The Hidden Talent

Sarah was an expert in the field of storytelling and used to tell fake stories to her elders as they were easy to fool and deceive...

At least she thought so until the age of fifteen. It was later that she found out how much they enjoyed her stories even though they were Fake!

Rudra and Vikram would appreciate her and when they saw other siblings weren't clapping or praising her, they would glare daggers at them. Having left with no other choice for the trio, and also Samar and Saniya who especially didn't like Sarah that much, had to applaud like a monkey toy beating cymbals after twirling its key.

Nonetheless, it was a good family time for them when they gathered together to listen to Sarah's innocent stories to pass their time.

It was Sarah who was a fool and constantly deceived by them. She was a tool for their entertainment! Sarah was disappointed at first, but when Leela encouraged her to write down her stories, she started writing.

Sarah was interested in literature, so she had been writing articles and stories since childhood. Her articles used to be published in newspapers and magazines. At the age of fifteen, she had learned to make money. Inspired by her, the hidden talent of the other children was awakened too. They had reduced some burden from the shoulders of the Deshpande couple.

It was still difficult to raise twenty-one children. They had no child. All the children were everything to the couple. They raised them with great care without any expectations. But still, in their old age, all children wanted to be their support. The children owed them a debt of blissful life so it was their duty to take care of the couple in the future and repay their kindness.

Sarah wrote the Series of 'Adventures of Seven Wonders' for children as well as for teenagers which led her to the peak of success. The series was of a total of seven books which were later adapted for seven blockbuster movies.

Everyone was full of praises and admiration for Sarah but she was not satisfied with the result. She wanted to do something extraordinary... And yes, the fear of getting caught and killed by that gunman was frustrating.

If he comes back, there will be nobody who would save her from him.

She didn't want to risk her loved ones' life for her sake. She left her home after she turned Eighteen and secretly joined the 'Academy of Martial Arts and Dark Skills'. She completed her graduation there on the strange condition that she could not reveal her skills in front of anyone unless there is a situation of emergency.

Sarah had a special license which was enough for her to get a job in Police Force or Military. But she had learned those secret skills just to protect herself.

After returning from the Academy, she got a job in Royal Publishing House, Mumbai as Assistant Executive Editor and she released her remaining three books of the series at one go.

Sarah rented a small flat near her working place. When she placed her first income in the hands of Leela, there were tears in the eyes of the old but still beautiful-looking lady.

"I thought you would forget us. You are no longer staying with us so.." Leela pouted in disappointment.

"No matter how far children go, one day, they will return home. You and father are my home, not that rental flat. It is just close to my workplace. That's it." Said Sarah, holding Leela's hands gently. They were so soft like twenty years ago when the first time she caressed Sarah's little face on that stormy night.

Leela was shore to Sarah's astray sinking boat. She was her strength. Sarah no longer remembered her birth mother so Leela was the only mother for her.

Leela laughed and pinched Sarah's cheeks. "You lass, you have grown up now. I will not take money next time. If you want to bring something, then bring yourself to me. I want my daughter by my side. If not for Anant's adamant behavior, I wouldn't have sent you alone like this. I don't know what he wants to do by letting you stay on your own. My heart isn't in peace since the day you left home. See, You have started to lose weight." Leela was extremely worried about Sarah's health and nutrition.

Sarah smiled and hugged Leela tightly. "What Paa did is for my own benefits, Maa. I am no longer a kid. I have stayed in the USA for three years so don't worry too much about me."

Leela held Sarah's arms and pushed her away from her embrace gently. "How could I not be worried? You have returned from America not long ago and you want to stay away from us again. At least, come home on weekends!"

As soon as she spoke, she returned half the notes to Sarah. "Rent, electricity and water bills also have to be paid off. If you worry about us, how will you bear your own expenses? Save some for yourself. We don't lack money. Just tell us if you need anything. If you feel scared and alone, I will come to stay with you."

"I have learned this from you Maa. Don't worry about expenses. I have managed everything and I can take care of myself now. You have the right to keep this money as it is my first payment after getting a proper job." Saying this, Sarah jumped off into the courtyard from the steps of the house and started to walk quickly towards the gate, ignoring the loving scolding of Leela.

"This girl... Can you stop frightening me like this? Despite being grown up, you are still the same naughty little lass... What will happen to her after her marriage? How are we going to face her future-in-laws..?"

Sarah heard her mumbling to herself like mother-hen from behind and a shameless smile bloomed on her beautiful face.

Without turning back, she shouted, "I will marry Captain America! We'd do jumping-rolling things together!"

Sarah heard no response from Leela. She was certain that Leela might be dumbfounded and that was the best opportunity for her to run away.

Leela's expressions indeed changed abruptly. She remained speechless for a long time until Sarah vanished from her line of sight.
