~Okay people so if you don't have a clue what hyperventilating means then pay attention if you do then skip this right now I mean it~...... Okay so if your still here then hyperventilating is when a person is usually breathing at a rapid increasing rate of loss
Carbon dioxide and in the picture above is some of the causes on why a person usually hyperventilates
Have fun reading😁
Yuki's pov
I then fell back into sasuke's chest and he started shaking me "hey yuki what's wrong with you? Yuki?!" Sasuke yelled I couldn't say anything but just kept breathing heavily then my little brother keitaro ran up to me with Rinji right behind him.
Rinji's pov
I was talking to Mai on the phone
Phone call
"Mai where's charles I need you to get him asap." Rinji said
"Why wha-" Mai asked
"HURRY" Rinji yelled
"This is charles what's the matter." Charles asked
"Something is wrong with yuki I don't know what to do were trying to help her but I don't know how." Rinji said looking at yuki still trying to breath for air then he started to feel a little bit of pain coming from his heart.
"What's wrong with her can you tell me." Charles asked
"Only thing I see is that she's breathing really fast I'm guessing she's having trouble breathing... She's gripping her heart like she's in pain." Rinji said
"Those symptoms can only mean one thing." A red headed girl said
"She's hyperventilating you need to give her some air she's needs to slow down her breathing if you have a paper bag it could help alot." Charles said and then rinji pulled out a paper bag and gave it to rinji and he hung up
He put the paper bag over her mouth seeing how fast she was actually breathing
"Oh my" Karin said and I looked at her
"What's wrong." I asked
Yuki's pov
"She's not calming down she's to scared I guess what sakura said really frightened her." Karin said
"Yuki listen to me okay you have to calm down okay." Rinji said mom is that the real reason you left is because I wasn't good enough...
"Hey yuki... " Kei said and I looked over to him still breathing at a rapid pace "remember how we all use to just disobey aiko's rules every time you were in trouble and sneak up to your room to play video games." Kei said
(Entering the world of flashbacks.... Shall we...)
Kei's pov
"I want to see yuki" I said
"But we're not allowed to she's in trouble." Mai said
"We could still see her but we have to be extra quite." Rinji said while putting his finger over his mouth
And we all nodded
Following rinji up to yuki's room
"Okay everyone go in quickly" Rinji said while we all rushed in the room to see yuki crying
And I ran over to her "please stop crying we came to play with you big sis." I said
"Yea its really boring without you." Mai said and yuki started smiling
"Really but won't you guys get in trouble." Yuki said
"We don't care we just want to spend time with you." Rinji said and Yuki ruffled my hair and started laughing
"Alright then let's play some video games." Yuki suggested and we all started playing video games the whole night
(Exiting the world of flashbacks)
Yuki's breathing seemed to go down a little
"Woah it's working." Kiba said
"Take her mind off of you know who it helps." Kei said while smiling
"Hey yuki... I don't know if this will help but remember when we were on that field trip and you had me try that nasty Frappuccino." Sasuke said and I thought back (uh oh another flashback.... I hope you guys don't mind these flashbacks😁)
We get on my bed and just lay there
While drinking our Frappuccino
"Oh my god I didn't know it would be so sweet." Sasuke said with a disgusting face
"What did you expect Sasuke." I said while laughing a little
"Something bitter." Sasuke said and I start bussing out laughing
"What's so funny." Sasuke said with a frown
"It's a twix Frappuccino it's suppose to be sweet. Twix are not bitter you know." I said and Sasuke puts his arm around my waist
"Don't laugh at me I never tried it before." Sasuke said while ruffling my hair
"Oh my god you are so lame." I said and he kisses me
"If I'm lame then you are lame." Sasuke said while smirking
"What ever." I said while pouting
"Look at me." Sasuke said and I look at him and he kisses me again but more passionate
He pulls me up to sit and sits me on his lap and we just stare at each other
End of flashback
And I started smiling "it wasn't even that sweet and you still hated it." I said and then my breathing went back to normal
"See I knew that would've helped you because you always seem to laugh everytime I bring it up." Sasuke said and rinji pulls the bag away from yuki's mouth and Yuki got up and looked at Sakura
"That was funny wasn't it... I honestly can't believe you used my mom everyone knows that's a really hard subject for me to even think about. You really got me with that thinking that my real mom actually left because of me. I almost believed you until I remembered. The real reason why she really left us and plus my mom isn't that shallow. Yours probably is but mine isn't. So don't ever speak of her again like that got it!" I yelled then I ran up to her and we both started fighting
"You ruined everything for me every since I arrived here." I said "I want you to feel my fucking pain and how much I've suffered because of you." I said then I punched her nose and broke it then rinji pulled me off her
