Suitable Girls

"Lav!" Vikram shouted in shock and stood up hurriedly. He bent down again and lifted Lav in his arms. He then carried him out of the study room and laid him on the couch in the living room.

He tried to wake up Lav but it seemed that he had suffered a great shock.

Vikram tried to calm himself down first before finding a first aid box. He took out a cotton ball from it and wiped the blood spread on Lav's upper lip. Getting up, he then went into the kitchen again to bring a bottle of water.

When Vikram decided to call a doctor, he received a call from someone.

After getting the bottle of water, Vikram closed the fridge and took out his cell phone from his pants pocket.

Recognizing the number, he accepted the call. "If it is important, then tell in just one sentence. I don't have time." He said to his subordinate while walking back to the living room.