She Hurt Me First

Shivani's eyes welled up with tears when she saw the familiar face after so many years.

They weren't staying together after her mother had divorced this man and married someone else.

But he was still her father in the end.

"Dad!" Shivani burst into tears and hurried towards him.

"Zoya, my child..." Ahmad Siddiqui became emotional after seeing his daughter crying. He got up from the chair he was sitting in and spread his arms towards her.

He didn't remember clearly when he had seen her for the last time. It was probably before going into prison to serve his sentence. She had grown up into a beautiful woman just like her mother.

Shivani rushed into his embrace. Ahmad Siddiqui hugged his daughter and caressed her head tenderly. "Zoya..."

"Dad!" Shivani called out again while crying in his arms.

"Stop crying, Zoya. I am here." Ahmad Siddiqui consoled her in his deep voice.