing.

"Oh my what happened to your hair!" Mai yelled/laughed

"YOU DID THIS!?" I yelled while pointing at my hair.

"See, I thought you would have noticed but I guess your dumber than I thought." Mai said


"Sis it was just a prank." Mai said

"A prank? You think THIS IS A PRANK YOU WENT TO FUCKING FAR MAI!" I yelled at her and my dad walked into my room.

"What's with all the yelling in here girls ....woah..." Dad said while looking at my hair.

"Dad Mai switched the supplies in the dye box out with a different dye and now my hair is purple. Help me please my graduation is literally right around the corner.😢😢" I said

"I don't know how to deal with hair dye sweetie." Dad said then I started to tear up "B-but I'll call some one for it okay yea i-i'll call someone to fix this as fast as I can." Dad said while walking out the bathroom.

"Arghhhhh great my boyfriend breaks up with me. And now this what else can possibly go wrong! I die in the next two fucking days?!" I said while sitting on my bed

"Sis don't say that your not going to die. But I know for a fact that's not permanent dye so it'll come out right?" Mai said

"Yea within a couple of days!!" I yelled at her

"Sis please stop yelling at me it was just a joke-" Mai said

"Stop calling it a joke! It's not a joke!" I yelled then Yuki's [side of the eye became mostly dark blue but prickled with Dark red dots]

Once my hair dried I combed it out and got dressed and put on a black hoodie. And some leggings then I put on Hazel color eye contacts For covering my eyes.

Then left out the house with my purple hair... Of course I put my hood up too so no one can see it.

While walking to the park I put my hoodie up to cover my hair.

"Ughhh the bad thing is I kinda look Good with purple hair." I muttered

"Yuki? Is that you?" Naruto yelled and I started running away.

"Yuki wait come back!!" Naruto said while chasing me. I run into a dark alley so he couldn't see me. But that didn't work because of the fucking moonlight. ughhh I didn't want anyone to see me I just wanted to take a nice walk without bumping into anyone...I'm gonna die from embarrassment...

"Finally I found you why did you run away from me? Your a fast runner you know." Naruto said while catching his breath.

"I know and sorry for running I just didn't want to see you guys just yet. But since your here do you wanna walk with me." I asked and he nodded and we both started walking together.

"Why didn't you want to see us." Naruto said

"Because I'm still too embarrassed to see any of you. Sasuke embarrassed me to the core by breaking up with me. In front of the whole class like that. I just wanted to take a break from everyone." I said

"You know he some how found out we kissed. I think that's why he was so upset Yuki." Naruto said

"How could he find that out! Nobody told him right.... Oooh...oooh's all my fault." I said

"No it's not no one told him." Naruto said

"No no for some reason back then someone took a video of me and you kissing. And Karin sent it to me... He probably went through my phone and seen the video. And thought it was recent did you tell him it wasn't." I said

"I tried but he doesn't want to talk to me. So I got Shikamaru to do it." Naruto said

"It's fine... I guess but I really miss him Naruto I really do." I said while crying "I know I said that he can do what he sees fit. But it hurts that he broke it off over that. When the only thing we did was share a little peck." I said and Naruto came up to me and hugged me.

"You know I think you should come on back to the house. It's kinda late but Mio is always in my room at this time. So I can just sneak you in." Naruto said

"You would do that for me?" I asked

"Yea your like a sister to me and it looks like this is called for girl talk am I right?" Naruto said and I nodded then Naruto Walked me back to the dorm.

(The dorm house)

"Have you guys seen Yuki come back yet?" Mio asked while looking out the window.

"No she's not even in her room." Hinata said

"Mai said she just left." Kei said

"Ughh I'm so worried." Mio said then everyone started to here lewd noises coming from upstairs.

"I'm lucky Yuki isn't here right now. She probably would've killed Sakura right now. I know she's raging mad." Karin said while looking at everyone that's down stairs.

"When does your eye change back?" Karin asked

"Once Yuki calms down it'll go back but since that jackass did what he did it'll be like this for a few days." Kei said

"I really can't believe he's doing that with her." Ino said

"He's just blowing off steam... That's at least what he told me." Shikamaru said

Then Naruto walked into the house and quickly shut the door behind him once he seen that everyone was in the living room down stairs and he starts laughing nervously.

"Did you find Yuki baby?" Mio said while walking up to Naruto kissing him.

"No I couldn't she was no where to be found I'm sorry babe." Naruto said

"Did you check Yuki's family home." Mio said

"Yea but her sister said she left why are all you guys down here this late at night?" Naruto said

"They're having sex up there and we can't sleep so we all just gathered down here." Ino said

"Who exactly?" Naruto said

"Sasuke and Sakura I just want to go to sleep." Karin said

"Are you fucking serious?" Naruto asked

"What do you think I'm a liar?! Do you not hear that or are you just deth." Karin said

"I can hear it...i just can't believe it...just everyone try to get some sleep and I'll go back out to try and find Yuki again okay." Naruto said

"Okay but be careful it's really dark out there." Mai said and Naruto walks back outside.

Mio's pov

Mio sighs I'm going to give them a piece of fucking mind I'm tired of this shit.

