Too Late

Arjun saw her pale face and started to clap while laughing. "Jealous! You are jealous because I found a partner before you!" He got down from the bed and started to tease her even more.

Juhi sat on the bed like a statue, without moving from her place as she listened to Arjun who was now standing behind her and poking her head and pulling her hair to annoy her.

Arjun then whipped out his cell phone and held it in front of him. While looking at Juhi from the corner of his eyes, he started describing his imaginary girlfriend,

"She looks awesome, hot, and sexy! Look at her perfect curves! Look at her pink lips and those two sweet... Mmm... Now I will go on a date with my new babe!" He held his cell phone near his chest and started to dance slowly by swaying left and right.