Samar's Ex

Vikram heard the disengaged tone coming from the other end and put his cell phone down again on the coffee table.

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door and entered the quiet darkroom.

"Brother, why are you sitting in dark? Have you fallen asleep?" It was Madhur's voice.

"No." Vikram didn't bother to look at the door. "I am on the balcony. Switch on the lights before you come here."

"Oh," Madhur muttered and switched on the lights in the balcony. He then strode over and entered the balcony. He was holding a laptop in his hands.

Vikram signaled him to sit in the chair next to him. "Show me what you have got."

Madhur nodded and walked forward to sit in the chair beside Vikram. "You won't believe it if you saw what have I found, brother."

Vikram glance askance at him. "Then don't show such things that I won't believe in."

Madhur: "..."

Madhur smiled in embarrassment and put the laptop on the coffee table in front of them.