Ch.Fourty-Nine: Babysitting

Yuki's Pov

Phone call continued

"Great were on our way now." Fumi said

"Wait now?! But it's late." I said

"We've been in the car driving to your dorm the whole time were already outside." Fumi said

"Oh god okay I'm coming hold on." I said while hanging up I walk out the bathroom and Sasuke looks at me

"Come back to bed." Sasuke said while reaching for me but I back away

"I can't my auntie is here so I have to go and get the door for her." I said

"Why is she all the way down here?" Sasuke said

"I'll explain later okay jus- I'll be back." I said while going down the stairs and opening the door for Fumi

And she comes in with her wife into our foyer

"Hey auntie." I said and they look around

"Your still just like your mom living good as ever this place is huge I have no doubt that she'll have fun here." Fumi said

"Hi!"Fumi's wife said with excitement

"Hi?" I said in confusion

"Um you don't mind if I ask if you have any safe places for Erity to sleep." Fumi's wife asked

"Well this is a dorm house and no one here has been pregnant since were still you know high Schoolers... But I could ask charles to get a crib if it'll make you feel better." I said while smiling at her

"I'm sorry if I'm being pushy but you know she's only 4 weeks old and I'm kind of hesitant for her safety." Fumi's wife said

"Well if this makes you feel any better I have experience with babies every since I was little since my mom left us so I took care of my younger sister Mai and my younger brother keitaro every since they were babies so you have nothing to worry about I promise." I said and she hugs me

"Thank you so much really!" Fumi's wife said and Fumi walked up to me and gave me the baby in the car seat and the baby bag

"You have everything you need in that bag the diapers, the baby's milk, instructions on how to make the milk, her clothes, socks etc." Fumi said and I start giggling

"I hope you have a fun trip really you deserve it too for taking care of my mom all those years you were away." I said and Fumi hugs me

"Thanks, I'll see you at your graduation." Fumi said while leaving with her wife and I sigh

"Great now I'm stuck with a baby... And our teacher is coming tomorrow." I mutter and I put the car seat on the ground and take Erity out of the car seat (just to let you know I get all of my pictures from Pinterest even this baby photo this is not my child😂😂 but in this book this is yuki's baby cousin isn't this pic just adorable though 😍😍)

I take Erity out of her car seat and I hold her in my arms then I take out my phone to call charles

Phone call

"This is charles." Charles answered

"Charlllessss!" I whined

"Yes, Ms. Abe." Charles said while chuckling

"I need a baby basinet..." I said

"And Why do you need a baby basinet?" Charles asked

"I'm babysitting Fumi's baby girl and I have nothing she can sleep in it was kind of a requirement." I said

"Ooh I see I'll be over in a little while and I'm guessing this basinet is going in your room?" Charles said

"No, it's going in sasuke's his room has more open space." I said

"But shouldn't the baby be with you?" Charles said

"She is I'm going to be sleeping in there with them." I said

"B-but... Alright Ms. Abe I'll get that right away." Charles said while sounding worried

"Thanks charles." I said while hanging up

Once I hung up Erity started crying

"Oh no what's wrong baby? Huh?" I asked her but she kept crying then I thought of something just maybe maybe I can use my voice to shut her up but there was one problem... I've never used my real voice to sing to anyone... Ever and I don't know how she's gonna take this....ugh you know what fuck it I'll give it a try anyways!

"Hey little angel you want to hear the pop star sing?" I said and she looked at me

"Hush little one there's nothing to fear I'm here to protect and to watch over you I cause no fear I give nothing but the best only for you just believe in me and trust that you would be protected for life. I love you to much to cause you to cry my little angel. You bring the light to my darkened past just believe that you give me nothing but the best so I shall return my little angel~" I sang and she fell asleep on my chest then the doorbell rang and I moved towards the door to open it for Charles but amy is here too so that's great

"Hey I'm here to help anyway I can." Amy said

"Your suppose to be wedding planing why are you here?" I asked

"I wanted to help I love babies so I can take her if you want." Amy said and I hand Erity over to Amy and she rocks and bounces her a little "she's so tiny." She whispered

"I know I thought she would've at least been a little bigger but hey newborns are the cutest." I said

"Ms.abe where is sasuke's bedroom would you mind leading me." Charles asked

"Oh yea sure I'll see you in a few amy." I said while walking towards sasuke's room and I walk in

"Babe I need to put a baby crib in your room." I said

"W-why? D-don't tell me your..." Sasuke said then I herd a gulp

"I'm not pregnant but I'm baby sitting my little cousin and she's only four weeks old so she needs to be with us that's what my aunties wife said it was a requirement." I said and Charles put her crib in the corner

"There all set you can just sit her in here it should be really comfortable I got only the best bed for Erity." Charles said

"Honestly thanks your the best." I said while hugging him

Sasuke clears his voice "um I deserve a kiss you know your turning my room into a babies room." Sasuke Whined

"Oh my god Sasuke stop whining you'll get your kisses later just let me walk them out and me and my cousin will be coming up here with you." I said while walking out his room Charles walking right behind me we walk down the hallway

I walk down to see Erity is crying again "I have no clue why she's crying yuki she was fine just a minute ago." Amy said

"It's fine she probably just needs a diaper change or she's just really hungry but I got it you guys can leave so you can go ahead and get some wedding planning done." I said while taking Erity out of her hands and I check if she has a dirty diaper but it's clean

"Did your momma not feed you before you before she left." I said to Erity but she keeps crying

