Yuki's pov
"Come on babe we got to go take our seats." Sasuke said while Putting his hands on my waist walking directly behind me then the ceremony started everyone was heading up to the stage grabbing their diplomas soon it was my turn let's do this....
Emikos pov
I was at the top sitting near my sister and her wife with little Erity but then I herd my baby girls name get called but I couldn't see her just yet
"Emiko she's not going to grab that diploma until she knows your here." Fumi said
"What that's crazy?!" I yelled
"I know but she isn't the only one daisukes here Kei Rinji and Mai is here as well they all want to see you." Fumi said
"They do wait where are they please I need to know." Emiko said and Fumi points to across the room and smiles
"The girl with short brown hair with glasses is your youngest daughter Mai the boy on her left with the red hair is Keitaro and the boy on her right is Rinji your oldest." Fumi said "And the man beside him is my brother Daisuke." Fumi said while smiling
"Where's aiko?" Emiko asked
"I'll let her explain." Fumi said while looking at my daughter going up on the stage
"Oh my. She's grown up so much she's so beautiful." I said while smiling that's my girl
Yuki's pov
The principal was going to give me my diploma but I didn't grab it instead I took the mic here goes nothing I've done this before I'm a DJ I got this I got this
"I'm not grabbing my diploma until I know that my mother is here I'm sorry to hold this ceremony up but I haven't seen my mom in years I haven't seen her since I was five and now that I'm basically a grown women heading on her way in life soon heading to college I would like to see her just once, one time is all I need you know so please if your out there mom say something....." I said
And sakura stands up "keep your personal life out of this Abe no one cares!" Sakura yelled and Naruto pulls her down glaring at her
Then all of a sudden I here this voice calling out to me
"Take that diploma right now! Don't let me stop from accomplishing your dream!" A women said
"Somebody put a spot light on her!" I herd my dad say and people are starting to work on the spot lights until there was a difficult with the light I didn't know that it would be this hard to see my mom
"You don't need to see me the only thing that you need to do is listen I've never forgotten about you guys."
"Anyone please help Sasuke! Please!" I said while looking down into the audience to see Sasuke gather in a bunch of people heading up to where the problem is and I see that Sakura is gone why Sakura just why?
Sasuke's pov
"What's going on sasuke?" Mio said
"Sakura is Inturuping something very important again We have to try and get yuki's mom and Yuki to see each other that's all Yuki wants to do is see her mom before she heads off to college and I'm going to make that happen you guys handle Sakura I'm going to get her mom okay just go." I said while heading up to the balcony and I get stopped by Rinji
"Please help us we need to know." Rinji said
"I will just let me by." I said while following the sound of her voice down the ally I need to look for fumi she's going to be near fumi where is she. she should be towards the front...gotacha and I began smirking I walked next to Fumi and she jumps
"We need to borrow Ms.Abe for a moment if you don't mind." Sasuke said while reaching his hand towards Ms.Abe while walking back towards the stage
"W-what do I do?" Ms.Abe said
"Just keep talking to your daughter that's all you have to do for me tell her not to move from the stage her boyfriend is handling everything she'll understand what I mean." I said
"Um Yuki honey don't move I'm coming your boyfriend is handling everything." Her mom said and she smiles
Shortly we made it and sakura, whew let me tell you she was in so much trouble with my parents yuki's parents and her parents and all of the students had to return to their seats but a moment has started a new chapter opened for me and my girlfriend and you'll eventually find out soon
I brought yuki's mom on the stage and Yuki starts crying running up to her mom tightly and not letting go what so ever "oh my god finally thank the heavens." Ms.abe said while holding Yuki in her arms and I lead them to the back where they can't be seen and of course I got our diplomas before leaving I'm such a good boyfriend right😁
Once we were in the back they wouldn't let each other go it was nice to see my girlfriend like that deep down I know she's happy then the rest of her family came and hugged them both with all of her kids crying in her arms
"Oh my look how big you've gotten my little angels." Emiko said and her dad comes over to me and pulls me to the side and hugs me tightly. My parents soon came to the back searching for me watching everything happen
"Thank you, thank you so much." He said and I Pat his back
"It was no problem Yuki needed her mom so I just did what a boyfriend would always do is help." I said
"You know I've been thinking about this and I've been hesitating a lot I know your a uchiha so your probably searching for a wife right about now are you?" He asked and I nod
"I'll let you take my oldest daughter away but don't force her to marry you wait until the time is right Sasuke but you have my blessing okay." He said
"T-thanks." I said and Mio runs to Yuki and hugs her mom
"Emiii I missed you why'd you leave!!!" Mio said while whinning and Naruto comes down
"I'm sorry I tried to stop her but after we got our diplomas she ran here." Naruto said
"And who's this?" Yuki's dad said
"Oh sorry for the late introduction but my name is Naruto uzumaki my dad's the hokage and I'm Mio's significant other." Naruto said
"Oh your Minato's oldest how's your sister and your mom?" Yuki's dad asked and I sighed while looking over to yuki will she become my wife... I really think I should wait it out but my mom....then my Family came over to congratulate me on graduating
Emiko's pov
I can't believe this I have my family back in my arms this is so a gift from God thank you... I kind of really want to know what happened to aiko...
