Ch.Fifty: Graduation

Yuki's pov

"I got it." kiba said while heading over to the front door and kakashi walks in with boxes

"Hey kakashi sensei." Naruto said while running over to him "what's in the boxes?" Naruto asked

"Um it's your graduation stuff your caps and your gowns." Kakashi said while putting them on the table

"Wait that's today?" I asked and he nods

"Ooh I forgot... Damn it I have to get ready now." Yuki mutters

"Don't worry its not for another two hours." Kakashi said

"T-two hours?!" Everyone yelled and hinata almost faints

"Kuso..." I said

"Language." Kakashi said

"Gomen nasai Kakashi sensei..." I said and Mio starts laughing

"Daijoubu desu"  Kakashi said and I nod at him to thank him

"Now come get your stuff so I can head to the next house." Kakashi said while handing us our gowns

"Their silk white I thought they were suppose to be green?" Kiba said

"Don't ask me I'm just doing my job kiba. Now good bye see you in an hour in 50 minutes." Kakashi said while walking out the door

"What?! That much time has passed oh my god we have to do our make up let's go!!" Hinata said

"Umm I never do my make up for important events I always trusted haru to do it-" I said and then I got cut off with haru actually coming in the door with a cute dude behind him

"Hey honey!!!" Haru said while grinning

"Haru!!!" I said while running up to him hugging him

"Why aren't you ready yet I thought you would've at least had your hair done already..." Haru said while sounding a little disappointed

"Well I had to get Erity ready so I haven't really done anything to me yet." I said

"Enough talking let's get you ready babe!" Haru said while dragging me up to my room and sitting me down in front of my mirror

while everyone else starts to get ready and Haru pulls out a bag full with dresses

"Why'd you buy all that? I told you to stop spoiling me I literally have a full fucking closet full of clothes." I said and Haru sighs

"Those don't matter today is important for you right you want to impress your mom right? " Haru said

"I forgot abou-" I said but Haru Inturpted me

"Well it's about time you remember what today really means yuki! You want to show your mom that you've grown up into a beautiful young women you want to show her that you were okay without her and that she had nothing to worry about!" Haru said and I look down

"But she has every right to be worried though....she hasn't seen us in years." I said while Haru puts my hair up into a messy bun

"Well let's make this reunion the best reunion ever okay..." Haru said while looking at me through the mirror smiling

After Haru does my make up he plugs in a hair curler and puts my lipstick on for me

"Okay so show me how your gown looks." Haru said and I get up and get the gown and shows him

"Oooh silk white fancy~"Haru said and I put it back on my bed "and I have just the dress for it too." Haru said while picking up a white dress

Showing it to me smirking "sooo.... What do you think?" Haru said and I smile

"It's perfect I love it." I said And he smiles

"great that's good now I'm going to do your hair your about to be the prettiest Bitch in the whole school you about to kill it!" Haru said while taking out my bun letting my hair fall and he picks up the curler and starts doing my hair

And then I look in the mirror and look at Haru through the mirror and smirks "thanks for letting me keep my roots black" I said and he smiles

"You look good girl." Haru said and then I go and put on my dress and do my nails And puts my shoes on

I stand up and do a little pose and Haru nods

"Hell yes you look fucking beautiful!!" Haru said while smiling

"I did good oh yea your make up is water proof so if you end up crying today just know that your make up will be fine if anything gets messed up just call me I'll have a emergency make up kit" Haru said

"Your the fucking best Haru!!!" I said while smiling at him and he gets my gown and helps me put it on and I zip it up and puts my cap on

Then I start to hear the door bell ring and I walk down the stairs with Haru chasing me from behind with my little purse

"Take this purse it goes with your outfit hun." Haru said and I take the purse

someone pulls my hand and drags me into the kitchen

"I've been looking for you, I can't believe you left me with Erity." Sasuke said while holding Erity in his arms

"Well Haru dragged me up stairs I'm sorry" I said while taking Erity out of his arms and holding her while she's sucking on her Pasifyer

"My auntie is going to meet us before the ceremony starts so she can get Erity off our hands." I said and then my brother comes up behind me and hugs me

"Your lucky I knew it was you kei." I said

"I'm sad." Kei said

"Your always looking upset kei." I said

"No I'm really upset now, your leaving were not going to be in the same school anymore." Kei said while looking down and I turn around and look at him and put both of my hands on both of his cheeks

"You will be fineeee I will visit you a lot trust me kei I could never leave you guys even if I wanted to.... I'm pretty sure once I leave I'll get home sick and come right back to you guys." I said while smiling

"But your leaving for four years I don't want you to go for that long!!!" Kei said while pouting

"Like I said you'll be fine trust me! And you never know you might actually get a girl friend while I'm gone.... You never know." I said and Kei starts smiling

"Thanks sis." Kei said "once you come back from college I'm going to give you the biggest hug ever." Kei said and I started thinking about mom

"Hey.... Kei... Do you remember who our mom is." I asked

"I do but No not really...only thing I can really remember is the song she use to sing us." Kei said while looking a bit down and I started to sing the song to him with a grin on my face

And then Kei actually started to tear up right in front of me for the first time in years Kei has never been the type of guy to ever cry in front of his sisters...ever. So he never sheds a tear he's never actually cried in front of me this is the first

And I hug him turning him away from everyone's face making me look towards the group seeing rinji smile but Mai she was crying

"Mai... Come here sis." I said

Then she touched her face "I didn't even realize I was crying I just-" Mai said but I hugged her "once I herd that song something just snapped inside of me making me bust in tears I-" Mai said while crying but not on my shoulder because you know I'm wearing white...

