Two Packets Of Diapers

Sarah made a crying face as she kept walking in the direction of the building under which, many stores were standing in a row. The medical store was one of them.

The other shops on the roadside were less crowded. Some of them were opened while some were closed. Two stray dogs were sleeping in front of a closed shop.

A group of three men was sitting on the steps of another closed shop, smoking and chatting. Few vehicles were parked in free space in front of the shops. The sounds of horns of the passerby vehicles could be heard now and then.

Sarah's mind was in chaos as well as she felt wronged by being deceived by her own brother. She recalled how the traffic policeman was looking at her suspiciously.

She hadn't had any choice other than producing the original owner's driving license when she noticed there was nothing inside the pouch other than the original documents.

The bike seemed to be registered newly under Rudra's name.