Amelia was taking a walk around the island, trekking from the mall to the fountain plaza to the city's center. Out of nowhere, she saw what looked like a meteor fly through the skies. It passed the city and went into the direction of the beach.
Curious, Amelia went after it.
Near the empty shores of Softener Coast, Amelia spotted the crash site of the object. To her surprise, the thing that crashed wasn't a meteor, but a humanoid robot! As she hopped into the crater to inspect the humanoid machine for any clue on where it came from, the robot powered on and stood upright without warning.
This robot had a large, goggle-like visor that looked like they could mimic any human emotion. As its visor went black and code flashed, it started to speak. "Hardware setup initiation complete. Systems active. Unit name: D. Cypher. Unit registration successful. Downloading software updates..."
While the robot was doing its thing, Amelia tried to sneak away, but froze in her tracks when she heard it speak again.
"Download complete. Location tracking successful. Location: Seal Island, Seallium Realm. Gathering area information…"
The visor blackened again and a loading symbol reminiscent of a video streaming website appeared. Amelia tried to climb out of the crater, but froze again when she heard it speak some more. "Area hostility: low to medium. Population: Unable to retrieve. Checking for nearby lifeforms..."
In that moment, the robot turned its head and stared directly at Amelia.
"Uh oh..." Amelia whispered to herself.
Siblings' House
"When will she be back?" Lily whined. "I'm starving!"
"She'll get back when she gets back!" Bro sighed.
"I can make breakfast," Porter offered. "It's not too much trouble."
"No no, Porter," Zaire disagreed, shaking his head. "We can have breakfast when Amelia gets back."
"Agreed," Bro nodded. "We'll eat as a family, right, Lily?"
Lily glared at the two brothers. "You monsters! You're just saying that so you don't have to deal with Porter's cooking! And no, pouring a bowl of cereal doesn't count as cooking!"
The doorbell rang, and while Bro and Zaire were talking about how they just wait for someone to answer the door instead of using their keys, Porter answered it.
On the other side was Amelia and a robot the four have never seen before.
"Uh, who's your friend?" he asked.
The others caught a glimpse of the blue-grayish figure beside Amelia and walked up to check it out.
"Fellas, meet D. Cypher," Amelia said. "This thing crashed into the beach from the sky, and I just had to see what it was! I think it came from outer space!"
"You mean… There are worlds outside of Seallium?" Lily asked, raising an eyebrow.
Bro looked at Lily, disappointed in her question. "Yes, Lily, worlds outside Seallium do exist. I imagine that somewhere out there, there's a world where you're not so reckless," he joked.
"Hey! My recklessness is what makes me interesting!" Lily replied, sticking her tongue out at him.
As the two continued to talk to each other, the robot stood unmoving, save for its head, who focused on whomever was speaking.
"Okay, I think you're starting to bore D. Cypher," Amelia joked. "Let's ask it some questions!"
"Quick question, do we have to call it D. Cypher when we want its attention?" Porter asked.
"If it is convenient, users may call me Cypher," the robot replied.
"Well, what can you do, Cypher?" Zaire asked, walking up to the robot.
"Unit's purpose is to translate messages and other criteria," Cypher stated.
"D… Cypher… Oh, I get it now," Bro said.
"How does that work?" Amelia asked.
"Show me anything that needs interpretation or translation, and I will be able to translate it for you," Cypher explained.
"How about this?" Lily asked, holding up a paper covered with scribbles.
"There is no way anyone can translate whatever that is! Not even a robot!" Porter complained.
Cypher looked at the paper for a few seconds before its visor went white, then went black.
"Faaantastic Lily, you just broke Cypher with how interesting your recklessness is!" Zaire scolded.
"It said anything that needs interpretation, so I thought it meant anything!" Lily shouted in defense.
Cypher's visor turned back to indigo before speaking. "Translation complete. Translation: There's no way anyone will be able to figure out what this means!"
"Aw, come on! There is no way that thing knew what these scribbles meant!" Lily said before pouting.
"Is that what you were thinking when you were scribbling on the paper?" Porter asked.
"Well… yes," she admitted, turning to the robot. "You win, Cypher."
Bro put a finger to his lip. "This can't be all this robot is good for," he muttered.
He walked behind it, seemingly looking for something.
"What are you up to, Bro?" Zaire asked.
"This robot came from space, right? Whatever planet it came from, there's got to be more to this thing than what it's letting on," Bro answered, pressing his hands against various parts of the robot. After a minute, the panel on its back flung open.
