Ram And Sita

Aditi moved first and saw Rahul still standing there, not far away from her.

Rahul looked at her as well and walked over. "Aditi, don't let them come over here. We can't let them do the test on Sarah. Don't ask why. Just do what I say. Consider it as my request."

Aditi became ever more confused. "But elder brother, how could I stop them from doing the test on Sarah? They would become even more suspicious."

Rahul smirked. "Find out the real culprit and distract their attention from Sarah. You are a cop. Can't you do this?"

Aditi fidgeted a little. "I will see what can I do. I have to discuss this with Vikram first."

Rahul nodded and walked past her, leaving Aditi alone, deep in thought.

Himmat came out of the kitchen with a broom and a dustpan in his hand. He greeted Rahul on the way but Rahul ignored him as he started to ascend the staircase.