I stomp upstairs and kick the door open. And they get off of eachother and I glare at Sakura.

"GET OUT NOW!" I yelled

"Who are you to tell me what to do this isn't your place you don't own this house!" Sakura said

"Don't come in here trying to run things. You don't own a damn thing here. Yuki owns all of it her family gave everything to make everyone feel welcomed. And comfortable but you do this to her. First you break up with my best friend when you know she loved you more than anything in the world. And now your sitting here having sex WITH A GIRL THAT HAS NOTHING...LITERALLY NOTHING I HOPE YOU BOTH GO TO HELL!" Mio said while grabbing Sakura's hair dragging her down stairs.

"H-hey What are you doing!" Sakura said while trying to keep the sheet wrapped around her body.

"Now get the fuck out and stay out and don't fucking come back at all we all hate you!" Mio said while pushing Sakura outside then she marched right back inside while slamming the door in her face Leaving Sakura outside naked.

Yuki's pov

I heard some yelling going in the house.

"Naruto don't you think you should go in and che-" I was cut off by the door being open throwing a naked Sakura out of the house.

"Now get the fuck out and stay out and don't fucking come back at all we all hate you!" Mio said while slaming the door in her face.

"Come on Naruto let's go before she notices were here." I said while walking further away from Sakura.

"So mind telling me what that was about." I said "Did kiba finally get desperate enough to go for Sakura." I said while laughing a little bit.

"Yuki... That's not what happened... Um... I don't know how to say this but she was with Sasuke..." Naruto said and my heart literally just stopped then it finally shattered with tears flowing again then [her eye turned color turned to a darker blue.]

"What? Are you serious? She was with sasuke?" I said I said with tears dropping on the concrete.

"Yea and I'm sorry to tell you this when he just broke up with you." Naruto said and then I just started bawling.

"I knew he used me So y'all would shut up about him waiting for me..." I said

"Yuki no that's not it he wanted to wait on you he wanted to lose it to you... Why am I telling you this?" Naruto said while muttering the last part.

"You don't have to pity me, I know you feel sorry for me but I'm fine. I just want to cuddle up with a bear and eat ice cream with Mio. Why can't we go in its cold.😭" I said

"You don't want anyone seeing you right I'm just obeying your orders. If you want to go in there while everyone is in the living room then fine go. You said you didn't want to to see everyone." Naruto said

"Just go see how many people are in there. If there's one then then I can make up some fake identity for now." I said

"You would go that far." Naruto said

"I just don't want to be bombarded with questions like 'how are you feeling?' And 'are you okay?' And stuff like 'I heard about what happen between you and Sasuke I'm so sorry to hear that I hope your okay with me going after him.' I'm just done Naruto I don't want to hear it anymore." I said and he sighs.

"Okay let me go check and see who's up ok." Naruto said while poking his head into the house. I wonder how did Naruto see through my disguise... Don't tell me he has a brain after all!!

Then Naruto pokes his head out of the door.

"Come on no ones here" Naruto said and I walk inside to a dark living room thank god.

Then Naruto takes me upstairs then I looked over to my room and my light is on...

I walked into Naruto's room and Mio is there watching TV. Then Naruto came in and shut the door.

"Who's that chick?" Mio said

"It's Yuki she wanted to see you so I brought her to you. It was tough y'all wouldn't leave the living room so we were just sitting out there in the cold until yal left." Naruto said then she came up to me jumping on me.

"Where have you been I was worried sick about you." Mio said while hugging me.

"Well I was at home then Naruto found me walking around in the streets." I said

"Thank you so Much babe." Mio said then she looks at me "You look a mess." Mio said

While sitting me on Naruto's bed and she sits beside me.

"Well thanks." I said

"No seriously you look like you've been crying. Your eyes look puffy and their red too... And your side of the eye is even darker than before. Is it about Sasuke? You don't need to waste tears or emotions on someone like him. He lost the most important thing that he'll ever have in his life. If it'll make you feel better I'll go fuck him up again." Mio said

"I had a feeling you probably hit him once I left." I said while messing with my hoodie sleeves.

"Take this hoodie off it's too hot for that right now." Mio said while trying to take my hoodie off but I stop her.

"N-no I'm cold I've been standing out there in the cold for so long so I just want to be extra warm and toasty." I said.

"Nu uh take it off." Mio said

"No! Not until I get my bear." I said

"Are you talking about your teddy bear that's in your room?" Mio said

"Y-yea." I said

"Then go get it." Mio said

"No! No one else but you two knows I'm here. And I don't want to see Sasuke and, I don't want Sasuke to know I'm here either." I said

Then Mio turns to Naruto "Babe..." Mio said

"I'm on it want anything else while I'm out." Naruto said

"Get some ice cream Naruto it's going to be a long night." Mio said then Naruto got up and left.

"Now show me what's under this hood." Mio said and I sigh.

"I really don't want to.😢" I said

"Come on I'm not gonna judge you. What are you having a bad hair day or something?" Mio asked while pulling my hood down and then all you see is purple and dark pink hair.

"You look good?" Mio said


Brie: ughhh I wrote 3481 words for yal hope yal enjoyed this chapter too😂