It Is Indeed Kryptonite

After exiting Saket's apartment, Sarah wandered lifelessly on the streets thinking about her past life and glorious years in the Academy.

She tried hard to live like a normal citizen shutting her extraordinary abilities with sixth sense but she failed miserably to do so and got deceived by a scumbag.

She was upset with herself. She had no experience in the world of love. It was a new thing for her and she had tried her best to be a good girlfriend. Her knowledge was limited to the romance fiction she had read. She gave her a hundred percent but Saket never reciprocated even with one percent.

What a tragedy! She suddenly felt homesick with a strong urge to go home and ask for a big hug from Leela. She felt like a lost child again in this strangers' world.

When she regained her senses she was already standing in front of the gate of Chorbazzar- The infamous black market in Mumbai.

"Please uncle, let me meet the Boss. This metal is not easily found in India. It's really expensive.." She heard a familiar voice of the child and turned her head towards the direction of the voice coming from.

He was a skinny boy with a fair complexion. Sarah immediately recognized the ten years old boy talking to the gatekeeper. He was the son of one of her seniors from Academy.

His father-David had eloped with one local girl from Kontumba and came to Mumbai to settle down after completing his graduation from the Academy. He owned a garage servicing center and was earning quite a good amount of money so he could take care of his small family. There was no need for him to visit such a place.

'But judging from the scenario, it seems they are facing some financial problem. Why his son is here instead of him? Did something happen at his home?'

"What nonsense are you spewing! This is just a piece of trashy old Iron!." Sarah came out of her thoughts as the gatekeeper shouted at the child from the top of his lungs and tried to shoo him away, "Go away otherwise I will hit you!"

"Uncle, trust me once.." The child tried to pursue him but to no avail. The gatekeeper was getting impatient.

Before he could lash out at the child, Sarah called out his name from behind, "Jojo, what are you doing here?"

The boy-Jojo turned around and beamed, "Big sis! It's you!" He sprinted towards her happily. His eyes were shining with hope. The gatekeeper also noticed her presence and smiled at her sheepishly. He felt relieved after seeing her.

She sighed, "Give me that metal and wait here for me. I will get a fair price for you. By the way, what kind of metal is this?"

Before she could manage to take a closer look at the metal piece, both the boy and gatekeeper blurted out respectively,



The corners of Sarah's lips twitched involuntarily. She was speechless for a while before replying to the boy, "Kid, Vibranium is a fictional metal. It only exists in comics and Marvel movies."

"But this is.." Jojo suddenly went silent.

"Leave it to me." Sarah turned away and looked at the metal piece lying in her right hand.

It seemed unfamiliar but still felt vaguely familiar to her. It looked light-weighted at first glance and also like a piece of brass or bronze but it was different and had a slight luster on it. There was something carved on it like a half oval shape with three lines which were crossing each other from different angles, but as it was a broken piece of the metal, she could not recognize the half symbol and could only try to imagine the remaining part.

Could it be...

She tapped with her fingers on it lightly and sniffed it a little. She could smell a little waft of ammunition but it was enough to prove that the metal was part of some deadly weapon!

Suddenly her expression shifted as if lightning had struck her from heaven.

Holy cow! It is indeed Kryptonite!

Sarah quickly looked at the little boy standing silently beside her, whose eyes darted everywhere, avoiding her interrogating eyes.

"Vibranium... Eh?" She asked mockingly and the boy's cheeks instantly turned red.

His guilty eyes and blush on his cheeks further confirmed her suspicion and she sighed deeply.

'Thankfully, I arrived here at the right time or the consequences of selling this metal-piece would be unimaginable!'

Oh boy...

Putting the metal piece inside her jacket, Sarah patted his back lightly and said in a low voice, "Wait here for my return and be ready to face my questions!"

Jojo nodded obediently and went to sit on a rock under the roadside tree. Sarah turned and started walking toward the gate.

"Honorable Lady, long time no see.."

Gatekeeper's demeanor changed a one-eighty degree upon seeing her. He was smiling like a wolf. "Eh... Can I ask why are you wearing sunglasses at night?" He asked, puzzled.

"None of your business!" Sarah said dryly and kept walking.

The gatekeeper shrugged and stood silently in his place, keeping eyes on the road and eventually on the boy.


It was the right time when the Chorbazzar was liveliest. After walking for fifteen minutes through the crowd, Sarah arrived at the entrance of a huge building. It was the manor of the Boss of Chorbazzar.

The mansion was flashy and hilarious, not like that of rich people's houses. Some electrical broken things were hanging on the front wall and windows were made of car windows.

Apparently, he was a fan of cars and had a huge collection of them in his mansion's basement. There were disco lights on top of the roof and strings of glittering lights hanging across the building. Sarah almost believed that the owner is still celebrating the Diwali festival.

Nonetheless, considering how rich he was, to the owner, it was Diwali every day!

The receptionist welcomed her and immediately made a phone call via intercom. After some time, the housekeeper Mr. Lewis arrived in the lobby.

He was an old man in his fifties with always a smiling face and friendly manners. Upon seeing Sarah in the waiting section, he was surprised and hurriedly went to receive her.

After exchanging a few greetings, Mr. Lewis politely led Sarah the way to the Boss's meeting room. As she entered the meeting room, she heard Boss shouting with joy,

"Miss S, you are finally here!"