"Okay okay big cousin is going to feed you hold on let me get the bottle." I said while digging in the bag reaching for a bottle

"It's cold you sure you want a cold bottle." I said and she looks at the bottle "I guess so but don't complain if it's not good I said." Then I started feeding her

"This is a fucking hassel..." I said while picking up her bag moving all of her stuff to sasuke's room and he comes over to me

"Watch out babe baby in my arms." I said and then he takes the baby bag from me And I sit on sasukes bed feeding Erity and Sasuke starts taking out all of the stuff in the baby bag and putting it on top of his dresser

"She sure did pack a lot for only two days." Sasuke said

"I know.... Aaand she's sleep." I said while taking the bottle from her mouth and lays her down into her crib and gets in sasuke's bed

"I'm so tired honestly and kakashi is coming in a couple of hours." I said

"Yea but you can take a little nap and I'll watch Erity since your tired." Sasuke said

"Oh no you don't have to its my responsibility to watch her you know." I said while declining his offer

"Stop being stubborn and take a nap." Sasuke said and I started pouting

"I'm not stubborn...duckass." I muttered

"What was that?" Sasuke asked

Then I pretend to be sleep but then I ended up Feeling someone pull me up against them and I stiffen up "calm down it's just me." Sasuke said and I calm down just from hearing his voice then I started to dozzed off

The next day

Sasuke's pov

I'm not even really tired anymore so I'm just gonna-

"Is she awake?"I get out of bed and I walk over to Erity's crib to see her squirming and making baby noises then she looks at me and starts giggling

"Hey their little Erity." Sasuke said and Erity smiles at him so fucking adorable

"Well at least she isn't crying.... But this feeling is pretty good just having a baby in the room makes me feel different...i don't know why?" I said while watching Erity smiling then someone knocks on my door and I go over to answer it

"What is it?" I asked naruto

"Um kakashi is on his way he said he'll be here in a little bit." Naruto said

"Alright." I said

"Do you know where yuki is I went to her room but she wasn't in there." Naruto said

"She's in here I'll get her up don't worry." I said

"Ok thanks." Naruto said while leaving and I sigh walking back into the room and look at yuki

"Babe..." I said while walking up to yuki getting on top of her kissing her neck

"Babe get up come on before I get a quicky in." I said and she opens her eyes

"Why are you on top of me sasuke?" Yuki asked tiredly rubbing her eye with her left hand looking up at me and I kiss her and she kisses back

"I tried to get you up that's why but good morning babe." I said while getting off her and off the bed heading over to Erity

"Is she still sleeping?" Yuki asked and I picked Erity up

"No she's been up for a while actually." I said while walking back over towards my bed and Yuki sits up

"Erity look yuki's finally up now you can mess with her." Sasuke said while smiling sitting on the bed in front of yuki letting Erity lay on the bed between us

"Oh yea Naruto said kakashi was on his way." I said and yuki looks at me

"Do you know why he's coming?" Yuki asked and I shake my head no and she sighs

"well I'm going to take Erity a bath you should go get ready." Yuki said while walking in my bathroom and I smile

Yuki's pov

After Erity's bath "Man I'm tired Erity honestly...i know your momma misses you." I said while drying her off then I put her on a little outfit.

"Oh my gosh baby look at you! Your so adorable!" Yuki said in a baby voice and Erity starts to laugh while I tickle her stomach and I smile I love babies soooo much!!!

An hour later

Me and sasuke were chilling the the living room down stairs with Erity watching T.V

Then everyone started to come downstairs

"Who's baby?" Mio asked while walking up next to me looking at the baby

"Ours." Sasuke said while smiling at me and I look suprised but I'mma just roll with it because I'm bored

"Wait what now?" Mio asked

"It's our baby our baby girl." I said while smiling

"When did this happen she wasn't here yesterday." Mio said

"She was with my auntie sorry for the late introduction." I said

"Are you fucking serious yuki you have a baby are you sure your not fucking with me." Mio said and Sasuke signs

"It's our baby trust me." Sasuke said while picking Erity up and he hands her to Mio

"U-um w-wait take her back I'm not ready!!" Mio yelled and Erity starts to cry

"Why'd you yell?" I asked

"Because I'm not ready to be an auntie!" Mio yelled and so did Erity

"Stop yelling Mio she's copying you." I said

"I can't help it I'm nervous!" Mio yelled and I take Erity out of her arms and hand her over to Naruto and he smiles.

"Hey little one." Naruto said and my eyes widened

"Well damn...when we're you good at this type of thing" I said

"Every since my mom gave birth to my little sister a couple days ago." Naruto said

"Oh yea your dad did tell me about your mom being pregnant... Is she okay?" I asked and he nods

"That's good." I take Erity out of his arms and he pouts and I put her into shikamarus arms and he panics

"S-stop putting r-random things on me!" Shikamaru studders

"It's not a thing it's a baby a small human bean." I said and shikamaru looks at Erity

"What's the baby's name?" Shika asked

"Huh?" I said

"You never told us the name what's the name." Shika said

"Oh her name is Erity." I said

"Oh how unique." Shikamaru said while smiling at her

And someone knocks on the door

"I got it." kiba said while heading over to the front door


Brie: I am sooooo sorrryyy for posting this chapter sooo fucking late I've been dealing with a bad case of something called writers block and I just couldn't write anything for a while but after this chapter is posted I'll already be starting the next chapter so it will probably be on time but no promises...

