You Pushed Me To My Limits

"Isn't it obvious?" David asked her instead. "The King of Kontumba wanted his son to marry Mingchun right after the completion of their graduation and before the accession ceremony of Shuin Yuming as the next King of Kontumba. But in just one month after Ira's death, Mingchun jumped in the Kzeezi River."

Sarah only muttered 'oh' as she attentively listened to them.

"Mingchun didn't want to marry Shuin Yuming as she was secretly in love with Rishabh," Maria said and sighed as she recalled the horrible day in the Kontumbian History. "Since that day, Shuin Yuming stopped smiling and speaking. He refused to marry anyone other than Mingchun. Whoever spoke about Rishabh or Mingchun, Shuin Yuming would lose his temper and punish him or her severely. Since then, everyone understood that they must not speak about Rishabh. His name became taboo in Kontumba."