You Are Finished!

Rajiv reached out his hand to pinch Urvashi's chin hard. He pulled her towards him and looked at her menacingly. "It's about that boy you had taken fancy three months ago and for whom, you ignored me all these days. Do you know who is 'he'?" He asked while emphasizing the word 'he'.

A look of confusion appeared on Urvashi's face.

Rajiv chuckled dangerously before saying in a hoarse voice, "He is a... Girl!"

Urvashi's eyes widened with shock after hearing that.

Rajiv let go of her chin and started to laugh. "He is a girl! The kid who defeated this..." He pointed at himself and continued, "...the great Rajiv Lakadawala, is actually a girl and the younger sister of that Vikram Deshpande! Her name is Sarah Deshpande! "

"What?" Urvashi covered her mouth in disbelief.

Rajiv turned around and stopped laughing abruptly. His expressions suddenly changed to ferocious.