You Are A Human Too

Everyone turned in alert to look at the entrance. The bodyguards pulled out their guns and stood in front of Shivani to safeguard her.

Shivani stood up in shock.

A woman in a police uniform entered the bungalow and walked forward with a pistol in her hand. Several cops entered after her.

Aditi pointed her gun at the crowd surrounding Shivani to protect her.

The servants too pulled out their guns from their uniforms and pointed at the police.

"Don't try to outsmart us!" Aditi warned them. "You are surrounded by police forces and commandos. Zoya Siddiqui, you are under arrest. Surrender yourself if you don't want to die."

Shivani smirked after hearing that. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and asked with her chin high, "Arrest? For what?"