The Missing Piece of Weapon

"You are not going to bargain on this expensive bag?" The Boss asked Sarah. Shock and happiness were visible on his face.

"No mood." She picked up the glass of Mango juice and gulped it down in one go.

"Oh.." It was a joyous moment for him but the Boss didn't show it in front of Sarah. He was somewhat upset too.

Sarah finished her meal and stood up. "Thank you for the dinner."

"No need to say thank you... It's my pleasure!" Boss also stood up. "Come, I send you off. Housekeeper Lewis will transfer the money to your bank account right away." He looked at Mr. Lewis, who nodded and left for the payment procedure.

"Come often, Sarah," Boss said while walking her out. "I am seeing you after a whole long year."

"If I come here often, you will go bankrupt." Replied Sarah, with a stony face.

"Hehe... You bring us some good stuff every time. It's profitable actually. I earn a good amount of money when you visit my poor mansion." He chuckled. "The wristwatch you brought last time, was sold out for thirty lakhs!"

Sarah merely smirked and kept walking coolly.


As she came out of the gate, Sarah saw Jojo, still sitting on the rock under the Ashoka tree. She made her way to him without looking at the gatekeeper. Seeing her approaching, Jojo stood up. He looked nervous.

"That was really a piece of trash, boy!" Sarah raised her voice, so the gatekeeper could hear her clearly. "Let's go to the dumping ground to throw it away."

"But big sis.." Jojo was startled.

"Shhhh... Follow me!" Sarah turned and started walking. Jojo silently followed her.

After some time of walking, they were standing in front of the old abandoned cotton factory. Sarah's nose shrank automatically when a strong stench coming from the dumping ground assailed her nostrils.

"Here.." Jojo pointed towards the courtyard of the factory. "I was playing cricket with my friends when the ball went inside. I was fielding and standing near the entrance. I went inside to get the ball and that's when I found the metal piece." He looked at her. "Big sis, are you really going to throw it?" He was anxious.

Sarah ignored his question and started walking, "Let's go inside and search again."

For the next half an hour, they searched the entire building but they didn't find the other pieces of the weapon.

Her intuition told her that something big like firing or fighting might have happened there. Because the lobby looked clean like someone came here and cleaned the place wholeheartedly!

'What would have happened here? The cleaning indicates that someone cleaned the crime place thoroughly after murdering someone. What about this weapon?' Sarah again glanced at the metal in her hand, deep in thought.

She turned towards Jojo and asked, "Where did you find this piece?"

"Over there!" He pointed towards one of the broken tables in the reception area. "It was under the table. My ball went under it so I moved the table slightly and found the ball along with the metal piece."

'No wonder they didn't notice while cleaning the place. They just picked up the dead body and cleaned the area around it where the blood fell. Hmm... That's must be the case.'

Sarah looked at the spacious lobby once again contemplating over something.

The area cleaned by the criminal was big, almost covering the entire lobby. The dust, broken benches, tables and chairs, crumpled papers and posters' pieces could be seen near the walls but the central area was clean. It did look suspicious upon careful observation of the place.

'Could it be that he killed many people? Or could it be fighting between two groups? Otherwise, how could one person kill many people? After all, everybody is not Sarah!'

She nodded to herself and looked at Jojo seriously, "If anyone comes to ask you about this metal, tell them you threw it away because it was trash."

Jojo nodded his head vehemently, "Sure, big sis!"

"It's good you know the graveness of the situation. Now go home and don't tell this to anyone. Even not to your parents." Said Sarah, ruffling his curly hairs.

"What about this?" He asked, pointing at the metal in her right hand.

"I'll try to get in touch with Grandmaster and let him know," Sarah said while putting the metal piece inside her jacket. "Now go back."

After the boy left, Sarah came outside and pulled out her cell phone from her jeans pocket. She found hundreds of missed calls and texts in her inbox.

Sarah scoffed. She had taken her revenge without any regrets. Ignoring the messages, notifications, and calls, she dialed a number.

"Isha, let's go to the Paradise Bar for my break-up party. My treat!"

She hung up the phone without hearing what the other party was saying. Putting her cell phone in the back pocket of her jeans, she started walking towards the dark alley.


"I can't help you much in this matter, Mr. Ahuja. The injury is fatal. I recommend you to go to the USA for the surgery. My friend Dr. Kelvin is an expert in this field. I am sorry."

The face of Saket turned pale to green and then darker than the bottom of the dark kettle when he heard what the doctor said. He had arrived at the most expensive hospital in Mumbai but when he heard even the expert could do nothing about his 'fatal injury', his face turned ashen.

He exited the hospital and went to his car. When he was about to open his car's door, he saw himself in the rear mirror. His face turned black like the bottom of a saucepan again when he saw his forehead which was covered in gauze now.

"That bit*h Sarah! Damn it!" He cursed Sarah a hundred times in his heart and took out his cell phone from his pocket to make some arrangements.

Hopping Into the car's driver seat, he started to give orders to his assistant. "Book an earlier flight to New York. I m flying off this evening... Let Mr. Shaha handle the work for some days... Bring my passport and other documents within half an hour.."

Then he thought about Shivani. He should not tell her about this. What if she left him too? He will find the cure first and for now, he would tell her that he is going for some business purpose. This way, He can also stay away from annoying media. After coming back, he will find that bit*h to settle the score. Hmph!

Gnashing his teeth, Saket threw his cell phone on the passenger seat. He stepped on the gas and drove off his Audi R8 towards the direction of the airport.
