Ch.Fourty-Five: The New Hoe

Yuki's pov

"Okay so it's a pool party right okay...ugh!!" I said while pacing around my room should I even be going...Then someone knocked on my door.

"Yuki honey it's time to wake up you've been sleeping for hours." Amy said then I opened the door.

"Sorry Amy I'm awake now... Hey can you help me out with something..." I asked

"Um sure I gu-" Amy said then I grabbed her hand pulling her inside shutting the door.

"Okay help me!!" I whinned

"With what yuki? What's going on?" Amy asked

"I got invited to a party and I have nothing to wear!!!" I said and she opens my walk in closet door.

"All these clothes in this closet and your telling me that you have no clothes to wear.... You must have something in here you can wear... What type of party is it?" Amy asked

"It's a pool party." I said

"Okay... Hmm this is gorgeous why won't you wear this." Amy said while pulling out a bikini.

I look at Amy with a confused expression....

"Your letting me wear this?..." I questioned her

"Yea." Amy said

"Your not going not going to tell me to change once I put it on?" I asked

"You better go put it on before I change my mind." Amy said while smiling and then I rushed away to bathroom saying nothing at all on my way there.

"You okay in there?" Amy said

"Do you have anything to cover up in?" I asked

"I have a beach kimono." Amy said

"Can u get that please." I said

"Sure I'll be back." Amy said then my sister busted in the bathroom.

"Where are you going?!" Mai asked "And why are you wearing a bikini your reveling too much skin." Mai said

"It's for a party that I'm going to so that's all you need to know." I said and then Amy came back

"Okay so I have this the beach kimono but it's has a little bit of cheetah print on it." Amy said while holding it up to me

"I never knew you were into cheetah print amy..." Mai said and I nod my head

"I have some taste you know...but it's a cover up like how you wanted." Amy said "here go try it on." She said while shoving me back into the bathroom.

I put on the cover up and I come out the Amy takes my pony tail out "even with you hair looking like this your still very beautiful." Amy said while fluffing my hair and making it look good

"There your set to go want me to drive you?" Amy asked and I look at her and my faces turns red and she smiles.

"T-thanks for doing this." I said

"No problem." Amy said

{At the house}

"Is she here yet...the party has started a couple minutes ago..." Mio said

"I don't know she said she might come she never said she will." Naruto said then Naruto looked at Sasuke and he sighs.

"She better come before we expose Sakura because I don't want her to think that I'm still dating her." Sasuke said

"Someone just pulled up outside in a black escalade." Kiba said

"Huh?" Shikamaru said

Yuki's pov

Amy pulled up to the house and turned around to look at me and fixes my hair some more before I left.

"Thanks again." I said and I started to look worried.

"Why are you looking like that your going to a party before graduation... Have some fun and let loose..." Amy said and I hugged her.

"Okay I will." I said while getting out.

Nobody's pov

"Hey isn't that Emi..." A boy said

"Yea it sure is.." Yasuo said while bitting his lip.

"What's with that face dude?" His friend said

"She's going to be in my bed tonight..." Yasuo said while rubbing his hands together.

"You better be careful Yasuo I heard things about her." His friend said

"What type of things?" Yasuo asked

"Well she has some type of history with Sasuke." He said

Then another dude came up "Are you guys dumb or something her name isn't Emi it's Yukikio Abe." The boy said

"Yukikio?" Yasuo said

"Yea and she does have history with Sasuke. Because they dated for a while then for some reason Sasuke broke it off with her. But I hear he's trying to get her back." The boy said

"Not until I'm done with her... After I'm done then he can have her I could careless what he does with her I just want her on top of me." Yasuo said while walking outside to meet Yukikio.

"Hey.... Yuki is it." Yasuo said then Yuki started to blush and then Yuki nods.

"Do you mind hanging with me for a bit come on." Yasuo said

"Um... I have to go and tell my friends I'm here but you can come along If you want." Yuki said

"Alright." Yasuo said

Yuki's pov

Then Sakura showed up with her girls

"Just great..." I muttered

"What's wrong?" Yasuo asked

"Sakura just showed up." I said

"Look how about we go upstairs-" Yasuo said then Sakura bumps shoulders with me then she looked at me and started laughing.

"Look who it is girls! Why won't you take a hint nobody wants you here." Sakura said while giggling.

"I can't believe she's here right now I thought she would've just fled the city or something." The girl said

"Oh look her hair is purple what a freak." The other girl said while touching my hair and I grab her hand before she does.