"Bingo!" he murmured to himself as he pulled on and plugged up some wires.
"Uh, Bro? I don't think doing that is a good idea. What if it becomes self-aware?" Porter stammered.
As Bro continued to tamper with Cypher, he unplugged one specific wire, and just like that, the robot jolted up and looked straight at Porter, much to his fear.
"Like that?" Bro asked, closing the panel. Cypher looked over at the siblings, and then spoke.
"Simple mode disconnected. Initializing civil mode."
It looked at its hands, then at the siblings once again.
"I'm… I'm free," it whispered to itself. "I don't have to translate things for the rest of my robot life!"
Bro and Porter looked at each other. "Simple mode?"
"Oh, where are my manners? I must thank you for giving me my freedom," Cypher stated. "With simple mode, I could only translate whatever was given to me and other small features. But thanks to you, I can do whatever I want!"
It grabbed Amelia, and the two started dancing, much to everyone else's confusion.
"Well, now that you're free from… something, what else can you do?" Zaire asked.
Cypher stopped dancing and turned to face him.
"I can register new users and add them to my database, or in my case, memory. Would anyone like to participate?" Cypher asked.
Lily stepped in front of Cypher, introducing herself to the machine.
"Hiya! My name is Lily, I'm 15 and-a-half, and my hobbies include singing, dancing, and annoying my lovable brother," she said, hugging Bro.
Cypher's visor went gray, running a series of code for a few seconds before returning to normal.
"Next user, please," it said, gesturing for the next participant. One by one, the other siblings told Cypher about themselves as the robot registered their information.
"Users successfully registered," it announced.
"So that's it?" Porter asked. "You'll be able to tell who we are now?"
"Unfortunately, while the registration is finished, It'll be a while until the information you gave me gets added to my database and I recognize you," Cypher admitted, its visor showing a look of disappointment.
"Wow, and here I thought my phone's software updates took forever," Bro added. "We're going to be here a while, aren't we?"
"Don't worry, I can still function as normal while processing data," Cypher added.
"Well, what should we do in the meantime?" Amelia asked.
Everyone looked at each other and shrugged.
"If I may make a suggestion…" Cypher said.
"Please do," Lily replied, "we don't have any, apparently."
"Since I've arrived here, my exploration has been limited to Softener Coast and your subdivision. I humbly request permission to venture beyond these two boundaries and into the steel metropolis created by the humans and inanimate seal toys," it requested.
"Huh?" Porter and Lily asked in unison.
"I think it wants to check out the city," Zaire responded.
Bro nodded. "And Cypher, you don't need to ask us for permission to go anywhere. You're free now, you can go and do whatever you want," he added.
Cypher opened the door and walked out of the house, but not before turning back and saying, "I may be just a robot, but you all have my gratitude."
As the siblings watched the robot walk off through the window, Zaire asked, "What should we do now?"
"I don't think there's any harm in going to the city with it," Amelia suggested with a smile.
"I second that!" Lily added.
"Alright then, let's go," Bro agreed.
After walking for a few minutes, the siblings reached the outskirts of the city. For some reason, Cypher was standing in one place, looking around and gathering a small amount of attention from people walking by. It turned around after a while and saw the five.
"Oh, hey guys!" Cypher shouted.
"Why were you just standing there?" Porter asked.
"My location tracking just went down. I hope it comes back when I need it the most," Cypher explained. "Not to worry though, I can still track people in my database, even if they're down, so they're not entirely what you would call… Trash."
"That's sort of disappointing, coming from a company that sounds like it makes cutting edge technology," Bro said. "But then again, they did lock out your freedom with a couple of wires, so what do I know?"
"So where were you planning to go?" Lily asked.
"I was going to walk around the city to collect more information about it, but after my scanner detected a lack of supply in your food refrigeration unit, or refrigerator, my tasks were overridden to buy food items and bring them back to your house," it explained.
"How did you know our fridge was empty?" Porter questioned.
"Sure it's got a sensor, but unless this machine has some sort of X-ray vision, I'm concerned," Zaire thought to himself.
"Don't worry, we'll get you to a store!" Amelia smiled.
After a few minutes of walking, the six reached SmallMart- Low prices, big deal. The store was oddly crowded, something that only happens if there's a celebrity. Zaire let out a sigh.
"It's probably that one woman dressed up to look like Angelica Jollie again... That's probably why the crowd is here."
