You Are A Terrible Sister

"Okay." One of the policemen agreed instantly and looked at Sarah. "You can go with them, Miss Sarah. We will follow you."

"Thank you." Sarah wiped her tears with the back of her hands and climbed into the ambulance. She went near Leela and sat beside her.

Leela pulled Sarah in her arms with her one hand while she kept holding Samar's hand in her other.

Sarah wiped Leela's tears and hugged her. "Don't cry, Maa. Nothing will happen to brother Samar."

"My Sarah... Why God is so heartless?" Leela said pitifully and wiped Sarah's tears away before pulling her in her arms again. Both of them sat near Samar.

Anant wiped the moisture from his eyes and turned his head to look at the twins.

"I and Lav will come in my car, Paa." Kush stood outside of the ambulance and said to Anant.

Anant nodded his head. "Hurry up."

Kush closed the backdoors of the ambulance and went to get his car.