"It's okay I understand I shouldn't have sung the song it's been a while." I said and rinjis rubbing their back and she looks at Haru

"Do you mind fixing my make up I'm sorry it's just I couldn't stop it." Mai said and he just nods and Mai follows him into the living room and he starts to redo Mai's make up then rinji comes up To me and hugs me

"Umm i'm not crying Rinji I'm fine." I said

"You have a photo shoot after the ceremony your friends can come if they want dad said it was manditory..." Rinji said while sighing

"Ughhhhh!! I thought I was done with those!!" I groaned and Rinji starts laughing at me

"It isn't funny asshole matter of a fact your doing it with me since you want to laugh." I said while smirking

"Y-you cant do that,  you won't do that!" Rinji said and I walked over to my dad

"Dad!!! Rinji wants to do the photo shoot with me can he!!!" I said

"Sure sweetheart it's your special day you can have whatever you want." Dad said and I turned to him and give him a smirk and stook out my tongue

"Okay everyone let's go it's time to graduate!!!" Kiba yelled and every started leaving the house Sasuke hands me Erity and I put her into her carseat

"You riding with me babe?" I asked while looking him and he gave me the baby bag

"Yea hold on I forgot her bottle I'm going to go get it really quick be right back." Sasuke said while kissing my forehead and leaving the room

"I'm coming with you sis." Mai said and Mio and kei and Kage and rinji popped up behind her

"Okay listen you guys know that I don't have that big of a car right.." I said 😅

"How many seats we can make this work." Kei said

"Eritys coming with us so... The car can't really be that crowded." Sasuke said while handing me a full bottle of baby milk

"I only have a four seater...Wait hold on I have a solution if you want to ride with me just stay behind okay." I said and the majority of my siblings and my friends oh yea and dorm house two came to so I definitely need to get amy on the phone ugh!

Phone call

"Hello this is amy."

"Today is going so bad!!" I yelled

"How it's your graduation day What happened." Amy said

"We need to head to where that ceremony is going to be but I only have a four seater plus Erity at that. My friend's want to ride with us but my BMW is only a four seater." I said

"How many people are you planing on taking?! Yuki your going to the same place aren't you?" Amy yelled through the phone

"Yes.... But... They all want to ride with me for some reason." I whined

"Okay, okay just hold on me and  charles will be there in a littl-" Amy said but I cut her off

"Umm you have to speed your way down here though amy it starts in a little bit." I said

"What yuki I swear you-" Amy said but I cut her off

" Love you see you later!" I said while hanging up

She's going to kill me.... This isn't going as I planned and my mom might actually be here ugh!!

"Okay just sit tight she'll-" I said but I herd a honk out side and I went outside to see haru and Amy arguing

"Hey what's going on." I asked

"Get your asses in the car." Amy said and charles came up behind her wraping his arms around her waist

"I'm sorry Ms.abe please don't fire her she's upset because a police officer gave her a warning about speeding down in that." Charles said while pointing over to the limo and I start laughing

"I'm not firing anyone Amy, calm down it's a warning you didn't actually get a ticket but thanks for speeding for me I really appreciate that." I said while smiling and Sasuke comes out the house with everyone else

"I think we should be heading out now Erity is hungry I can't feed her like this." Sasuke said while carrying her car seat and we all started getting in the limo heading towards the ceremony

Sasuke's pov

I put Erity in the corner so she can face the wall then I give her the bottle and itachi comes and sits next me with yuki looking a little disappointed

"Why'd you sit here?" I said

"I wanted to talk to you about the clan." Itachi said

"But yuki wanted to sit here." I said

"This will only take a minute." Itachi said

"Okay what is it." I said

"Moms mad at you again you know." Itachi said

"Why I didn't do anything?" I said

"You breaking up with yuki reached her and she was upset because you let a good girl go but I see you guys are back together." Itachi said

"Well I want to be with yuki but Sakura keeps black mailing me to the point where I have to leave that's the reason I had to left her I didn't want to, it was just a choice of my own and I hurt her in the process I don't even know if she wants to be together anymore she probably just wants to be friends." Sasuke said

"You know you have to hurry and find yourself a wife and expand the clan. If you don't hurry and get her mom will arrange someone for you." Itachi said and I sigh

"I want to get married with her. But it's going to take some time itachi." I said 

"You know mom is impatient.... She's going to end up sending you to some other chick. Even though she loved yuki at the party. You have to at least get her to be engaged to you or mom will do it but you won't be with yuki."itachi said

"Brother it's going to at least take me a year to do!" I yelled

"A year! Mom is definitely going to set you up with some one else." itachi said

"I'll deal with that when the time comes okay just let yuki sit here I'll talk to her." I said and itachi got up and left then yuki came over and layed on my shoulder

"Um yuki I have to talk to you after the graduation ceremony if you don't mind." I asked her

"O-okay." Yuki said

After of while of chatting we arrived at the place where the ceremony was being held when we walked in Music was blasting Electro and Edm Music I looked back at Yuki to see her swinging her hips to the music I was holding yuki's hand leading her and we seen green white and black balloons everywhere and black chairs

damn I'm so fucking nervous

Yuki's pov

I hope she's here it was said that my family is in the front row but their up on the balcony so she can't run down and hug me like I wanted her to but it's okay

"Come on babe we got to go take our seats." Sasuke said while Putting his hands on my waist walking directly behind me then the music cut of and the ceremony started everyone was heading up to the stage grabing their diplomas soon it was my turn let's do this....


Brie: well were coming to an end man but soon after there will be a book two so look out for it don't forget about this book 😁✌