Ch.Fourty-Two: Regret

Naruto's pov

I was walking up to Yuki's room seeing that her lights are on. who's in her room at this time of night.

I open the door to see My best friend laying down on her bed with his phone in his hand. I walk up to him and look at him.

"What are you doing in here this late at night?" I asked and Sasuke sat up quick.

"Your not yuki." Sasuke said

"No duh I'm Naruto." I said

"Have you heard from Yuki is she back?" Sasuke asked

"No, she wasn't home she was no where to be found. Now why are you in here." I said

"I was just waiting on her like shikamaru told me to. So I could fix things." Sasuke said

"Yea that's kind of too late you literally embarrassed her in front of the whole class....who breaks up with anyone in front of a big ass group of people that's embarrassing." I said

"I had a feeling it was too late but it was her fault. Why would she want a video of you and her kissing!! That shouldn't have even happen. Why the fuck did it happen? Why'd you kiss my girl!!" Sasuke yelled

"You forgot what you did to us that quick...let me explain ok.... That happened on Yuki's birthday right before we came to the party. The only reason why we kissed it was for revenge on you and Mio. We have no romantic feelings toward each other at all. And it was literally just a little peck kiss I don't see why you were so upset about that. When you and Mio did way worse than that man.... Way worse." I said

"So it wasn't recent?" Sasuke said

"No it wasn't recent." I said

"Okay good." Sasuke said

"But you fucked up again by having sex with Sakura." I said

"You knew about that." Sasuke said

"Bruh we could literally hear you guys all the way down stairs." I said

"Well don't tell Yuki please." Sasuke said

"Kinda too late for that to man it really is... You see I was about to bring her in the house. Until my girlfriend threw out your girlfriend. So Yuki was just like why was she here and I told her it's no use in lying because you two aren't together anymore." I said

"Man Fuck!" Sasuke yelled

"And now she doesn't want to see you because you embarrassed her in front of everyone. So now she doesn't want to see any of us either. And she's more upset with you because you had sex with Sakura. She thinks you were just using her trying to hurry up and lose your virginity so you could go back to Sakura. Well it kinda doesn't matter now because you are back with her right?" I said

"She forced it on me." Sasuke said

"What ever I just came to get the bear because my girl friend wants it so I'm just going to get that and go." I said

"Naruto can you help me please." Sasuke said

"I can't help you with this one man." I said while walking over to her dresser. Grabbing the Bear and walking out the room then I went down stairs to get the ice cream then came back to my room.

"So I got the-" Naruto said while looking at Yuki's hair

"Why does this happen to mee.😢😢" Yuki said while looking at Naruto.

"What happen to your hair I-its purple?!" I said

"It was a prank." Yuki said

"Well that's one hell of a prank." I said

"My little sister did it."Yuki said

"Mai?" I said

"Yea and now I'm afraid I had to be like this tomorrow at school ugh!" Yuki said while looking down and I give her the bear and ice cream.

"Well were not allowed to wear hoodies in school so I don't know what you can do." I said

"Hmm I got something." Mio said

"What? Please tell me you know how to turn it back to my original hair color." Yuki said while eating the ice cream.

"Brown?" Mio said

"I just want to stop dying my hair!" Yuki said

"Okay well I have a friend that can help you but, she doesn't live in this town so it's going to take her a while to actually get here and help you right away." Mio said

"I don't care I just want this out before Our graduation.😢" Yuki said

"Ooh your right our graduation is right around the corner." I said

"Yep it about tomorrow you can dress up as someone else. Since you have different color hair you can just finish the job with something you wouldn't usually wear." Mio said

"Hmm your right." Yuki said

Yuki's pov

After a while of chatting with Mio and Naruto I had to leave and go home since you know we have school tomorrow.

So naruto snuck me back out and walked me home.

"Um thanks for walking me back Naruto." I said

"It was no problem honestly." Naruto said

"Before you go I have a question." I said

"What is it?" Naruto asked

"Does Mio know we you know..." I asked

"Yea she knows we kissed I told her a couple of weeks after though. But she wasn't as mad as I thought she would be. She took it like a woman she thought of it as us getting back at her for what happened. And it was so there was no problem there." Naruto said

And I sigh "Sasuke was in my room wasn't he..." I asked and he nodded

"Yea he wanted to talk to you about what happened today." Naruto said

"Well I'm glad that I didn't go because I probably would've started crying once I saw his face." I said while looking down

"I wonder what happened to the Yuki that was all badass." Naruto said and I hit his shoulder

"Dumbass I'm still here I'm still the badass girl you met. But she's hidden for now because I don't really want to be badass today." I said while looking down

"So what's your name gonna be for tomorrow?" Naruto asked

"I think I'll go with Emi." I said while smiling

"Okay then see you at school tomorrow Emi." Naruto said while walking away and I smile while walking in the house and my brother Rinji comes up to me.