I let my kids go "hey it's honestly good to see you all again." I looked at my two youngest kids and you Touches their cheeks "you two aren't fighting are you?" I asked and my kei started smiling
"No were not fighting were more like good siblings now." Mai said and I smile and turn to Rinji
"You've did a good job rinji I've heard a lot of good things about you from your auntie.... Thanks for keeping your promise." I said and he starts crying in his arm And I walk over to him and hugged him
"T-thanks M-mom." Rinji said in between his sobs and I rub his back after a while I let him go and go to yuki
"Just to let you know I've missed you and our talks yukikio and now that I know what that bitch put you through I would like to give her a piece of my mind!" I said while getting a little angry
"M-mom she's in jail." Yuki said while laughing a little
"Oh really well I hope she rots in there then but what happened Fumi told me to ask you." I asked my daughter
"Well... She was trying to fire amy and charles I couldn't let her do that so originally I was going to confront her about it but she started talking crap about you so I was going to beat her until my friend Naruto called his dad and my boyfriend's dad over and they arrested her for identity theft so aiko isn't really aiko...." I said
"W-wait you have a boyfriend??" I asked I'm totally confused I've been away way too long my little girl has a boyfriend?!
"Y-yeah..." Yuki said while blushing S-she's blushing!! she must be crazy about this dude I thought Fumi said she became really cold towards people... Who is this boy....
"I want to meet him." I said and Yuki suddenly freezes
"This soon?" Yuki said while looking at me
"Yea I'm your mother I deserve to know who took you away from me and who allowed this to happen and I'm going to have a little talk with this sakura chick." I said
"Umm O-okay." Yuki said
Yuki's pov
She wants to meet sasuke oh shit oh shit oh shit I'm totally fucked she looked pissed....
I walked over to sasuke who was leaning on the wall with his brother which left as soon as he saw me and he looks over to me and smiles and waves
And my mom walks towards him "oh your the boy from earlier!" My mom said and he nods
"Hi I'm sasuke uchiha your daughter significant other." Sasuke said and I blush
"Well you really are a good looking fellow thanks for watching over my daughter and protecting her in school when Rinji couldn't." My mom said and his eyes widen
"Y-your accepting me this easily..." Sasuke said
"You don't seem that bad a guy." My mom said
"Your son said the exact same thing why?" Sasuke said
"Let me read your memories and in return I'll show you what I see when I see you." My mom said is this where kei gets his power from? And I see from the corner from my eye kei watching mom learning from her
"Clear your mind sasuke or think of something or someone important..." My mom said
Emiko's pov
My mind soon transfers into his body down the tunnel of memories and soon I'm walking through his memories from when he was a child to now from the time he first laid eyes on my daughter to now and man let me say these are some freaky kids haha... With my mind soon transferring back into my own body
Yuki's pov
I hold sasuke... Well I try to hold him since you know he weighs a ton!! He soon opens his eyes
"Sasuke....babe?" I asked and he looks at me
"Well your mom thinks to highly of me she and your brother thinks that I'm a really good person like I have been good my whole life... I don't even really know how to explain how or what they think of me but now that your mom probably saw us....you know....I think she thinks a little less." Sasuke said while blushing
"Dummy why'd you think of me then... I swear Sasuke your going to get me in trouble one day..." I said while sighing
"But I was already thinking about you way before hand." Sasuke said and I start blushing and I In Twined our fingers and he kisses the back of my hand
"I love you." Sasuke said while looking at me smiling gently
"I love you to Teme." I said then he kissed me and I kissed him back
And in the distance my mom smiles at us with my dad dragging her over to another corner
"Is the ceremony over?" I asked and shikamaru comes over
"No our schools pretty huge but we can leave though." Shika said and I smile and see all of my friends are already back here
"You guys ready to go?" I said but Sasuke stops me.
