Flat Chested

Sarah felt even worse. She was angry with herself more than these two fools. How could anyone make a fool of her? If her brothers, especially the trio found out that someone made her fool, they would laugh at her!

"Shall we start another round, baby?" Saket asked Shivani, pleadingly. "I couldn't control myself if you continued to sit on my lap like this."

"We just did it! No more! I am tired now." She complained slapping his left shoulder.

"This will be quick... I promise!" Saket started kissing her neck.

'Oh, crap! They are gonna start it again!' Sarah shuddered at the thought.

Before she flung open the door and marched inside the room like a fuming mad Hulk, Sarah heard a familiar voice saying in her ears,

"The first lesson is you should not lose your temper in such situations. If you don't keep calm and act on your own impulse, you will be a disgrace to our Academy, will bring shame to me as your mentor and you will be disqualified as the next savior of the world!"

As she recalled the words said by the Grandmaster on her first day in the Academy, she scoffed.

'Savior my a*s! Who in the world wants to be a savior? I just want to strangle this bastard to death! Today, I will make sure that this creature will not produce any trashy generation in the future!'

But Sarah didn't want to be a disgrace to her Academy so she decided to keep calm as she was taught to be and lightly pushed open the door and casually strode towards the sofa facing the bed.

When she finally put down the pastries on the round-shaped glass table across the sofa and took a seat, she glanced at two fools who were looking at her like they had seen a ghost and had been transformed into stones. The entire situation was quite funny.

Sarah took a glance at Saket's manhood and said nonchalantly, "Your size is too small. Even a dog has a bigger antenna than this. I doubt you satisfy this lady's needs completely."

Leisurely taking her own time, Sarah unpacked one of the Almond Pastries and started eating with a small spoon she had brought from the cake shop.

"Aaaaaaahhh!" As expected, she heard Shivani screaming so she raised her head again to see what happened and smiled wryly at the scene.

Saket had suddenly stood up from the bed forgetting Shivani was still on his lap. Now she was lying on the cold floor while clutching her left butt.

Sarah was able to see how Saket was panicked and flustered. Shivani's eyes flashed hatred towards Sarah as she looked at her again.

"You look adorable when you are angry, babe.." Sarah said, grinning. "My brothers are more handsome and manly than this rat. Please consider looking for someone else."

She doesn't want this girl to be with any of her brothers!

"Stop pretending! You are jealous of seeing us together. Aren't you?" Shivani got up on her feet and stared at Sarah intently, trying to gauge her emotions but to no avail.

Saket was busy wrapping himself in a towel but Shivani stood tall and straight, quite proud of showing off her well-toned and maintained figure.

"Jealous? And me? For this cockroach?" Bewildered, asked Sarah. "Gimme a break!" She waved her left hand dismissively as if what Shivani said was mere a fart!

Saket, who was now standing beside Shivani gritted his teeth. He was feeling angry and guilty at the same time.

"Sarah, what are you doing here?" Saket took two steps forward as he asked Sarah in an authoritative tone.

He had never spoken to her like this before. The Almond pastry's bite She was chewing turned bitter from sweet. But she swallowed it like she swallowed her anger earlier.

"Can't you see? I am here to meet you but you are busy poking your face in someone else's bosoms!" Sarah said in an upset tone and whipped out her mobile from her jeans pocket.

Shivani chuckled, "See, you are jealous. Admit it. You don't have a good figure like me. Flat chested! Look at your clothes! You are a disgrace for being a girl!"

Sarah bowed her head and looked at her clothes. She was wearing a black big leather jacket with a hood which had many inner hidden pockets, a white T-shirt underneath it on which, 'I Am Your Grandpa!' was written in golden-black ink and below it, were black denim jeans.

Although at the beginning she regretted wearing this apparel, she felt extremely contented with it now. It was her true self in which she was comfortable.

'What's wrong with my clothes? It's standard wear. The jacket is specially custom-made for me. Oh, and my shoes, they are gifts from one of my rich fans. They are custom-made too.'

'Wait... Did she call me... Flat chested?'

Sarah raised her head and a devilish smile appeared on her face causing Shivani to shudder a little in fear.

"Heh.. Look at you... Not wearing any clothes. You look like a hungry-and-ready-to-get-f**ked-wh*re! How much this gold digger pays you? I will give you a double. Just tell me, is it convenient to carry a huge weight on the chest? Yours are so shaggy and loose.." She then turned to Saket. "Saket, this is how you treat a lady? Look what have you done to her!" Sarah talked non-stop, not giving them any chance to contradict.

"You..!" Shivani was speechless for a long time, unable to form any rebuttal. Her huge chest was heaving up and down rapidly due to anger. Beads of perspiration started forming on her forehead. The proud expressions on her face completely disappeared as she glanced at her chest subconsciously. She then looked at Saket with an accusatory gaze.

"Enough both of you!" Saket spoke again, feeling annoyed by their bickering. "What did you hear?" He asked Sarah cautiously.

"Everything..." Sarah said while clicking on the live streaming app and facing the camera. She was going Live to show the whole world his true face...