Ch.Fourty-Three: No Time

Sasuke's pov

I was sitting in my seat waiting for Yuki's arrival so I can talk to her. But she never came home last night. I know she's really upset with me but just want to try and fix things with her.

"Sasuke I don't think she's coming to school." Shikamaru said

"You don't think so?" I said

"I don't." Shikamaru said

"Well some hot chick with purple hair just came in is she new?" Kiba asked

"I've never seen her around so she must be new." I said while looking at her

"I like her hair it's unique..." Shikamaru said while smiling.

"Don't even think about it shikamaru...Don't forget about Temari" Kage said

"Oh right Temari.... Wait I didn't even know she liked me..." Shikamaru said

"Well if you were awake then you probably would've noticed." Naruto said then I took my phone out and called Yuki... No answer.

"Tch." I said

"You know she isn't gonna answer your phone calls dude. You embarrassed her to the core my dude." Kiba said

"Just be quite." I said while putting my head down.

"And aren't you with Sakura...." Kiba said

"She forced me into it." I said

"How does a man get forced into a relationship." Kiba said

"That's exactly what I said how does that happen?" Naruto said

"What exactly happened when you left that morning Sasuke?" Naruto said and I sigh

"You guys are so nosey... It's no use in hiding it now." I said while telling them what happen {now we are entering a flash back hahaha}

Flash back

I drove to school early because I was upset about you and Yuki until Sakura came up to me

I can't believe she would do that to me... I thought...

"Sasuke~kun." Sakura said and I looked at her

"What?" I said

"Are you okay?" Sakura said

"No... What do you want." I said a little harshly

"I-i just wanted to tell you that you really need to break it off with her she isn't a good fit for you, you need some one better." Sakura said

" that supposed to be you." I said while laughing a little

"Mhm I want to be the one that's by your side Sasuke she doesn't deserve you at all." Sakura said

"To be honest I really don't want to date anyone right now." I said while leaning on the wall

"Oh yea you do because I know the real reason what happened that day with your mom... I know That you-" Sakura said but I stop her real fast

"So what do you want?" I said

"You know what I want, I want you to be with me I want you to break it off with Yukikio and be with me then I'll leave her alone...completely." Sakura said

"..." Then I looked down at the ground

"You have to love me and not her or I will be telling your mother the truth about that day." Sakura said

"I can't just love you it isn't that easy. I broke up with you for a reason and you know that. And it's really upsetting that your even more annoying when I'm trying to be in a relationship with someone else. Honestly Sakura, I just want you to get out of my life. That's all I want Sakura but you don't listen. Everything always has to go your way right? You always have to have everything go according to your plans. So I'm giving you what you want because you won't leave me alone." I said while putting her pink hair behind her ear putting my hand on her cheek glaring at her

End of flashback

"So your telling us that she's blackmailing you." Kiba said

"Technically..." I said

"But that day was pretty funny nothing bad really happened you know I don't know why Sakura is using that to blackmail you." Naruto said

"What happened that night anyways?" Shikamaru said

"What are you talking about Shikamaru you were there!!" Naruto said while laughing

"W-what?! I was?" Shikamaru said

"Yea you were sleep on a park bench that's where we found you." I said

"A park bench?" Shikamaru said

"Yea that night was pretty wild." Naruto said

"Can you tell me what happened." Kiba said

"Oh we got arrested that's the bad thing." Naruto said

"We did!?" Shikamaru asked

"Yea me you and Sasuke was at a party we were underage we weren't supposed to be there at all." Naruto said

"Whose idea was this was it yours." Kiba said while looking at Naruto.

"No it was Sasuke's idea I just went along with it." Naruto said

"Let me get back to the story so....While we were at the party me Sasuke and Shikamaru got really drunk. When I say we were drunk I mean we were drunk. So when the party was over we decided to take a walk. But then we lost Shikamaru and some chick called the police on us don't remember exactly why. Then me and Sasuke got arrested. Later on we found Shikamaru in the park sleeping on a park bench and he got arrested too. We all got arrested for being intoxicated in public to put it in their language public order offense." Naruto said

"Is it on you guys record." Kiba asked

"No my dad and Naruto's dad didn't let it go through but we were scolded and we all got grounded." I said

"Did your mom ever find out about this?" Kiba asked

"No it was a secret between us three and our dads told us to never speak about it again." I said

"So how did Sakura find out?" Shikamaru asked

"I honestly don't know she was probably stalking me like she always does." I said

"Yea that's probably what happened." Shikamaru said

"If my mom does find out then me Shikamaru and Naruto and our dads are in a hell of trouble so if she tells I'm not the only one that's going to be in trouble." I said

"Your so right oh my god I'm going to get my ass whooped fuck! You know how my mom gets😢 she Gets really pissed 😡👿🔪 in a blink of an eye😢😢" Naruto said then Naruto got up and brought the girl with the purple hair over and sat her in Yuki's seat

"You know yuki's gonna be upset with her sitting there." I said

"Well thanks to you she's not going to be here for a while so it doesn't matter." Naruto said

"I'm going to try and call her again dobe." I said

"I don't think she's going to pick up a call from you Sasuke." Naruto said then the girl got up and left the class room

"Oi give me your phone." I said to Naruto

"Why? I don't know if she's going to pick up my calls either." Naruto said while giving me his phone and I call Yuki from his phone but still...No answer

Than I looked over to Shikamaru and he sighs "here Sasuke." Shikamaru said while giving me his phone I call Yuki and it comes through... Than I heard her voice...