"Don't forget you have a photo shoot Missy don't disobey your parents already it's a good day." Sasuke said while handing me my diploma and I smile
"As long as your doing some pictures with me then sure." I said and he smirks
"Sure baka." He said while grabbing my hand leading me infront of the building with everyone following us to the gardens where my photo shoot was and I sigh... But Sasuke kisses me again but for a little longer and I lightly push him away
"Mmmm~ Stop it Sasuke your trying to turn me on." I said and he looks at me
"Kind of....your just pretty easy to turn on." Sasuke said while holding my waist and I blush
"No I'm not. You baka!" I said while looking away from him and he puts his hands on my waist standing close behind me with his friend on my butt and his chin on my neck and the camera man looks at us his eyes sparkling.
"Stay just like that that's perfect!!!!" The camera man said while pushing everyone else out of the way.
"Show of your diplomas huns." The camera man said taking multiple pictures of us.
Then I took some pictures with just us girls of course like my girls are important, and I take family pictures of course then I took pictures with Naruto and Mio and Kage and Sasuke today was such a good day but what comes after is wayyyy better time to partyyyy!!!
Me and my friends went back into our limo most of us removed our gowns but kept our caps on because you know we look good in it duh amy drove to a house that I never knew existed to be honest.
Threw our graduation party there but I didn't expect her to be here with our parents waiting for us....
I got out of the car walking to my mom hugging her waist and my dad hugs my other side and Sasuke goes over to his parents asking what is going on
"Why is she here?" I said while glaring at sakura and she smirks while behind her parents and Sasuke comes over to me and kisses my cheek to calm me down.
"We didn't come here to cause any problems we just wanted to speak to Sasuke and yuki's parents." Mebuki said (Sakura's mom)
"You better have a good reason to have bring this girl to my house. When she has caused trouble for my daughter. Through the entire year of her senior year it was her first year even being in public school!" My mom yelled and Sakura's eyes widened I hugged her tighter giving her a signal to stop.
"I'm really sorry about that Ms.Abe sakura is getting in huge trouble for what she's done at the ceremony today. We brought her here to apologize from her behavior this year." Mebuki said and sakura walks up to us and gives us a big grin. Then Ino comes up behind me and so does Karin and they whisper in my ear from behind.
"You call her out for what she is and what she's done." Karin said
"She's going to lie so catch her before she gets away with it." Ino said and I nod
"Listen Sasuke and yuki-
"We're not on first name basices use my last name." I snapped
"Listen! Sasuke and ABE I wanted to apologize form my behavior this year." Sakura said and my eyes turn to her hand to her side to see that she's crossed her fingers. So therefore that apology ment nothing at all. So like the bad ass I am I walk up to Sakura and grab her wrist and raised it up in plain sight while sighing.
