He Was Killed Like A Dog On The Road!

The female reporter shuddered in fear and took two steps backward before turning and running away with her cameraman.

Sarah glanced at their retreating figures and lazily said, "You are so naive, babe... Don't underestimate the silence. If a silent person opens his mouth, then... Hehe... Hehe... Look at those cowards." She giggled dangerously and turned to look at the remaining reporters.

The other reporters instantly shut their mouths when they sensed the dangerous vibes coming from Sarah. They subconsciously took a step backward to avoid Sarah's murderous glare and save themselves from the humiliation from her venomous glib tongue.

"Use the right of freedom of speech and expression as your duty to tell the truth to the audience and not to spread rumors to increase your TRP ratings," Sarah said to the reporters.

The reporters nodded their heads silently as they were still afraid of Sarah's abrupt behavior.