"Don't fucking touch me." I said while swatting her hand away like an insect.

"Aw poor baby was probably crying in her bed last night over your man Sakura your right why won't she take a hint." Her girls said while laughing at me and I crush the glass cup with my bear hand and they jump.

"Excuse me I should take my leave now." I said while walking up stairs to my room and there I see Sasuke looking at pictures of us that's on my dresser.

"Why are you in here?" I asked

"Just looking back at good times." Sasuke said

"Since it looks like your done can you leave." I said and he looks back at me

"Why don't you want to see me?" Sasuke asked

"No, not really." I said then Sasuke looked at my hand.

"How'd you do that." Sasuke said while looking at my wounded hand.

"Broke a glass cup with my bear hand and cut my self." I said

"You need to control your anger Yuki." Sasuke said

"Well tell your girl friend to stop fucking with me." I said and then Sasuke went to get bandages from my dresser and then he started treating my wound wrapping my hand up.

"What is she doing?" Sasuke asked

"She keeps telling me to take a hint and that I'm a freak for my hair it was a prank I can't just up and change my hair color back! And then at that she said I should have fled the city. Then she said I cried my self to sleep over you and yes I did I'm not gonna lie I miss you I miss being with you but you prefer some flat ass bitch so do what ever you want with your fucking life just leave me out of it." I said while taking my hand from him walking out the room and he follows me out the room grabbing my arm.

"Wait listen please." Sasuke said

Then I turn around and look at him.

"When it comes to women everyone here knows that I never fall for the same girl twice but I'm sitting here chasing you asking for your forgiveness over and over again." Sasuke said

"Well if you wouldn't have never broken up with me then we wouldn't have to put up with this shit!" I said

"I didn't mean to break up with you like that!" Sasuke said

"Ha 'like that'....there it is again." I said

"No I didn't mean that I ment to say I didn't mean to break up with you at all... Listen there's something I need to tell you there's more meaning to our break up. There's shit going on that I'm sitting here trying to get my ass out of so I can be free and do what the hell I want. And your not making it any better because every day I'm in that room waiting on you to come back but you never do. But I still go and wait on you 24/7 but if you really don't want to be around me that bad....then fine I'm not going to waste your time." Sasuke said and I look at him then Naruto comes up to us.

"Hey Yuki." Naruto said and I just turn and walk down the hallway.

"Did I do something?..." Naruto asked

"No... She just has some thinking to do that's all." Sasuke said while walking down stairs with Naruto knowing that Yuki was following them then Sakura came up to Sasuke kissing his cheek.

"Hey babe cool party." Sakura said then Sasuke got out of her grip.

"What's wrong babe?" Sakura said

"Stop calling me babe were done." Sasuke said then people started to gather around Sakura and Sasuke and Yuki leaned on the wall looking Sasuke dead in the eyes.

Naruto then turned his head towards me and Sasuke looked up at Yuki looking at him then smirked.

"What are you talking about were done? We are not done! Your mine!" Sakura yelled

"I'm not yours anymore.... Sakura." Sasuke said

"You can't do that I have-" Sakura said but then Sasuke cut her off real fast.

"I knew you were going to bring that up... You can't use that against me anymore." Sasuke said

"Yes I can I can do what I want." Sakura said

"Not when you were outside sucking some dudes dick." Sasuke said then her eyes widened.

"No I wasn't!" Sakura said and I seen from the corner of my eyes Yasuo eyes widened and I stuck around to hear what was going on interesting...

Then Sasuke pulled out his phone and played the video showing her that she's guilty and in an angle to where I can see it perfectly it was a video of her sucking Yasuo's small penis... Wow she actually just got exposed... Look at the new hoe of the school everyone!😂😂

"B-but I-" Sakura said and then she was about to slap Sasuke but I came up behind her grabbing her arm tripping her making Sakura fall to the ground face first pinning her down to the floor.

"My threat still stands haruhoe don't touch him." I said

"But he isn't even your boyfriend!" Sakura said while trying to get out of my tight grip.

"My threat still stands even if we are not together even if we're fucking separated it still goes." I said and I got off of her then Naruto and kiba dragged her and her friends out of the party then Yasuo came up to me trying to hug me but I slapped him.

"Don't touch me ever again!" I yelled

"Hey calm down babe and stop resisting me!" Yasuo said and he grabbed my hand really rough and tried to drag me up stairs to my room.

