I Hit Myself

The boss was a bald man in his forties. He was wearing a long black and maroon color robe with a golden flowery pattern, looking like a king of ancient times. He was sitting on his big black and white retro style throne, holding a glass of red wine in his right hand.

A cute girl of twenty was sitting on his left thigh and his left hand was around her waist. One girl was giving him a massage on his shoulders while the other girl was fanning him with a beautiful big Japanese fan.

He put down his wine glass on a small classical cum modern wooden teapoy table in front of him and raised his hand in the air to dismiss the three girls.

Seeing his gesture, the three girls quietly walked out of the room closing the door gently behind them.

Sarah put off her hood and took off her sunglasses, revealing her face.

"Pfffft.." The Boss who had started drinking his wine again spurted out a mouthful of it upon seeing her face.

"Oh my God! What happened to your face, Sarah?" He put down his glass again on the table and stood up hastily, wiping his mouth.

"Look at your forehead! It's swollen! And why your eyes are so red?" He looked worried.

Touching her forehead, Sarah asked instead, "Do you have a first aid kit? It's hurting."

"Of Course we have!" He clapped his hands thrice and soon, his housekeeper came inside.

"Boss..." Mr. Lewis bowed his head waiting for the command.

"Bring first aid kit and tell Leila to come over." The Boss reckoned Sarah to sit on the white single sofa in front of his Throne. "Take a seat."

The housekeeper was stunned for a while and when he turned to look at Sarah, he was shocked again. He didn't notice anything amiss earlier when he first met her in the lobby. She used to came there in different styles or a disguise and sometimes had a hood and sunglasses on so he failed to notice the wound on her forehead.

"Miss S, what happened to you?" Without waiting for her answer, he hastily exited the room and returned with a first-aid kit and a girl, who was fanning the Boss earlier.

Sarah took a fleeting glance at her.

'She must be Leila.'

While Leila was treating Sarah's wound, Boss asked her curiously, "How can anybody hit you? The first time you visited us, you nearly break my guards' bones and beat them to death without getting a single scratch on your body!"

This was the reason Sarah was getting VIP treatment after that horrible incident...

"Who is that big guy... Ahem... rapscallion?" He coughed twice again showing concern on his face.

"I hit myself on the wall," Sarah said nonchalantly and the room fell in deadly silence.

Only Leila kept her hands running around her forehead using cotton. She was trained to do her work sincerely not minding worldly affairs.

"Haha..! Who could dare to hit you other than yourself!" Boss laughed while touching his bald head to hide his embarrassment.

"But why would you hurt yourself?" Mr. Lewis asked her, intrigued.

"I was bored," Sarah murmured as she didn't want to talk about Why's and How's and again, the room was filled with chilly silence for some time.

After treating Sarah's wound, Leila left the room with First-Aid Kit.

"I am hungry," Sarah said in low spirit.

"I am going to the kitchen to make your favorite dishes. Please wait for a while." Said Mr. Lewis, ready to go outside.

"Bring whatever you have. I'm not a picky eater.." She said glancing at him. Obviously, she was a picky eater, but only here at their place!

Mr. Lewis' lips twitched for a short while before he nodded and went to the kitchen.

Sarah smiled at him briefly before turning to the Boss, "Boss Rimzimwala, I have brought..."

The Boss raised his right hand to stop her from talking further, "Dear distinguished guest, before you talk about business, let me correct you. It is Zunzunwala... Not Rimzimwala!"

Can't she utter his name properly? It's nearly the tenth time she called his name wrongly since they knew each other. Nobody dares to even look up at him in his eye and this girl even beat his men and him nearly to death once!

"You dare to correct me..." Sarah's face became grim and her voice turned cold.

"I just loved the way you call me every time! I love every name given by you!" The Boss exclaimed out of fear, showing how happy he was with various names given by her. Now, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat. "You are my honorable VIP guest. According to our rules of business dealings, your satisfaction is our priority. "

"Enough... I don't have time for chitchat.." Sarah put her hand inside her jacket and pulled out a pink colored handbag. This was the same handbag that she had picked up before leaving Saket's house and at the same time,

she had hit her head on the front wall of the living room. Lots of people along with the security guard of the building had seen her coming out of the apartment in a wounded state.

She put down the beautiful handbag on the teapoy between them.

"This is Ray's product... Three crores.." She uttered a few words, not beating around the bush.

Boss's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets watching the handbag... "It's so expensive!"

"With some alterations, you can sell it for four crores.." Sarah said calmly. "What? You don't want it?"

"I want it! I want it!" Boss hastily picked up the bag taking a close look at it.

The door of the room opened again and Housekeeper Mr. Lewis reentered with few dishes. He put them in front of Sarah.

"Please have your fill Miss S.," He said politely.

"Mmm.." Sarah picked up a veg-Patties and started eating. The quality of the food she had here was not bad.

"Alright, it is indeed Ray's product," Boss said after confirming the handbag's logo and quality. "But I can only give you two crore. Because it is second-hand material. If you sell it outside, you will get only eighty lakhs or maximum one crore for this."

"Second hand?" Sarah furrowed her brows.

"Of course it is! This handbag was manufactured two years ago." Boss showed her the bottom of the handbag. "Look here, No. 18 represents its manufacture year."

Sarah saw that No. 18 was written on the left side of the handbag in its hidden corner.

"Okay, two." She said, now munching on a sweet corn cheese sandwich.

The Boss and Mr. Lewis were astonished and they looked at each other. Boss asked him 'What happened to this tornado?' through his eyes on which Mr. Lewis shrugged his shoulders and shook his head indicating he has no idea either.