"I don't want you to go to school tomorrow." Rinji said

"Why?" I asked

"Because that Sasuke dude is going to be there." Rinji said

"Look... I could careless about him being there. And plus Me and him who shall not be named are not together anymore. He broke it off.... So I'm going to school as a different person because I don't want him to know that I'm there." I said

"Should I go with you." Rinji said

"No!" I said while walking upstairs To my room took my eye contacts out then fell asleep.

{The next day}

I got out of my bed and looked into the Mirror. what do I change about myself should I put in green eye contacts this time? Should I wear different clothes? Let's see what I can do... I head to my closet and looks for green eye contacts and I sigh. I'm going to have Sakura's eye color just for today maybe I should just Over power her just for today since you know I've delt with her bullshit for all of the days I've seen her so... I put in my contacts and wear something Yuki would never wear.

I can't believe I'm wearing this.... It's just for today let's get it over with

After I get ready I go down stairs to my dad.

And knock on his bedroom door "dad?" I said

"Come in." Dad asked

"Umm can I borrow one of your cars please." I said

"Which one?" Dad asked

"Umm... Your Ferrari...." I asked

(If you want me to be specific here's a picture)

"You want to borrow one of my most expensive cars." Dad said while looking at me and he sighs that's one sigh

"Yes..." I said while looking at him and he sighs again that's two sighs then dad throws me his keys

"If you crash my car your on Punishment." Dad said then I gave him a hug.

"Your the best!...alright I'm off see you after school!" I said while leaving his room getting my dad's car and drives off.

{At school}

I see Sakura's car pulling in and I smirk I put my purple hair behind my ear then I put my sunglasses on and parks my car where she was going to park hers.

"Are you serious!! Move your car!!" She yelled and I looked back at her

"You snooze you lose... You didn't get here fast enough." I said in a different tone than I usually use

"Ugh!!!" Sakura yelled while leaving

"Ahh that felt good" I muttered to myself I walked into the school and some random boys came up to me

"Hey... I've never seen you around My name is Yasuo." Yasuo said while kissing the back of my hand

And I turn around and look at him and smile "Emi." I said

"If you mind I can show you around before it's time for first period." Yasuo said

"Um actually I'm heading over to the office... You can walk me there if you don't mind." I said

"Oh not at all come on." Yasuo said he's pretty hot where has he been all my life.

He takes me to the office and turns around to look at me. "hey you should come with me and my friends during lunch."

"I'll give it some though Yasuo." I said while walking into principle Sarutobi's office.

"Yes, what can i-"Sarutobi said

"Umm principal I'm Yuki I just came to tell you that I'm here and that I'm going by the name Emi today." I said

"Is it because of your hair..." Sarutobi said.

"Part of it..." I said

"And Sasuke..." Sarutobi said while looking at me.

"Yes its because of my hair and Sasuke but I'm going to need you to know that I'm Emi and not Yuki today." I said

"Okay but only for today now get to class Emi." Sarutobi said

"Okay have a nice day principal Sarutobi." I said Then left to Mr. Hatakes class.

When I came in Sakura glared at me "oh look it's the girl that stole my parking spot this morning." Sakura said and I sigh

I look around the classroom "are you talking to me?" I asked

"Are you dumb or something Yess I'm talking to you obviously... And who even has purple hair you look like a freak." Sakura said and her girls started laughing

"You know pink isn't a good color at all. Pink is way to bright a color. I'm just really suprised that you have friends with that hair color." I said

"Well my boyfriend loves it and that's all that matters." Sakura said

"And who are you supposed to be dating?" I said why did I ask that? I already know what she's going to say

"Oh the hottest guy in school Sasuke uchiha." Sakura said

"I don't think he's the hottest guy to be honest. I think he's a stuck up piece of shit that thinks he can gets his way 24/7." I said while getting angry than Naruto came up to me.

"Emi!! Hey come over here and sit with us." Naruto said and I turned back to Sakura and gave her a glare then I walked over to Naruto to see Sasuke right next to him then I glared at Naruto.

"Here sit in this chair I don't think she's going to be here for a while." Naruto said while sitting me down in my seat right next to Sasuke and I sigh.

"Who's this Naruto and why is she sitting in Yuki's spot you know she's going to get mad." Sasuke said

"This is Emi and Yuki will not be here for a while because of what you did to her. Sasuke you should know this already she's taking time to her self." Naruto said and Mio came up to me and smiled.

"Hello nice to meet you I'm Mio what's your name." Mio said

"I'm Emi." I said

"Don't get close to this one or I'll mess you up." Mio said while looking over to Sasuke and I giggled.

"Um Naruto I'm gonna go step out for a Minute and call Yuki." Sasuke said

"I don't think she's gonna pick up a call from you..." Naruto said and I got up and left the classroom.

Then I got a call from Naruto

"I had a feeling this gonna happen glad I stepped out" I said but then Sakura texted me.... How'd she get my number....