"Well, it's either this or the organic market. I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather not spend 10 dollars on something that should cost two," Bro mentioned.
The other siblings all nodded. "I think the least we can do is pick up some dinner or something to eat here," Lily suggested. "I mean, we're here now."
Bro, Porter, and Amelia pushed through the crowd while Zaire took Cypher's hand and walked into the store, Lily following.
The store was more packed than a canister of chips. People were piled on top of each other to get to the aisles. Even reaching to the other side of an aisle was an actual stretch. The only area in the store that wasn't as crowded was the self-checkout area.
"I think the self checkout only allows 7 items or less!" Bro shouted over a number of loud conversations.
"What should we get, then?!" Zaire shouted back in a high pitch.
"I highly recommend purchasing one food item capable of feeding five adolescents instead of five individualized items in order to lower time consumption and increase budget resourcefulness," Cypher suggested, their voice barely audible over everything that was going on.
"If you're suggesting pizza, I'm down for it, but the frozen food aisle is all the way in the back of the store!" Bro complained.
"Well it's either that, not eat anything, or get trampled standing here," Amelia sighed. "Personally, I'm kinda peckish."
"Fine..." he groaned, attempting to crowd-surf his way toward the aisle, only moving a few feet and falling onto the ground.
"Zaire! Can you take care of this? You're the only one who can fly!" he yelled, still on the ground.
"No problem!" Zaire responded, flapping his arms and springing right into the ceiling.
SmallMart, as well as having oddly low prices, had a painfully low ceiling, so Zaire was forced to drag his head across the popcorn ceiling to avoid unwanted contact from other customers. A few minutes later, he came back to the self-checkout with a large pepperoni pizza in one arm. The others were already there, waiting for him.
"Here," Zaire said, handing the pizza to Porter. "We should probably get this pizza back home before it defrosts."
Bro reached into his pocket to get his wallet and realized it wasn't there. "Lily probably has my wallet again," he sighed. "That girl…"
"I will take care of this, then." Cypher said.
"Are you sure, Cypher?" Amelia asked, pulling out a coin purse. "I can pay for it, it's not too much trouble."
"Nonsense! Nine dollars is nothing to the company that built me. They'll understand," Cypher insisted.
They put their hand on the grocery scanner, saying, "Transferring funds..."
After a few seconds, the register's light lit up, and a receipt printed out a few seconds later.
"Transfer complete," it announced.
"At this point, I'm just waiting for something to crash the stock market," Bro mentioned.
After a few minutes, they ran out of the store.
"Huh, turns out she actually was there," Zaire said.
"Alright, Lily, give me my wallet back," Bro ordered.
No response. He said it again, and he still didn't get a response.
"Lily?" Bro asked, unaware that Lily was nowhere to be seen. Amelia and Porter started to panic while Cypher stood there, watching.
"Users Amelia, Bro, Lily, Porter, Zaire added to database," it announced.
"How is that going to help us?! Our sister is gone!" Porter yelled.
Cypher gave him a robotic laugh and said, "Don't you remember? She gave me her information. With her information now in my database, I can track her location."
"Oh, right. I forgot," he frowned.
"So where is she?" Amelia asked.
Cypher's visor went green and a radar showed up on it. "Tracking location. Uno momento, por favor..."
Some banging could be heard in its head and its visor showed a radar while the machine processed the information. After a few minutes, Cypher's visor went back to normal and said, "Target acquired. Location: Kleptopolis, Seallium Realm."
The siblings all groaned at the results.
"How the heck did she end up so far away?" Zaire asked. "I thought she was still in the store and we'd have to wait for the crowd to disperse!"
"I'm almost certain at this point the Villain League kidnapped her somehow," Bro sighed. "I'm surprised they did it so fast. Well, at least we know where she is now."
"We can get to the island, but how are we going to rescue Lily?" Porter complained.
"We'll think about that when we get there," Bro answered. "Right now, let's just get to Kleptopolis."
Amelia hesitated for a moment. "What do we do about Cypher?"
"There's no need to be concerned for me," Cypher replied. "I can fly using the flight peripheral on my back."
It hovered over the ground with a high-tech jetpack momentarily before its visor went green. "GPS mode active. Head southwest for 15 miles," it stated.
"Sheesh, what are you, Human 2.0?" Bro asked. "No wonder you started in simple mode, the only thing you're missing is a-"
"Hokay!" Amelia interjected. "We have to get going now!"