"Okay I think she learned her lesson sis let's go to the pool." Rinji said while carrying me over his shoulder and everyone followed
"Finally pool party!!!" Everyone said
We went to the back to see
"I CALL GOLDEN SWAN FLOATY... RINJI PUT ME DOWN." I yelled and he threw me into the pool and swam over fast to the swan then I climbed on it to see Sasuke already on it
"Get off I claimed it first." I said
"But I got on it first." Sasuke said
"Don't make me push you off." I said
"You wouldn't." Sasuke said then I smirked while pushing him off the side of the swan then I looked at where I pushed him in and he never came up but the swan did tip over by Sasuke with the help of friends
"HEY YOU ASS HOLES!" I yelled while getting the water gun spraying them with it
"I surrender!" Naruto said and shikamaru got out and now it was just me and Sasuke oh yea and everyone else because I accidentally sprayed ino so she sprayed and karin thought it was seigetsu so she sprayed him and it just turned into this big ol water gun fight
While Sasuke was distracted I got on to the now slippery and wet floaty but Sasuke pulled me down into the water
"Your not getting on the swan unless you share it with me." Sasuke said and I looked at him and sigh
"Fine you bastard." I said and he smirked at me then we both got onto the swan
"Oh my god Sasuke I like your hair better like this it's not shaped as a ducks ass." I said with a big smile
"So you like my hair when it's down...do I look sexy to you..." Sasuke said while smirking at me
"I'm not answering that." I said
"Why not?" Sasuke said
"Because your girlfriend is the one that's suppose to say if your sexy or not only thing I can say is that you look good Sasuke." I said
"I thought we were cool-" Sasuke said but I interrupted him
"Yea we are cool but we're not dating." I said
"But Sakura isn't my girlfriend anymore we broke... I broke up with her." Sasuke said with a painful look
"So what it doesn't mean she won't come back for you it still doesn't mean that she won't be on my ass twenty four seven because you know she will and guess what you're gonna do break up with me again and go back to her... I just don't have time to go through that shit again." I said while looking down...
"I promise you I fucking promise this to you yuki that won't happen again I swear it." Sasuke said while putting his hand on his heart with his other hand in the air like he's raising his hand "but just in case if this happens in the future if I end up breaking your heart just slap me... Just hit me and I should be good." Sasuke said and then I started laughing
"So you want me to be like Mio and slap some sense into you😂" I said
"Technically... Can you handle that." Sasuke asked
"I should be asking you that I hit pretty hard you know..." I said
"Theres Nothing I can't handle." Sasuke said
"You wanna test it now..." I said while smiling😁
"No you can't hit me unless I deserve it." Sasuke said
"Well you kinda do..." I said
And Sasuke looks down
"I really am sorry for that you know." Sasuke said and I look at him and nod
"Yea I know." I said
"So what are we now?" Sasuke asked
"....do you think you deserve another chance..." I asked and he nods and I sigh
"Okay but I wanna punish you from all the shit you put me through..." I said
"What type of punishment?" Sasuke asked
"Well your gonna like half of it." I said
"What is it? Is it really that bad?" Sasuke asked and I smirk
"Well were gonna reverse roles I'm gonna be you and your gonna be me." I said this is gonna be so fucking hilarious
"Wait what?" Sasuke asked
"Your gonna be the girl I'm gonna be the boy your gonna be me I'm going to be you." I repeated
"Do I have to wear your clothes?" Sasuke asked
"Actually... Yes but not exactly because you know I wear a lot of baggy clothes while at home or just shorts so we're gonna have to do some shopping..." I said
"How long is this gonna last..." Sasuke asked
"Just for twenty four hours." I said
"You want me to be you for a whole day!!!" Sasuke yelled and I smiled and nodded and he sighed
"Fine punishment accepted..." Sasuke said and I dove off the swan and sawm towards the stairs getting out of the pool while combing my wet hair back with my hand letting my hair fall back
"Yuki your hair colors coming back." Mio said while messing with my hair
"What really?!" I said
"Yea but it's just the roots of your hair that's black." Mio said
"Ooh I guess the water is what did it then..." I said
"And nice bathing suit by the way you look so good I'm suprised that Amy let you out like that." Mio said while smirking
"Honestly me too I didn't expect her to choose this for me to wear." I said
"Woah Amy has style." Mio said and I nod
"So are you finally coming back..." Mio asked
"I don't know..." I said
"You should honestly everyone misses you and your cooking we've litterly been eating ramen for the past week because no one would cook..." Mio said while sighing and I laugh
"Fine... I'll come back." I said while smiling at her
"I'm glad." Mio said
Brie: hope you enjoyed this personally I think this one was off but I guarantee the next chapter is probably going to be better