Around the World

Events similar to what happened near San Diego happened around the world. Earthquakes and the rupturing of faults, along with the appearance of zombies. Countries around the world were sending out distress calls and requests for aid.

It would only take a few short hours for the zombies to infect an entire city and within twenty-four hours would break containment and continue to spread. It was not all bad news as many countries that were close to each other began to organize efforts to evacuate civilians and set up defense lines and strategies.

Island countries were on their own as well as the United States since for the most part it had declared itself the police of the world. Shunned from the rest of the world, it would have to fight off the infected without outside assistance.

Soon enough, the world would discover how serious the infection was as there were also fault ruptures even on the sea floor. The mysterious infection would slowly spread to all living creatures and create living things that were beyond what humans had ever seen.

Only time will tell what would continue to develop around the world, but the most important events were currently happening at a mall in San Diego.