Good New And Bad News

She couldn't leave behind her the burden of her mistakes on her family to carry on their backs for a lifetime...

This thought made her even more determined to fix the problems she had created in the past.

Leela's heart sank when she heard what Aditi said. She flung away Anant's hand and rushed towards Sarah.

Everyone came to their senses as well when they saw Sarah crying and rushed forward with anxious looks on their faces.

All the ladies of the house stood behind Sarah and Aditi. They felt sad when they saw Sarah crying silently. Sakshi caressed Sarah's head gently from behind her.

Saniya shook her head helplessly. "I don't understand what's going on with her."

"I think she is scared." Divya said and then nodded at her own conjecture. Drishti looked at her and nodded her head, too.

Rahul heard what Divya said and recalled Sarah and Vikram's conversation that morning. He too, felt a sense of panic rising in his heart.