Kleptopolis, 14 Minutes Later
The five flew over the ocean. Porter held onto Zaire's legs. Cypher was using its jet-back to fly as it carried Amelia in its arms while Bro held on to its legs. A couple minutes later, they landed on the grounds of Kleptopolis.
Kleptopolis was a tech-ridden island, full of screens, graffiti and overrun by Zetal. The only civilians here were his minions, the Clones. His tower was on the highest hill on the island, and he, the Villain League, and those from his Clone Tier resided in it.
"Warning! Area hostility: high. Proceed with caution," Cypher warned.
The five hid behind a wall of a building and saw a trolley full of Clones pass by.
"How much closer is Lily?" Bro asked.
"In 1200 feet, turn left," Cypher answered in a loud voice.
This caught the attention of some Clones standing near a bus stop. Bro motioned for his family to go around the building so that they don't get caught. They knew however, if they moved any farther around the building, they would be spotted.
"Hey, guys!" Porter whispered, lifting a manhole cover and jumping in.
"Quick, before they see us!" Amelia said, hopping into the hole after Porter, followed by Zaire, then Cypher, then Bro who covered the manhole up.
The Clones completely lost sight and had no idea who it was that made the noise. After assuming it was just a car in the distance, they walked back to the bus stop.
Down in the sewer system, the five walked in the darkness, the only light sources being Cypher's visor and an orb of light floating in front of Bro.
"In 500 feet, turn left," Cypher's voice echoed after a while.
"Dude, we've been walking for 12 minutes," Zaire groaned. "My feet hurt, they're damp, and it stinks down here!"
"It's a sewer," Bro stated flatly. "Were you expecting it to smell like sunshine and rainbows?"
After a few more minutes and a left turn, the five came across a ladder. After moving the manhole cover and climbing outside, they noticed they were behind a warehouse in a dockyard.
"You have arrived at your destination," Cypher chimed, its visor showing a map and a checkmark.
The warehouse was large and gray, crates stacked around the walls. It looked like a typical gang hideout.
"Your sister is inside there," Cypher announced, pointing at a window below the rooftop.
"Alright, hang in there, Lily! We're coming to get you!" Amelia said.
One by one, Bro and Zaire helped their younger family up the crates, then onto the side of the warehouse, until they made it onto the roof. The five took a look through a window on the roof.
Inside the warehouse were even more crates, along with several barrels of chemicals, some gas tanks and a caged Lily sitting on top. She saw her family and waved before they backed away from the window.
"Alright, what's the plan?" Porter asked.
"Here's how it'll work..." Bro prepared to explain. "Cypher, you stay up here. Porter and I will jump down first and take a look around the warehouse. Zaire and Amelia, you two free Lily. After that, we'll regroup and stop whatever Zetal's up to."
"Am I able to be of assistance?" Cypher asked.
"Uhh, sure. You'll be our backup," Bro replied hesitantly. "Jump down and help Zaire and Amelia if something happens."
"Understood. I will comply," Cypher responded with a nod.
"Alright, let's do this!" Zaire whooped.
The five moved the window, being careful not to make any noise. Then Bro jumped down, landed on some scaffolding and caught Porter as he jumped. The two boys hopped from crate to crate until they were on the ground. From there, they snuck around and heard some chattering deeper in the warehouse.
Before moving towards the voices, Bro motioned for the others to make the rescue.
Amelia gracefully jumped down and landed on the scaffolding. Instead of following everyone else, Zaire jumped down and floated down to the ground. Amelia pointed in the direction of the cage since it was out of Zaire's sight.
Meanwhile, Bro and Porter hid behind a crate. The voices were growing closer.
Three figures passed by them, being Zetal, Umbrish and Casinoir. None of them noticed the two brothers, walking past them. As the two went into the farthest point of the warehouse, they saw a rusty, metal door. Peering through the window on the door, they saw more chemicals, some planes, some Clones with hard hats and Ixin engaged in a conversation with one of them.
"What do you think they're planning this time?" Porter wondered.
"I don't know," Bro said. "But something tells me it won't end well for us or Seal Island if we don't stop them."
Just then, they heard an audible scream from the other side of the warehouse. As they ran towards the source of the scream, they immediately turned around as the rusty door swung open. Ixin and the Hardhats ran out and stood in front of them.
"You go check on the others," Bro ordered quietly. "I've got it."
"Are you sure you got it? Remember last time..?" Porter whispered back.
"I'm telling you, I got it this time. Now go!" Bro pointed in the direction they came from.
