Greedy Vampiress

"Exactly. So let's go upstairs and get the old plan in work." Arjun turned and started to walk towards the stairs. "I have to make appropriate changes before she snatches my new Villa from me." He said.

"You are so disgusting!" Juhi made a weird face from behind Arjun's back as she followed him upstairs. "I almost believed that you are concerned for Sarah."

Arjun waved his hand in the air carelessly. "Who cares about that hooligan monkey? I care about my house. You have to decorate her apartment nicely so that greedy vampiress will not come to rob me again."

Juhi: "..."

Everyone downstairs: "..."

"Arjun..." Leela's threatening voice came from the sitting area and Arjun picked his pace, almost running with a mischievous grin on his face.

"My lovely younger sister is a cute vampiress!" Arjun shouted to annoy Leela before sprinting away while crossing two stairs at a time.

"Wait for me!" Juhi shouted from behind him while running.