Rotten Face.. Rotten Stories..

"I just love you Shivani." Said Saket, kissing her fair knuckles.

"You don't look happy to see me here." Her face had a look of aggrievedness.

"I am very happy." Saying this, he kissed her forehead lovingly.

"When will you tell her about us?" Shivani was pouting and whining like a child asking for candy.

Sarah furrowed her brows.

'Tell whom? Me?'

Saket replied, "Two days later."

"Why two days later?" Shivani's eyes lit up.

"She is about to shift to a new house, which costs twenty-five crores," Saket said, looking at the window. Darkness was now filtering out.


Sarah too was puzzled like Shivani. After all, what does he want?

"I want to give you that apartment as your twenty-first birthday gift." He said looking at her with loving eyes. "Everything she has today is because of my father. I have the right to every little thing that belongs to her. Because those things are given by us, the Ahujas! The name, the fame, that luxurious lifestyle... Everything! Had Ahuja not been there, she would have been lying on the road today carrying her rotten face and stories." His voice was filled with bitterness and coldness.

Everything is given by us...

Rotten face... Rotten stories...

'Heh...' Sarah sneered coldly. Her eyes flashed with formidable murderous glint.

She was dating a parasite who wanted to snatch others' things.

'I seriously doubt if this donkey has his own head and pride, even his talent and dreams seem to be of others now.'

Her heart tightened in her chest making her restless as she continued thinking.

'Is this the Saket I know? If he didn't like me, why did he pursue me? And if my stories seem rotten, how did his company earn the billions of rupees on the box office? Did money and fame fall from the sky in his bag? It was my stories which gave your rotten studio fame, alright?'

"Why were you even behind her? Is she even better than me?" Shivani asked with a tinge of jealousy. Sarah came out of her reverie hearing Shivani's question.

"No one can be more beautiful than you, Darling. Her figure is not like yours." He said twirling one of her long capillus with his index finger. "But you know very well how much she and her books are famous in India. They are even ready to do business abroad."

"What do you mean?" Shivani asked in disbelief.

Sarah was shocked too.

'What did he say?'

Saket smirked, "We have cracked the deal. 'Adventures of Seven Wonders' now going to enter the foreign market."

"Really? Does she know about this?" Shivani asked excitedly.

Saket scoffed. "Of course not! Before such a thing happens, she will be already kicked out of the contract."

'What?! '

Sarah wanted to scream and laugh out of sheer joy but her heart was bleeding right now because of what this Sh*tbag Saket has done with her. He was a backstabber!

Unaware that someone was present at his bedroom door, Saket continued, "When I returned from America, Dad advised me to befriend Sarah because, for us, she was not less than a hen laying a Golden egg. Dad wanted to buy the rights of her last three books, whose race included two more big companies. I read all of Sarah's books in ten days and then I understood the main point of my father's advice and I befriended Sarah. "

Sarah started fuming in rage. Now, she was lacking in abusive remarks for this wretched man. All was a lie... Her life.. her boyfriend.. her love...

"What did you gain in this other than money? And what will I get from it?" Shivani asked innocently, which made Saket devour her wholly there and then.

Fondling her left soft breast and squeezing it, he admonished her gently, "Crazy girl, I have drawn the fans to my side by making Sarah successful. In the beginning, I had only a few close friends and acquaintances. Father has always been behind the scenes. But Sarah is different. She is different from any celebrity. No less! There goes a long queue of fans after her. There is no such remarkable thing in her, but I don't know why people get attracted to her.. "

"Stop praising her and tell me what I will get from this?" Shivani slapped his right hand which was squeezing her breast.

"Why would I praise her? Well, she doesn't even have the right to clean my shoes. Darling, don't be rash. It would be nice to keep this rapture up to bed." He hugged her tightly and tried to kiss her.

"No! I want to know. Now!" Her mouth started forming in pout again which was able to make anybody's heart melt. Except, Ahem... Sarah, who just wanted to cut that pink lips of hers with a dagger right away! But she waited...

Saket sighed deeply as he tried to suppress his desires that were about to explode anytime and finally said, "I wanted to keep this matter a surprise until your birthday, but it seems that if I do not tell, then you won't let me breathe peacefully. Okay, listen, Sarah is writing a new film script which rights I am already buying. I have read half of the script and I am sure that this story too will make a big splash on the big screen. And I want to give you the role of Main lead in the film based on that script."

"Really? And what if she refuses?" Shivani asked suspiciously.

"She can do anything for me! She has blind faith in me." Saket sounded proud of himself.

"If she breaks the contract, she will have to pay twice the price." He started kneading Shivani's buttocks.

"Be gentle.." She moaned seductively.

Saket laughed heartily as he continued to torture her, "You just wait and watch how I bring that arrogant girl on the road. Once I get ahold of the flat's legal papers, then even her foster family could not do anything to me."

"Mmm.." Shivani was enjoying his lovemaking.