"H-hello?" Yuki said

"Yuki this is Sasuke I want to speak to you will meet me." I asked

"I'm sorry but I have to go...." Yuki said

"Wait please I really need to talk-" Sasuke said

"....Bye." Yuki said while hanging up on me

End of call

"What did she say." Kiba said while looking at me then everyone else looked at me wanting to know too.

"She hung up on me..." I said while giving Shikamaru back his phone.

"You okay dude." Kiba said

"Y-yeah I'm fine... I'm okay." I said while putting my head down on the desk.

Then Mr.Hatake walked into the classroom.

"Um we're not really doing anything today but the seniors don't really have to come to school tomorrow because you guys are getting ready for your graduation and everything so on this break for you guys make sure you got you cap and gown so you won't be unprepared." Mr. Hatake said then I got up then everyone looked at me with my hair all in front of my face and I just walked out of class.

While walking down the hallway I bumped into the new girl surprisingly she looked as depressed as me.

"Oh sorry I'm just gonna." The new girl said while walking past me without looking at me.

"Hey wait can I talk to you..." I asked

"...." And she just looked at me

"Just for a minute." I asked and then she nodded

I take her for a walk down the hallway.

"Sorry for just dragging you with me." I said

"I-its okay." She said

"So what's your name?" I asked

"Emi." She said

"Well it's nice to meet you." I said

"I heard you were dating the pink headed girl right." Emi said I want to say no... But then she will

"Yes I am why?" I said

"It's just.... Nothing really I just think she's not really good for you it looks like you just need a break." Emi said

"You have no idea... I was thinking the same thing." I said

"Sasuke~kun!" Sakura said while running over to us and I sigh.

"What is it Sakura." I said

"Are you okay?" Sakura said

"No I'm just tired... That's all." I said

"Then come lay on my lap." Sakura said while sitting against the wall.


"Lay on my lap!" Sakura said and I do as she says then she started to comb my hair with her fingers..... Or should I say pulling my hair litterly so uncomfortable.... I look up at Emi wanting help then I just started thinking about how Yuki does it

Yuki's pov

Sasuke looked at me wanting help... Poor baby...

"Hey... Um I know it's not my place to mention this but it's just it looks like your killing him he looks really uncomfortable..." I said

Then she shrugs "he's not complaining..." Sakura said

"He's complaining with his facial expressions." I said while looking at Sasuke

"You act like you know what your doing you look like you never had a boyfriend in your life." Sakura said

"Well actually I had a boyfriend but he broke it off for some other girl... But I actually do know how to do it because I use to do it to him all the time and he loved it." I said then she stopped then Sasuke got up really quick

Sasuke's pov

It sounds like she went through a lot

"Here come here and lay on my lap if your tired...I mean it's not going to mean anything but you can lay on it you have my permission..." I said

She's actually letting me do this...

"O-okay..." Sasuke said and I sat near Emi and I put my head on her lap and she combs my hair with her fingers slightly tugging it

Then all of a sudden I get flashbacks from Yuki and the times we've spent together then I quickly got up and looked at her with wide eyes

"Sasuke?" Emi said

"Sasuke~kun?" Sakura said

Emi my ass... "I need to talk to you in private...." I said while getting up grabbing her hand and pulling her to the lockers

"Why are you doing this..." I asked her

"What?" Yuki said

"Why are you Disquising yourself." I said while taking her sunglasses off seeing that she had green eyes instead of blue

"Really just why?" I asked

"Because I didn't want to talk to you. I didn't want to be seen by you. I didn't want to be near you at all cost I wanted to avoid you. But no matter how hard I tried I always found some reason to be around you or you just come up to me. You don't know how hard it was to control my tears today from being next to you. And now you even fucking confirmed that you were with Sakura too...just fucking great." Yuki said while taking out her eye contacts

"Listen... Listen... Please... I didn't mean to break it off with you that way." I said

"But you still wanted to break up with me. Why? Was I not good enough for you? Was I just that boring to you? what was it? was I not pretty enough? because I just don-" Yuki said but I cut her off with my lips on hers then she pushed me off and tears started coming down her face and Yuki ran off again

Then I sighed I did it again I made her cry

{After school in the dorm house}

Nobody's pov

"Sasuke what did you do!?" Shikamaru yelled then everyone jumped because Shikamaru never yells

"I did nothing." Sasuke yelled

"Yuki won't take my calls anymore." Shikamaru said

"She won't take mine either." Naruto said

"Are you for real." Mio said while taking out her phone trying to call her but it goes straight to voicemail and everyone else does the same but it gets the same result voicemail

"Sasuke you must've did something." Ino said

"Well we did argue a little.... Then I kissed her...." Sasuke said

"You kissed her?!" Everyone yelled

"Yes but then she started crying." Sasuke said

"She was trying to get over you. You can't just go up to a girl that isn't your girlfriend anymore and kiss her. That's wrong she's your ex girlfriend now she's not your main one." Mio said

"But I don't want her to be my Ex I never wanted her to be an Ex of mine." Sasuke said

"But you choose Sakura." Mio said

"Babe he was blackmailed into doing that so just chill." Naruto said

"Blackmailed how?" Karin said

"It's a long story." Sasuke said

"Then just blackmail her back." Ino said

"But I don't have anything to blackmail her with." Sasuke said

"Um... I have something actually." Hinata said and then everyone looked her way.


Brie: does sasuke get our of this fucked up situation with sakura? Come back next time to find out ͡°͜ʖ͡-
