Ch.Fourty-Seven: Welcome Back

The next day....

Yuki's pov

Time to get this punishment started

Then Sasuke walks into my room and I shove some girly man clothes in his arms

"Wear this." I said

"Um no you said we switch roles not genders." Sasuke said

"It's still man clothes." I said

"But there fucking pink yuki." Sasuke said while pouting "I really don't want to wear this." He pouted

"Hmm..." I said

"I'll do anything else." Sasuke said

"Careful... Don't say that unless you mean it." I said

"I really do mean it one hundred percent." Sasuke said

"Okay so since I'm you today I'm taking one thing out and putting something else in." I said

"Which is?" Sasuke asked

"We don't have to switch clothes but you have to let me do what ever I want with you after this." I said

"Um your not gonna kill me right?" Sasuke said and I shake my head

"No you'll see now get out so I can change yuki." I said while slapping sasuke's butt and he glares at me

"I'm you today remember 😂" I said while laughing and he finally walks out the room and I change into my outfit for the day

Haha look at me I walk out my room and walk up to him kissing him in front of everyone grabbing his ass while doing it

"Good morning babe." I said while fixing my hair

Sasuke didn't say anything he just blushed and looked away from me "so what are we doing today boys?" I asked while holding Sasuke in my arms

"Um well we were going to go watch the game up stairs later." Naruto said and then Sasuke shot up

"That's today?" Sasuke said then I hit him

"Yea you coming?" Kiba asked

"Ye-" Sasuke asked but I cut him off

"Yea I'll go but yuki is going out with the girls today to get her nails done." I said

"H-hold on yuki that wasn't apart of the plan." Sasuke said while breaking out of my grip

"What? you're me today and I'm you were switching." I said

"I know but I didn't agree to do exactly what you do I'll rather hang with you today sasuke." Sasuke said while looking at me

"What the fuck is going on?" Mio asked

"This is sasuke's punishment." I said

"Ooh well good luck you two." Mio said while walking over to the refrigerator

"So are you two okay?" Kiba asked

"Yea were fine....i'm giving him another chance." I said while looking at him

"Oh finally!" Naruto yelled

"Thank god." Shikamaru said while sighing

"I'm glad now I don't have to see you cry anymore I'm happy." Mio said

And I go up to her and hug her "I love you so much!!!" I said while squeezing her a little

"I love you too." Mio said while hugging me back

"So we're about to head up to the cave we'll meet you up there sasuke." Naruto said while the boys got up and head to the 'cave'

What is the cave... Don't tell me they have a men cave... "Yuki you go with the girls today I want to watch the game and girls aren't allowed in the cave.." Sasuke said

"Well if I can't go you can't go." I said

"Why I want to watch the game yuki come on..😣" Sasuke wined

"Sorry Sasuke but this is your punishment." I said

"Fine just come on..." Sasuke said while talking my hand and then he led me to a wall

"Turn around yuki." Sasuke said

"Why I want to see!!" I said

"No... Your not even allowed to be here anyways just turn around." Sasuke said then I turned around hearing Sasuke put in some type of pin code.

Then the wall slid open and he grabbed my hand again and led me down the stairs

Okay I made this house every single one of them but I had no fucking clue about this damn room

"Welcome to the cave." Sasuke said

When I walked in the room was huge it was kinda of like a split room like half arcad and half sports bar

"What the actual Fu-" I said but Sasuke covered my mouth before I could say anything

"Let me explain before you end up jumping into conclusions." Sasuke said and I cross my arms and look at him

"I'm waiting." I said

"When we were leaving for the feild trip we kinda put this down on the blue prints..." Sasuke said

"Did I pay for this?" I asked

"No, no I did actually." Sasuke said

And I sigh "doesn't matter now kinda to late to complain." I said then Sasuke led me to where the rest of the boys were

"Woah Sasuke you know girls aren't allowed in here!" Neji said and I looked at him

"Why is all the boys here what is this some type of man party?" I said

"It's game day that's what it is." Choji said while getting some chips out of the cabinet

"What?" I said

"It's football game day and were going to watch it together." Diedera said and I look at him

"I don't know who you are but you have the longest hair I've ever seen and I thought my hair was long." I said while walking up to him but Sasuke grabs my arm and puts his hands around my waist

"Little brother your not going to share her?" Itachi said

"Your here too? What the hell? Do you guys just be sneaking in the house or something?" I asked

"Um no there's two ways into this place which I can't tell you about so don't ask about it." Itachi said " The only reason why I'm here is because my friends wanted to come and watch the game so I brought them here." Itachi said

"And who are your friends? I thought you were a loner?" I said

"It's those three idiots nagato, haiden and diedera." Itachi said

"Brother leave her be." Sasuke said

"If you let me go mess with deideras hair then I'll let you be you for the rest of the day." I said while looking up at Sasuke and he looks down to me

"You promise you'll terminate my punishment." Sasuke said

"Not all of it just the part when we switch." I said

"Okay okay fine go mess with his hair but I'll be watching you closely... I'm not joking." Sasuke said while putting his hands on both of sides of my hips as he turns me around and kisses me.

