You Are Lying

The man averted his dark eyes from her palm-sized innocent looking face. The girl's head was covered with a bandage and she really looked pitiful with that petite body of hers. When he looked into her watery eyes, he was able to see her pure soul through them. She really sounded honest and unaware of the reality.

He coughed lightly before regaining his stern composure. "Don't play innocent girl. You know him better than me." He said, watching her as if she was some kind of disgusting creature.

"Hey! Don't look at me like that!" Sarah yelled. She was indignant at being the object of suspicion. "I don't know about Agma, Gama, Magma whatever!"

He stared at her for some time and nodded to himself, for what reason, Sarah had no idea.

"Well then.." The man put on his black coat and safely kept the metal piece in its inside pocket. "Be prepared to face the serious consequences for breaking the rules as well as covering up for the biggest enemy of the Kontumba. The Kontumbian Police will come to arrest you soon. I came here to pass the message and take away the metal piece." He gently patted on his jacket's right side where he had kept the piece of kryptonite.

"Wh..what.." Sarah was shocked. "What arrest? I never covered up for any enemy! I don't even know who is the damned enemy of Kontumba!"

She started to panic.

'What the hell! Kontumba has an enemy? I was kept in dark for so many years! Does everybody know about Lord Agma? Do my grandpa and elder brother knew this? How do I don't know? Why didn't they tell me about him? My friends and Mentors never told me about the existence of such an enemy either. Even the comrades on the missions I attended never uttered a single word about him! This man must be lying!'

"You are lying! There is no enemy of Kontumba!" Sarah was convinced after thinking thoroughly. "My mentors and friends in Kontumba never mentioned him"!

The man squinted his eyes as he stared at her with a suspicious gaze. "He is a wanted criminal of Kontumba. The mere mentioning of Lord Agma's name in Kontumba is a taboo and severally punishable crime. It's okay if they didn't tell you but I don't believe the foreign secret agents on the missions from Kontumba never told you about him."

"I.." Sarah tried hard to remember but what she remembered was the cold shoulder given by the agents on the missions. They actually never interacted with her!

She simply thought they are prohibited from talking or sharing any information with the doctors attending the wounded agents. But when she heard what the man said, Sarah realized that was not the case. Something was indeed fishy! But what?

"They never told me about him. I swear!" Sarah touched her throat swearing with utmost honesty.

The man seemed to be unconvinced. "Impossible. Kontumba had dispatched its secret agents to wipe out Lord Agma's secret army in different regions five years ago. Their every mission is related either to Lord Agma or other criminal agencies eyeing kryptonite."

"I was in the later team!" Sarah exclaimed while clapping her hands once. "That's why I never heard about him."

The man chuckled. "For every foreign Kontumbian private agent, Lord Agma is a favorite subject to talk about. You should find a better excuse." The man turned around and started to walk towards the main door.

Sarah looked at his retreating figure anxiously contemplating to herself, 'What if he is not a reliable person and making fake stories for the metal piece? And what if he is actually the man of that Lord Magma... No Agma!? Could it be possible that he came to snatch this lost part of his weapon? I don't even know what kind of weapon is that. Only Grandmaster and the weapon-makers from Kontumba would be able to recognize it. No! I must stop that man taking away the metal piece!'

Sarah leaped forward and caught the man's left hand.

"Stop!" She tried to pull him back and he looked at her annoyingly, turning his head at her.

He sneered coldly. "It is of no use now.."

"I said stop there right now!" Sarah raised her voice and in return, the man raised his brows in amusement. Ignoring his amused expression, she proffered her left hand in front of him, still holding his left hand tightly with her right hand. "Give it back to me. I found it first. I will give it to the right person." She said in a serious tone.

"As if I will trust you!" He flung away her hand, ready to leave. But what he didn't notice was a fierce kick coming towards his arse.

Caught off guard, the man bent forward and went straight to the closed door. With a 'whoosh' sound, Sarah pulled him back instantly and pushed him towards the sofa.

She jumped over and sat on his abdomen. "Me too, don't trust you. I am not a fool. What's your identity? Show me your badge! What're your intentions to steal this metal piece? Are you one of the men from Lord Agma's secret army?"

The man below her laughed in amusement. "A few moments ago, you weren't able to utter his name. Now you do know he has his secret army?"

"Isn't it obvious? If he doesn't have an army of his own, what's the point of calling himself the Lord?" She spoke matter-of-factly.

While they were talking, she reached out to the man's right armpit and tried to press his pressure point so he would not move, but he caught her hand in midair and twisted it hard.

"Don't even think about it." He was smarter than Sarah to recognize her intentions.

"You too are from the same Academy. Aren't you?" Sarah asked, trying to pull out her hand from his tight grip as a scorching heat enveloped her dainty wrist.

"So?" He grunted.