A Special Privileged Person

Thunderbird was Sarah's other identity in the world of 'Martial Arts and Dark Skills'. The name was given by the holy Guru or Grandmaster Siyao Danchen.

According to mythology, Thunderbird was a mixture of hawk and eagle. It was considered a supernatural being of power and strength.

Grandmaster addressed her 'Lady Thunderbird' stating that there was a 'Master Thunderbird' outside too, who used to be his disciple. He was not local but an outsider.

They were one of the pairs of students who had been given the name in pairs. Such pairs were rare and fated to be life partners.

She was unhappy with the name but it was an order from their Goddess 'Yaga', the goddess of fire and power. She did not know who the other 'Master Thunderbird' was. She wasn't even interested in that unseen man since she thought these are superstitions of a tribal community.

The Academy where she had completed her graduation, was located on a hidden island named 'Kontumba', which was approximately five something thousand kilometers away from India.

Well, it was similar to Wakanda in Marvel movies but there was no magic or high technology. The Kontumbians only believed in Martial Arts and Dark Skills, which were not related to magic but the field of Medicine.

The doctors from Kontumba were able to make dead alive. It could be considered as magic though.

The native language of the Kontumba was 'Kzeeth'. The people living there were actually elites and talented. There were also some people from different corners of the world who got settled there after completing graduation from the Academy and had married the locals or their juniors or seniors from the Academy.

There were also original local people who held higher positions like other nations' administrations. They also had a President and Senate. But it was just to show the United Nations that they are normal people doing farming and other little things to feed their families just like what other countries were doing.

But the reality was different.

They had been suspected of hiding something important from the world. So the Former President of Kontumba decided to accept one batch of ten talented transferred students to their 'Danchen University of Arts and Skills' (using other name and identity of Academy), per annum to avoid further suspicion and to keep the peace. But they strongly opposed to make any business with other countries.

They had full control over the migrated students from other countries as every transferred student had to sign a legal contract with the Academy that if they wanted to learn like other local students, they mustn't disclose the secrets of the Academy or Kontumba, else they will be punished. The laws of Kontumba were strict and the punishments given by them were severe and inhumane.

Each graduate student had a special privilege badge given by the Grandmaster. With the help of it, the student could serve their nation by getting in Defence service or hide their true identity, accepting various missions from Kontumba as loyal alumni.

But overall, it was the best Academy with special privileges and promising career opportunities. Most importantly, none of the migrated students disclosed the secrets of the land because of the love, care, and best treatment given by the locals.

Sarah was a Special Privileged Person who had learned both skills in mere three years.

It was true that they were hiding something. That thing was none other than 'Kryptonite', a special metal only known to locals.

The 'Kryptonite' was actually a group of Meteoroids accidentally fallen in the southern sea of Kontumba. A group of Kontumbian fishermen found it in the eighteenth century and their leader found it interesting.

For some months, he just studied the metal mountain closely and one day he accidentally fell under the cave where he saw how water resistant the metal was. Also, he accidentally rubbed his injured palm on one of the rock and realized that the metal had healing abilities.

Enlightened by the new knowledge, he tried to draw out some pieces within the rock but the rock was surprisingly unbreakable!

After much effort and hard work for the next two years, he and his friend Shuin Wangchun were able to make a machine that successfully helped them to cut the hard metal lying in the depth of the sea.

Shuin Wangchun started experimenting on the metal in the form of making weapons and his friend Kaiyao Danchen started his experiment with the metal as a useful medicine.

They created their own strong army under the guidance of Kaiyao Danchen's son Huayao, who was their god of martial arts. They distributed the newly made weapons within the army.

One day, Shuin Wangchun's experiment lab on a nearby small island exploded unexpectedly due to the overuse of the metal and fire. It was almost like an explosion of the atomic bomb engulfing the entire island.

Both friends experienced the explosion with their own eyes and arrived at the conclusion that the metal should not be used as a weapon anymore or it will cause the doomsday of the universe.

But Shuin Wangchun was adamant about his experiment. After much discussion and debate with his best friend, he promised Kaiyao that he would not produce any more weapons but built a protective compound of metal around their land so their tribe will be safe from enemies luring outside.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Shuin Wangchun's great-grandson found out that the metal was a good conductor of electricity and made an electrical fence made of kryptonite around the island.

When one day some pirates tried to cross over the great wall, all died instantly after getting high voltage tremors of shockwaves running through the wall.

This is the formidable and expensive Kryptonite that was kept as a secret by the tribe to save the world until the present because of its destructive nature...

The descendants of Shuin Wangchun continued to sit on the throne of Kontumba as Royal blood for many centuries whereas descendants of Kaiyao Danchen entered the field of Martial Arts and Dark Skills. They soon formed their own army to guard the eternally divine metal and the people of Kontumba.

The outsiders who knew about Kryptonite were few and Sarah was one of them. She had accidentally heard about the metal when she was in her third year of Academy.