The Revenge

"Hello, friends! Guess what happened today..." She kept her mobile high so her followers could see the whole bedroom. "Friends, something has happened to me today that I am even feeling ashamed to tell you. But you have the right to know everything about me. See for yourself what has happened to me!"

"What is she doing?"

Sarah heard Shivani asking Saket and quickly turned the mobile in the right angle, taking both of them in the frame of the camera along with her, so people could see them clearly.

"Oh sh*t!" Both cursed under their breathes when they realized that they are now Live.

Saket leaped forward to snatch the mobile from Sarah's hand, but his towel which was hanging below his waist got stuck to the edge of the table between them and fell.

Shivani, who was standing behind him, covered herself with a bedsheet that was hanging halfway down the bed earlier when Sarah entered the room. But by then, it was too late.

"...I didn't even think in my dreams that my boyfriend would have a mistress. Saket Ahuja has been cheating on me for a whole year! This man and his father have been using me for their own benefits.." Sarah kept talking in a pitiful sad tone.

"Sarah, stop this nonsense." Saket picked up the fallen towel, wrapped it again around his waist hastily, and started moving towards her.

"Why did you do this?" Sarah screamed and started sobbing so she will look more realistic in front of her fans. She was glad to learn some acting skills from her twin sisters.

Saket remained silent and stood there, frozen. He felt even more agitated.

"If you gave my house of twenty-five crores to this girl, where will I live? In the film based on my next story, you are going to give her the role of the female lead and want to remove me from the contract. Do you still have a little bit of humanity left inside you?" Sarah continued hastily.

"Saket, snatch her mobile! What are you doing?" Shivani shouted from behind. She underestimated this sty orphan!

"Even you are not being fair as a businessman. You want all my money, my fame, my copyrights! You used me as a social ladder to go up!" Sarah was successful in making Saket stunned and emotionally blackmail, and she was quite satisfied with the results. He was ignoring Shivani and listening to Sarah, cautiously.

"Sarah, you are having a misunderstanding. I don't know who this girl is! It was she who seduced me first." Saket's expressions changed, in front of the camera.

"What?" Shivani looked at Saket in disbelief.

"How I wished this could be a mere misunderstanding and a bad dream when I saw you both were cuddling together," Sarah said dejectedly, ignoring Shivani.

"I did not expect this from you. This girl is your real girlfriend that lives in America. I was just a tool of entertainment until she returned."

Sarah took down the mobile, looking devastated and Saket thought she had stopped live streaming. But he was wrong. The Live Streaming was still ongoing. But nobody could see it and only hear what was happening in the room.

Unaware of that, Saket's expressions resumed to icy cold as he stared at Sarah like a beast. He scowled at her, "How dare you?" He pinched her chin hard with his right hand. "Don't play tricks on me. Or I will make your life a living hell!"

"I'm just nobody to you now. Fine, I am leaving now, I won't come in between both of you in the future. Please don't get angry and don't hit me... Please!" Sarah whispered, showing how she was afraid of him and cut the live streaming right after that.

Saket hissed and released her with a slight force.

"Screw you Socket!" Sarah cursed under her breathe and in a flash, she attacked Saket and punched his stomach.

"Aaah!" Saket groaned in pain as he bent forward. He was stunned speechless by the sudden attack.

Sarah instantly grabbed his hair and hit his back head with her right elbow.

"Aah!! Saket!" Now it was Shivani who screamed, horrified. She grabbed a flower vase as she came forward hastily and tried to hit Sarah with it.

Sarah was well prepared as she saw Shivani coming with a flower vase from her peripheral vision and dodged her attack by pushing Saket forward who was still in bending position.

Shivani accidentally smashed the flower vase on Saket's head.

"Oh no!" She covered her mouth with her hands in fear, looking at Saket guiltily.

Saket touched his head and found blood on his palm. "Shivani!!"

Sarah stifled her laughter and smacked Shivani's head with the back of her right hand. To her, Shivani was just an annoying fly. Shivani flew several meters away from them and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Sarah turned towards Saket whose face was now pale and there was blood dripping from his forehead. He clutched his head again trying hard to keep his eyes open.

"You... Aah..." He tried to speak while groaning.

"It was she who hit you." Sarah shrugged and shook her head in sympathy. Soon, her face became devoid of any expression as she muttered, "I just wanted to do this..."

She held his right shoulder tightly and lifted her right knee above in the air...

"Nooo!!" Saket screamed in fear but Sarah already had hit between his thighs, right there...

It was quite satisfying than getting orgasms...

"Ow!" Saket growled in pain while clutching his crotch.

Getting closer to him, Sarah spoke icily in his right ear, "Remember my name from now on, Lady Thunderbird! You only have one hour left. If you don't get your little brother cured, you will be impotent forever."

Saket's eyes widened with horror and he looked at her with a panic-stricken face.

"Thunder... Thunderbird..." He mumbled to himself as if trying to remember something but didn't remember anything at that moment.

Sarah chuckled coldly. "That's enough of information for you. Stay away from me and avoid me as much as possible in the future if you don't want to die."

She then pushed him away and put her jacket's hood on her head. Picking up her cell phone on the sofa, she marched towards the door without taking another glance at him. She halted at the door and left a magical phrase behind before leaving,

"It's over..."

The door was closed with a loud 'bang'. Saket collapsed on the floor like a paper doll. Soon, his vision turned blurry before he lost his consciousness fully.