"Why apologize if you were going to do this? I don't even see why you tried...Me and Sasuke already knew you were going to make up a lie." I said
"Why can't you shut up and die already!" Sakura yelled and I started giggling and I dropped her wrist letting it go
"There she is! The girl that Threatened me constantly, The girl that stole my boyfriend TWICE!, The girl that tried to frame me and my family! The fucking girl that got her friends to jump me in the fucking school hallway! and The damn girl that almost made me commit FUCKING suicide! and the girl that almost made me flee the damn city! There she is yea go ahead show your true colors because it's about time you stop putting up a front." I said while looking at her with a glare
And she glares back at me and I look at her "you know we could've been friends sa-... No haruhoe my bad... We could've actually been friends but you let some dude get in the way of that. Then I saw your true colors your a fucking psychopath. You let one dude get you doing all this crazy shit for his attention. For what? when he doesn't like you... See when Sasuke went back to you I was prepared to be single because I know you wouldn't give him back to who he wanted to actually be with. I wasn't going to get back with him because I knew you would probably try and do the same shit again. But he came back either way. But hey it doesn't matter because your most likely not listening anyway." I said
"I am so sorry for her behavior really I don't know where she gets it from." Mebuki said
"Would you shut up!! Your not my mother!" Sakura yelled and I looked at her
"Hey chill with that...really can't you tell your hurting her feelings she's your mom! Your real mom...not some crazy stranger that put you through hell." I said
"So what you were acting like this with your mom!" Sakura yelled at me
"Oh she wasn't my mom, She wasn't my mom at all she was a fucking criminal that made me go through straight depression my whole life I don't even see why I'm telling you, You wouldn't care." I said
"Come on Honey its your graduation you don't need to be talking about that right now." My mom said and I looked at her
"I know I just had to let her know what I was really going through...you know since I'm leaving for college. But you guys can go Sakura you can stay if you want. I'm not going to force you this can honestly be a new chapter in our lives to get along. But it's all up to you, you make the first move..." I said and Sasuke walks up to me and grabs my hand while walking me towards everyone else while Sakura was watching us closely leaving with her parents.
"Babe I have to talk to you do you have a moment?" Sasuke asked and I nodded he grabs my hand and brings me here away from everyone.
And he sits me on the couch and sits next to me "okay so you know since your leaving for college I just wanted to have a chat about us..." Sasuke said and I turn to him and look at him dead in the eyes.
"Okay so what about us that we need to talk about is something wrong?" I asked.
"No, no no everything's perfect it's just....my family....has this thing when a uchiha turns a certain age...they have to start finding a wife and start spreading the clan." Sasuke said and I start blushing.
"And what age is that?" I asked
"Around 18 or 19 if were not engaged by the age of 20. Our mothers might pick out our wives for us. I don't want that to happen to us." Sasuke said while holding my hand in twining our fingers together and I look at him.
"I honestly would love to marry you some day Sasuke but I don't think now is the right time." I said
"Well how about we do this we can trick our parents." Sasuke said and I started getting a little interested.
"I'm listening..." I said and he started explaining on what were doing.
"So we pretend to be engaged for at least a few years. If we end up actually liking the idea of you know being together after. Then we can tie the knot then. I just don't want to be with anyone but you right now." Sasuke said while kissing my cheek.
"I feel that we went through a lot of bullshit this year." I said then Sasuke ends up moving down to my neck then to my chest.
"U-umm Sasuke you know we're out in the o-open." I said.
"Is there a problem? No one is up here." Sasuke said while kissing me and I kiss him back.
"Can we at least move it to the bedroom at least I don't want anyone to disturb us~" I said and Sasuke immediately picked me up and started kissing me. While trying to find the bedroom. Umm...we found one but that one was lets say it was occupied... Sasuke opened the door and there it was my mom and dad going at it... Ehhhh?!
"Y-yuki?!" my mom and dad yelled and I put my face in sasuke's chest not wanting to see anything.
"Back up Sasuke! Back up Back up Back up!!!😖" I yelled and he immediately shut the door. While backing up holding me in his arms.
"Man I never wanted that to happen to me ever...But now it happened just... Great I thought they left😢." I said and Sasuke kissed my neck while pinning me to the wall.
"Mmm s-sasuke the bedroom please." I said and he growled looking really impatient. Umm we found a room but that one was taken by kiba and hinata.
