I Salute You

Drishti and Divya's gazes fell on the half-conscious Gautam who was about to collapse anytime on the floor.

"Gauty!" Divya screamed in horror after seeing his condition and ran towards him. Drishti also followed after her hastily.

Both of them caught him on time and helped him to stand properly.

Gautam was shivering badly and gasping for air.

"Gauty, are you alright?" Divya asked while rubbing his back.

"Everything is fine, Gautam. We are here with you." Drishti rubbed his palms gently and when she saw his unfocused gaze, she lightly patted his cheek. "Hey, look at me! Gautam!"

Gautam slowly looked at Drishti and then at Divya. Feeling a little better, he leaned against the wall behind him to support himself.

"Are you feeling unwell? Shall I call the doctor?" Divya asked him in concern when he saw his condition.

Gautam shook his head in denial and looked at Bipin Desai who was getting beaten black and blue by Parekh.