The Escape

Soon, it vanished from her sight, revealing an elevator built inside the wall. It was made of black hard metal and had a collapsible door.

The elevator was big enough to carry two people inside it at a time.

Sarah smirked as she looked at the elevator.

She pushed the collapsible door aside and entered the elevator.

The sensor light inside the elevator turned on as soon as she stood under it.

Sarah closed the collapsible door first and pressed the first button on the control panel on her right side.

When she pressed the first button, the outside cabinet came down slowly, blocking the secret elevator.

The control panel contained only three buttons on it. The other two buttons had up and down icons of the arrows on each of them.

She pressed the third button which had an icon of an arrow going downward and the elevator started to go down.


After two minutes, the elevator stopped at the underground basement.