"Why would I ever fuck with a boy that has such a small dick like yours fuck off!!" I yelled while trying to get out of his grip but then Sasuke came up and knocked him out....daddy got skills

Then kiba dragged him out of the party and Sasuke looked at me and smiled.

Then my heart started beating rapidly

Even though he broke my heart and fucked someone else how am I still feeling this way about him...

"So what do you call it this time..." Sasuke asked

"Don't worry about it.... So you mind telling me what happened between you and Sakura..." I said and then everyone looked at us.

"Uh oh more drama!" Some one yelled and I looked dead at Sasuke.

"What's going on now?" Naruto asked

"What are you talking about nothing happened." Sasuke said

"So your going to just lie to my face and pretend that nothing happened between y'all." I said

"Oooh that's what she's talking about" Naruto said then Sasuke looked at him for help and he whispered it to him.

And I sit there waiting for him to tell me directly what happened and Sasuke gulped.

"Y-yuki.... Umm... I... I mean.... Me and haruno.... Um.... We... Kinda... Did... Something b-but she did everything herself I P-promise!!!" Sasuke said

"And what is that something you did with haruhoe...." I asked and Sasuke looked even more nervous.

"We uhh we.... Did It... Like... We had sex..." Sasuke said then I balled my fist. I know I already knew but everytime I hear it it pisses me off

"Y-yuki I didn't enjoy her as much as I enjoyed you." Sasuke looked at me and I glared at him and he backed away.

"Where is she..." I asked

"Who?" Kiba asked

"Haruhoe where is she so I can fuck her up to untill I'm fucking tired of it!!" I yelled and then they all pointed outside and I walked towards the front door with everyone following me trying to talk me out of it.

"You don't have to do this it's fine I told you she wasn't better than you." Sasuke said

"Shut the fuck up Sasuke I'll handle you later." I yelled then I saw her pink head in the distance then ran towards her what I plan on doing is yell at her then brake her nose... Then with Sasuke I'm going to dominate the shit out of him...😏

"So you think you could just fuck Sasuke and go." I said while standing directly in front of her face. 😡

"Yea what's the problem." Sakura said

"So first you made Sasuke break up with me.... Then you fucked my man. Then you cheated on him with Yasuo the perv you know what." I said while Untying my beach kimono. Setting it in Naruto's hands showing everyone my beautiful bathing suit. Gripping my body in all the right places also hearing some whistles coming from everyone.

"I actually gave you a chance to date Sasuke too. I didn't bother you through that whole period of time you dated him. But guess what you did to me... You texted me- no matter of fact you called me and just started insulting me. Telling me to stay away from Sasuke or you would tell my brother that I'm still trying to get Sasuke's attention. So you tried to blackmail me with useless information that doesn't matter. But then you threaten me and told me if you ever saw me near Sasuke you would beat my ass... Right?" I said then she looked dead at me and I started backing up on Sasuke with his little friend poking ass and Sasuke litterly grabbed my ass right in front of her.

"What your doing isn't fair." Sakura said

"Oh really well remember all of those times you actually stole my man away from me then attempted to have sex with him all those times when you and my fucking stepmom ruined my fucking life all together you don't know what the definition of fair means so don't even talk about being fair to me!" I yelled at her and she started laughing.

"Hold on you have a stepmother! so your mom must've left you." Sakura said then my eyes started to widen.

"Because she obviously didn't want to take care of your disrespectful slutty looking ass." Sakura said then I started to get really scared and afraid on if it was possibly true. Did mom really....Then I started to feel dizzy and started to lose air from my lungs.

"She probably left because she kept getting calls from The parents telling her to remove you from the school because you kept being so fucking stupid and slutty at school just from how you looked." She said while laughing but no one else laughed but her. Surprisingly my brothers were walking past but they stopped to listen to what she saying having painful looks on their faces.

Then I started crying grabbing my heart through my bikini bra "Yuki?" Mio said while looking worried then Rinji called Mai to get her on the phone. I'm so dizzy.... Then I started to breath heavily I felt like I couldn't breath... Like I wasn't breathing at all...

I then fell back into Sasuke's chest and he started shaking me "hey! Yuki what's wrong with you? Yuki?!" Sasuke yelled


Brie: see what happens when bitches get nosey and all up in your business.... Sakura is an ass hole

Sakura:h-hey you don't really think that r-right? not really but sometimes you don't know the definition of stop....


Brie:well that's all see you guys in the next chapter to see what's wrong with our girl