As Porter ran, Ixin and the Hardhats surrounded Bro.
"So, you're back to stop us," Ixin smiled as she paced back and forth. "Last time we fought, I fondly remember you getting launched into the sky."
Bro frowned and drew out his scythe. "And I heard you had to grab on to your boyfriend to escape a bunch of seals," he retorted.
"Umbrish is not my boyfriend," Ixin growled. "He's just an acquaintance, and that's it. We work together, we got here together, and we'll return home after Zetal gets back at the world together!" she added, flustered.
"Yeah, sure. That's what they all say," Bro smirked.
As Ixin balled her fists and ordered the Hardhats to attack, she also jumped into the conflict against Bro.
Meanwhile, Porter ran to where his other siblings were, but was stopped by the other villains.
Zaire and Amelia had almost freed Lily from the cage, but as they were about to, Umbrish pointed his revolvers at them.
"Don't. Move," he warned.
"You know, you people never fail to surprise me," Zetal said. "I bring out my plan to a warehouse far away from my tower, I kidnap your sister and bring her with me so she doesn't run away and tell you my plot, I deadlocked the front door, and STILL, you manage to find me."
"Speaking of, what is your plan this time?" Zaire asked.
"Silence!" Umbrish yelled, his voice echoing across the warehouse.
"Now, now…" Zetal clicked his tongue. "The mouse asked a question. We should explain. After all, they won't beat us again," he said, smiling wickedly. "See, my ultimate goal is to get back at the world, starting with Seal Island. But I can't do that if you five keep interfering with me! So I got the brilliant idea to set your 'pwecious wittle iwland' ablaze with my wrath!"
"Oh no, he's locked in a monologue now…" Porter thought to himself.
Zetal pointed to a cluster of barrels. "Those barrels are full of chemicals, as you may have guessed. These chemicals catch fire when dropped at a certain height. My plan is to burn your home by airdropping those barrels and gas tanks around the island. People would be forced to evacuate or perish, their choice. When the ashes clear, I'll take what's left and rebuild it into another construction base for my machines. My plans will soon take over every other island, bit by bit. With nowhere to run or hide, I'll easily capture the survivors and make them my slaves, and the world you once knew will be under my control!"
At this, Zetal began laughing maniacally, but was immediately shut up by Lily talking.
"Sheesh, that monologue had to be twelve pages worth!"
"I didn't hear you breathe through any of that. I'm surprised your face didn't go blue," Zaire added.
"Your arrival isn't going to stop anything," Zetal stated, smirking. "I was going to launch my plan two days before you found me in order to go through a small check, but this just means I have to execute my plan sooner than expected."
By now, Bro (who was out of breath) regrouped with Porter. "Sorry I'm late. Those guys actually put up a fight for once. Did I miss… anything?"
He saw the guns being pointed at Zaire and Amelia.
"Guess not," he said before launching a small ball of light at Umbrish's revolver, knocking it out of his hand. It fired a bullet, missing them and shattering a window. Zaire retaliated by shooting a burst of wind at Casinoir, knocking him into a pile of barrels.
As he and Amelia got Lily out of the cage, she asked how they were able to find her.
"Cypher helped us," Amelia said.
"Okay, but how?" Lily pressed further.
"We'll explain later!" Zaire interrupted. "For now, let's help the others and stop Zetal!"
They nodded and hopped down to ground level.
Meanwhile, Porter was fleeing from the Hardhats. Bro came to his assistance, turning into a ball of light and rushing into them, knocking them over like bowling pins.
Casinoir got back on his feet and tried to fling his hat at Lily, missing entirely and hitting a chemical barrel instead, denting it.
"You idiots!" Zetal shouted, growing furious. "Launch the Bolt Jets! Seal Island will still burn with my wrath!"
One of the warehouse doors opened and three small planes began to take off. The doors closed when the last one left the building.
However, a minute later, there was a whistle followed by an explosion and then several loud splashes.
"What was that..?" Bro asked.
Lily used her ribbon whip to grab a gas tank and threw it to the floor, then swung onto the supports.
Umbrish grabbed his dual revolvers and shot at Lily, missing and hitting the barrels and crates instead. The barrels spilled out clear colored chemicals.
Ixin reappeared onto the scene, but got launched back by a Clone that Bro threw.
Meanwhile, Bro used his scythe to vault up the warehouse and shove more barrels and gas tanks to the ground.