And of course I started catcalling at hinata and she blushes.
"Y-yuki!!!" Hinata yelled and I laugh.
"Damn girl you got some big ole Titties😜." I said and hinata threw a pillow at me and Sasuke quickly left while closing the door behind us.
"Oh my god why is every one cock blocking me today. I just want to make love to you why can't we just do it in the hallway?!" Sasuke said and I sigh.
"Because I don't want people other than you seeing my body. Damnit now stop complaining or I'll leave you the way to you are!!" I yelled and Sasuke went in the next room. And you won't believe who we walked in on. We walked in on our best friends fucking. Oh my god good Pound game Naruto shit😖😖😖 and I started laughing.
"G-get out!!" Mio yelled.
"Nice tits bestie😅" I yelled and she blushes
"Naruto please tell me that All the rooms arent taken!" Sasuke said and he shakes his head.
"No one is in the room next to us." Naruto said and sasuke smirks And walks out the room. And brings us into the room immediately laying me on the bed taking his shirt off.
I unbuckle his pants and slide them off with him only in his boxers. Then he Unzips my dress from the back letting it drop to the floor. "I never get tired of seeing your beautiful body." Sasuke said while picking me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waistline. And he begins kissing me he walks over to the door locking it. Soon walking back over to the bed laying me down on it. He takes The rest of my clothes off and right along with his clothes completely gone. Then soon we started making love on our graduation night.
After all of that we all went to the back of my moms house and we just started talking about stuff.
"So what's next...." Naruto said
"You should be asking yourself that dobe." Sasuke said
"I know but I just want to know what everyone is doing since were out of high school now." Naruto said
"Well I'm moving in with Suigetsu." Karin said
"What are you going to be doing though when you leave." I asked her
"I don't know." Karin said
"Are you going to be a house wife or something?" I said
"I guess." Karin said
"I want Mio to be a housewife for me." Naruto said while smirking
"Hmph" Mio said while looking away from me.
"Mio you okay?" I asked and she starts crying. Oh no don't tell me she's going to yell at me again
"No I'm not okay at all! Your leaving me again! After we were reunited for our last year of high school. I don't want you to go off to some college I want you to stay here." Mio whined
"Hey, hey it's just for a couple years Mio I'll be back soon after." I said and she looked at me and my eyes widened.
"I can't wait that long for you." Mio said
"I'm going to be visiting you guys that's a promise. Why are you acting like I'm leaving and never coming back to you." I said
"Because I just have this feeling that your going to replace me! You just don't understand your a famous DJ and your a model. Everyone knows you I'm pretty sure their's going to be a bunch of people trying to steal my place!" Mio yelled
"Why would you think that! I will never replace you your my best friend you've been there for me through thick in thin. You knew me every since we were kids and you think I'll let you go just like that?! I would never it doesn't matter who's trying to get in your spot. Your the only one that can be there." I said and I get up and hug her.
"I promise you I'll come see you first. Once I'm done of course but your going to have to wait I promise. I'll be back standing in your driveway with open arms waiting for you to come give me a big hug." I said and then I sat down next to Sasuke but Mio immediately took the seat next me and I smile. That felt so weird it felt like I was having a fight with my girlfriend....
"Shika what's up with you and Temari are you guys getting together or what?" I asked and he blushed.
"I-I swear your like a annoying younger sibling." Shikamaru mumbled
"That's what I was going for." I said while grinning
"Okay Tenten and Neiji so.... How's it going~" I said and Tenten starts blushing
"W-wha n-no were okay I-I guess." Tenten mumbled
"You know we never finished that game we started I guess we got so busy that we just forgot it." Karin said and Suigetsu came and gave her a cup of wine
"Oooo~ new guy? What's your name." I said
"Who me?" The guy said while sitting next to Karin wrapping his arm around Karins waist.
"Yea you." I said and he gives me a big grin
"My names Suigetsu I'm not really new but I've never really seen you around so you should introduce yourself to me." Suigetsu said and my eyes widened he just smoothly reversed my sentence back on me.... Wow he's a smooth dude good job Karin.