I broke from his grip and went over to Deiadera "hiya." I said with a huge grin on my face

"You want to play in my hair or something?" Deiadera said while sighing and I start noding rapidly

Then he stopped me before I got dizzy

"Y-yeah please can I?" I asked

"W-why?" Deiadera asked

"It looks so silky and soft I just wanna play with it.... Sorry for the weird introduction... I'm yuki and you?" I said

"Deiadera..." Deiadera said

"Nice you have a unique name that's good." I said and I can see him starting to get embarrassed 😳

"I-its not that unique it's just a name..." Deiadera said

"Well my full name is yukikio and I honestly think yours is better than mine." I said

"What's your full name?" Deiadera said

"Yukikio michiko Abe why? Do you know me?" I said while smirking

"Uh duh your all over the magazine covers right now literally." Deiadera said while smiling "you can play with my hair I don't care if it's you." Deiadera said while grabbing my hand bringing me over to the front row of the seats in front of the T.v second to last seat

"Sit here this is where I sit." Deiadera said

"Where are you going to sit?" I said

And he sits on the floor between my legs so that I can easily access his hair

I. Am. Mentally. SCREAMING INSIDE oh my gosh his hair feels so good. I'm jealous of who ever his girlfriend is

I was messing with his hair when he soon leaned his head on my thigh

I soon began to hear faint snoring come from deiadera so this is probably why he never lets anyone play in his hair because It makes him sleepy.... But I just couldn't resist it😁

Sasuke came up to me "so you gonna come with me or what?" Sasuke asked

"And where are you going?" I asked

"To the bar." Sasuke asked

"Well I can't really move because he's asleep and he looks really comfortable..." I said

"Yea because he's sleeping on your thighs they're like the best head pillow your thighs are comfortable as fuck." Sasuke said "I can't believe he's using them." Sasuke muttered

"It's because I'm thicc...isn't it..." I said

"Yea, don't even feel disappointed about that thicc girls are the best I love a girl with meat on her bones." Sasuke said

"Mhm... What literally dated a cardboard box..." I said while giggling

"You promised not to bring that up again...." Sasuke pouted

I messed with deiadera's ears and whispered in his ear "I know your having a good sleep and everything but I know you don't wanna miss the game so you better wake up deiadera~" I whispered and he began to wake up slowly

"Good afternoon😂" I said and he backed away from me in complete embarrassment

"I am so sorry I ju-" Deiadera said

"It's fine your not the first to even do it Naruto did it to... And so did Sasuke and shikamaru..." I said

"Huh?" Naruto asked

"What?! When did this happen." Sasuke asked

"A while ago we were just chillin and he feel asleep so you know you can't really hold yourself up when your sleeping so his head fell on my lap and yea...." I said

"What about shika." Sasuke asked

"She was being pushy." Shika said

"What?" Sasuke said

"It's true it was before school hours I was about to sleep on the floor but she just started throwing a fit saying that it's bad to sleep on the floor you could hurt your back and other stuff so she offered to let me sleep on her thighs I didn't really think to much of it though but that's was a the best nap I ever had." Shika said

"I want a turn." Itachi said

"No way!" Sasuke said while pulling me out of the chair then everyone just started groaning and complaining at Sasuke

"She's mine I don't need to share her." Sasuke said while bring me back to his spot and he sat down into his chair and he pats his lap "sit" Sasuke comanded

"How do you want me to sit daddy..." I said while smirking

"You know how I want you to sit now come on." Sasuke said

"Okay master-" I said

"Go back to calling me daddy." Sasuke said while smirking

"Daddy~" I cooed somebody is in the mood or he's just kinky as fuck..i walked up to Sasuke sitting on his lap with my body facing him with my feet on the outside near his legs

"I want you to try and keep quiet during the game so I can pay attention..." Sasuke said while looking at my lips

"Ok I will but it's not like you guys are going to be quite anyways." I said then he wraped his arms around my waist pulling me up closer to his body

"I know but if you do talk your gonna distract me for sure with how pretty you look in this outfit all the skin your showing it's not going to take long to take off." Sasuke said while untieing my plaid shirt from around my waist. Letting it fall on the floor.

"You look better without that shirt." Sasuke said

"Of course you would say that." I said and sasuke

"Look honestly if your good I'll let you have me tonight~" Sasuke cooed in my ear

"Right now." I said

"W-wha?" Sasuke said

"Right here and now." I said

"I can't I'm already holding myself back as is." Sasuke when looking down at where his little friend is

"Pft what ever." I smirked

"I've been craving for you alot. You came back home looking all bold and pretty with your purple hair but now it looks like it's fading. And know your on top of me with your ass on my dick....come on yuki you should know what turns me on by know just the sight of you will work." Sasuke said

"Oh really..." I said while easily removing my shoes without getting of him not really insecure about my feet because they are so beautiful and I just got Manipedis for that pool party yesterday so their looking good

"Hmm... What's this..." Sasuke said while bitting his bottom lip

Sasuke leans in and gives me multiple kisses. He then began to attack my neck giving me kisses and hickeys there too.

"S-sasuke~" I Whimpered

"Don't do that babe you know I won't hesitate when it comes to you." Sasuke said

"I-i-" I said but Sasuke kissed me while shoving his tongue in my mouth. While grabbing my ass. Oooh my gosh... Why is he doing this right now I'm so fuckig embarrassed... 😳

"Mmm" I muttered

Then Sasuke's phone began vibrating in his pocket then Sasuke pulled away so he can check it

"They boys went to the store to get more beer we have a couple of minutes to do what we want do you want to go back u-" Sasuke said but I just kissed him while rubbing on sasuke's manhood

"Nghhhh!!!" Sasuke moaned I pulled away with a smirk plastered on my face "you naughty naughty girl." Sasuke muttered


Brie: *sigh* sorry for not updating for a little while schools been a pain in the ass but you see I'mma just going to warrn you now next chapter is gonna have some smut and NSFW but not a lot okay I might just die writting the next chapter....