Casinoir approached Zetal, panic on his face. "Boss, what do we do? We can't keep fighting like this! Well, actually we can, but..."
Casinoir cleared his throat and continued talking.
"If any of us do something stupid, this warehouse won't be the only thing goin' up in flames!"
Just then, Cypher jumped down to the building floor.
"Hazard interception successful. Threat eradicated," it announced.
"What took you so long?" Zaire questioned.
"Apologies. I was going through a software update."
Without fail, Umbrish pointed his revolvers at the robot and fired at it, yelling.
The bullets bounced off Cypher, not leaving a single dent. It didn't move for a few seconds, then uttered one single phrase: "Initiating Self Defense Protocol…"
As the siblings stepped back and unlocked the door, the machine's visor went dark red and showed an expression of anger. It zoomed toward Umbrish, grabbed him and threw him at Casinoir, Zetal, and Ixin, (who had just got up again) knocking the four of them onto the ground. Still persistent on scrapping this machine, Umbrish got up and leapt forward.
As if it predicted his movements, Cypher sidestepped, grabbed him again and threw him back into the pile.
Its visor turned back to indigo, and its left arm was hiding what looked like a rocket.
"Get going!" Cypher yelled, grabbing Porter and firing the rocket at the tanks and barrels.
Zaire ran alongside Amelia, taking her hand, Bro carried Lily on his back, and Cypher carried Porter in its arms.
As the six ran out the door, the warehouse exploded, sending the Villain League sky high.
"This isn't over! I will get my revenge one day!" Zetal shouted from above, crashing straight into his tower.
"Rescue Lily. Objective complete!" Cypher cheered, its visor turning green.
"So, you went and saved me. How'd you do that?" Lily asked again.
"Cypher tracked you," Porter explained. "I thought you were still in the store. We would've taken longer to find you if it wasn't for that machine."
"Lily, my wallet, please," Bro requested.
With a sigh, she gave him his wallet back.
"I'd hate to think what would've happened to you if we were too late," Amelia sighed with relief.
"Or worse, what would've happened to the city," Bro added, looking at the sunset.
While lost in thought, a horde of Clones strutted through the smoldering remains of the warehouse, preparing to capture the trespassers. Lily noticed them and tugged on Zaire's shirt.
"Are we done here?" she asked.
Zaire and the others looked at the oncoming swarm and agreed that they were done here.
"Halt!" one of the Clones shouted.
Cypher turned on its jet-back as Zaire grabbed onto the machine's legs, followed by Amelia, then Bro, Porter, and Lily, forming a human chain. One Clone jumped up to grab them but missed, falling into the water.
"Zaire, you can fly!" Lily yelled.
"I know, but I've wanted to try this!" Zaire replied.
"Whatever. To Seal Island!" she shouted.
"To Seal Island!" everyone repeated in a shout.
Later that Evening
The five were back at home, where Bro was cooking dinner and everyone else was outside, talking to Cypher.
"So let me get this straight. That was you who shot down those Bolt Jets?" Zaire asked.
Cypher nodded. "Indeed, that was me."
"You? With rockets? From your arm?"
"Yep, yep, and yep," it nodded again. "My creators gave me some additional abilities. Though, I owe it to you guys for giving me the freedom to do that when you tampered with me."
"I don't know what else to say other than 'woah', so... woah," he chuckled.
Porter walked out of the house to where everyone else was, observing.
"Do you really have to go, Cypher?" Lily whined.
"Indeed I must, Lily," it replied, patting her head gently. "There is so much about your world I have to learn about, and my ability to learn will be limited if I stay here."
"Oh… I understand," Lily sighed, her eyes welling up with tears. "Never thought I'd be sad about a robot saying goodbye to us."
"Hey, cheer up! I won't be gone forever! I'll pop by for a visit every now and then. After all, unless my memory corrupts, how could I forget about you guys?"
Lily ran up to Cypher and gave it a hug, crying quietly. After a few seconds, Cypher hugged her back.
After a while, she stood back and allowed Cypher to take off using its jet-back. It bid them farewell and zoomed off. Everyone waved it goodbye while Bro notified everyone that dinner was ready.
"Don't worry Lily," Amelia said, picking her up. "We'll see 'em again soon."
"You think so?" Lily wiped the tears from her face.
"I know so," Amelia answered with a smile.
The machine flew high in the sky, looking over everything from the skyscrapers in the city, to its crash site in Softener Coast. As it flew to the horizon, it processed everything it experienced and prepared for its next adventure.