"Well My name is Yukikio and your right I was new this was my first and last year here." I said
"Oh so you graduated today too." Suigetsu said and nodded but Karin looks at me confused but soon let's it go
"So I guess this is the end of our high school days." Sasuke said while holding my hand
"What's going to happen between you two-"
"Oh wait I forgot to give you something Yuki." Sasuke said and he reaches in his pocket to give me an engagement ring💍Sasuke why? Just why do you have to be so extra just to trick your parents?
"What in the hell?" Shikamaru said
"W-wait Sasuke what are you doing man?" Naruto yelled
"Wow proposing this early?" Kiba asked
"Umm" I said and Sasuke puts the ring on my ring finger and I blush Then he leans in and whispers in my ear.
"My brother is watching from above sorry for not telling you ahead of time." Sasuke whispered and kissed my cheek
"When the fuck did this happen?!" Ino yelled but Sasuke shushed them all and whispered.
"We're just tricking my family to get off my ass Bakas." Sasuke said making sure his big brother couldn't hear a thing.
So after a while of talking about the future we soon Left to go to some where fun got drunk and all that other good stuff but soon all of our time came to a end it was time for me to leave for college.....
{A few weeks later after graduation}
I was getting the last bit of my stuff into the trunk of my car until I felt someone wrapping their arms around me. I turn around kissing him immediately and he smirked.
"Your lucky I knew it was you baka." I said
"Well I couldn't help it sorry babe." Sasuke said and my sister walked up to me with teary eyes.
"Come here." I said to Mai she walked to me hugging my waist.
"I don't want you to leave! now who's going to help me with my outfits and boy problems." Mai whined
"Mom is back now so use her for that it'll make her feel more loved trust me." I said while ruffling her hair and she immediately fixes it.
"I'm going to miss you." Mai said while hugging me tighter.
"I'm going to miss you to Mai." I said and she let's me go whipping her tears.
"Im fine don't worry." Mai said while leaving.
"Yuki" Kei said I turned around and immediately he gave me a really tight hug.
"K-kei I c-cant b-breath!" I tried to say and he loosens the hug. And I immediately catch some air for my poor lungs.
"Don't go." Kei said
And I looked at him "Kei what did I tell you before I'm going okay and you can't stop me. But I hope to see you with someone though." I said and he starts blushing.
"I have no time for girls right now grades are more important." Kei said and I look at him.
"Nope nows the time to stop putting on that Stupid act come on....let other people in." I said
"I'll try." Kei said and I hug him.
"I'm going to miss you." Kei said and I smile.
"The feeling is mutual." I said and he smiles
"Okay where's the crybaby?" I asked
"He's in his room." Kei said
"Ugh this boy." I muttered and started walking upstairs to rinjis room.
"Rinji come on stop crying." I said
"Why you did this when I left." Rinji said
"I know but I at least want you to be happy. I don't want to leave to knowing you were shedding tears because of me." I said
"Stop copying me those are the exact words I told you when I left for college." Rinji said
"Okay okay okay but I wasn't playing so stop crying you big baby. I'm coming back for charles and amys wedding when it happens." I said while smiling
"You better." He said while hugging me and I hug him back. Then I walk out seeing Mio by my car waiting for me I walk up to her.
"Hey." I said
"...." Mio said nothing but she kept looking at my luggage.
"I'm going to miss you you know." I said
"I know I'm going to miss you too. Just don't go to college and replace me and Sasuke." Mio said
"That'll never happen I promise!!!" I yelled and she smiled walking over to me hugging me and I hug her back.
And Sasuke walks up to me .
"I'm not really going to miss you Baka." Sasuke said
"What?!" I yelled
"I have my reasons.... One is because I'm going to be visiting you a lot... And two is because your going to be in my reach." Sasuke said and I sigh
"Of course those are the reasons why you baka." I said and he kissed me
it was a hard decision to leave this place but I'll be back soon so don't change... Then me and Sasuke got into the car and left
Now is the time for something completely different and new....
The End of this one next is No More Hiding....