Just Two Coins

"Let me tell you again, I am not related to Lord Agma in any way. But if you are with him, then listen carefully, I will die but won't let you guys succeed in your bad intentions towards Kontumba.." Sarah said icily, lowering her head while looking into his sharp eyes.

She felt the man's body went stiff for a moment before he scoffed and said, "We will see who is the real traitor of Kontumba. And currently, all the pieces of evidence are against you. Even if you said you are not his accomplice, nobody's gonna trust you."

Sarah's heart sank.

"What evidences?" She furrowed her brows. "I was in a drunken state so I didn't know what I was doing yesterday."

"Grandmaster has evidence that you are in contact with Lord Agma." He shook his head feigning pity.

"I.." Sarah was stunned for a long time. "What... When.."

"You will get your retribution... Maybe the highest punishment.." He continued, "Before that, they will ask you about his whereabouts and how to get to his island. After using you for their own purpose, they will not keep you alive for even a mere second."

Sarah suddenly felt a lump in her throat. Her heart started to pound wildly in her chest as she thought, 'I was trying to be a filial student but I am already in deep sh*t and the worst thing is that I don't even know what kind of strong evidence they have found against me.'

"Unfortunately, the laws of Kontumba are different from our nation." The man kept talking. "They never wait for proof from the defendant."

"What if I am not the person what you all are thinking about?" Sarah asked, her voice turned hoarse.

"You can ask for minor punishment like life imprisonment or two days' time to prove yourself." The man said plainly.

Sarah nearly choked on her saliva. 'Life imprisonment is a minor punishment?'

The man touched his forehead dramatically. "Ah... But the first two days will go in your first punishment for exposing your skills to the world. Now if the UN got the news, it will try to interfere and.."

Before he could finish his sentence, Sarah abruptly jumped down from the man's abdomen and frantically ran towards her bedroom, leaving the man speechless.


Sarah came out of her bedroom panting and stood leaning on the door. Thankfully, the man was still there, leisurely sitting on the sofa.

"I have told..told my brother, Madhur, to delete all the viral videos on the social media about yesterday's incident. I hope they haven't noticed it yet."

She slumped against the cushion of the sofa beside him. She was so tired and drained of all energy that she just wanted to lie there like a dead pig.

"I am sure the President and officials of Kontumba might have seen it on the Internet. I think I should leave now." As the man got up, Sarah was jolted awake and stood up ramrod, blocking his path.

"Please help me to get out of this. I am really innocent." She said pitifully. "Let me give this metal piece to Grandmaster myself. I want to prove my loyalty and sincerity."

"It's too late now." He said, not wavering by her damn pitiful expression.

Sarah, the arrogant princess of Deshpandes, had never behaved in her whole life like this. Her prideful and arrogant nature was now lying under the man's feet. If her siblings would have seen her in this situation, they would have gone crazy laughing hysterically at her. She even imagined the gloating expressions of a certain trio.

'F*ck that damn pride! Right now, what's more important is to stay alive!'

Sarah tugged at his sleeves of the coat. "Please.." Tears started forming in her beautiful watery eyes. "Save me."

"I am doing my work." The man avoided looking at her delicate but ashen face, keeping his voice firm as much as possible.

He had enough of this girl now. She was like a troubling fox for him since last night!

"I can offer you my... um.. my body!" Unaware of what the man was thinking, Sarah decided to use a honey trap. Her eyes sparkled like two tiny light bulbs.

But she was too naive...

The man was startled for a second before uttering disdainfully, "You don't have flesh in your body. I don't want to get hurt myself by your bones." He took a look at her from top to bottom. "You have a flat chest! And I don't like it." He paused for two seconds and spoke again, "You don't even have a fat a*s! Its no fun at all!"

He just wanted to get out from there! What the girl will think was none of his concern.

But for Sarah, that was a fatal blow! Her eyes started to glisten with tears. She looked down at her chest and whispered in a trembling voice, "What's wrong with being flat-chested? That annoying Shivani also said this yesterday."

Then she looked up at the man with burning anger. "But I do have breasts. See them for yourself!" She shouted as she pulled her t-shirt upward, showing him her bare chest.

The man was stunned before letting out a low chuckle, "These are just two... coins!"

What she didn't notice was a faint blush across his ears and his clenched fists under his sleeves!

"...." Sarah was rendered speechless. "What nonsense are you talking?"

The man pointed at her chest looking elsewhere.

Sarah looked at him in confusion and lowered her head to glance at her chest again only to find she wasn't wearing bra...

"Aahh.." Sarah immediately pulled down her t-shirt. She blushed crimson red and started to stutter in embarrassment. "You.. just er.. erase what you have seen right.. right now from your memory. You changed my clo..clothes last night, didn't you? Then why didn't you help me to wear my br..bra??"

The man found her reaction ridiculous. "I tried, but you refused to wear any clothes. When you finally fell asleep, I took pity on you and helped you wear your pajamas. But you didn't stop there. You got up, took a scissor, and.."