Chapter 7: Marriage decree

It was unknown how many hours Lily passed out, but by the time she opened her eyes, it was already dark, and she was on her bed with Xiao Ting sitting at the edge of her bed.

"Third Miss, are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?" Xiao Ting spoke in a soft voice.

Lily tried to get up, but she could not. Xiao Ting helped to get sit up, and Lily could feel the painful swollen bump on the back of her head. She must have got it when she fainted. The pain intensified as images and memories of the host, Bai He, flashed in her head.

Oh great! Whenever she was in pain, the memories of Bai He will come to her mind. Isn't it too cruel for her? Does she have to inflict pain on herself to get the memory back? What kind of twisted plot is this?

In the memories that came rushing through her mind, Lily can see how Bai He was pushed around by the General household servant. She was heavily bullied that once the servant poured hot boiling water on her hands. The hot water scalded her hands, and the burn was quite severe.

However, due to strange luck, the burn did not leave even scar on her hands. From the burn, her hands became even paler as if it was born anew. Lily can say that the god of beauty favored this Bai He; it was almost unfair.

Those memories defied the logic of whatever Lily knew from her world, but she did not really care about it anymore. It was truly laughable how fantastical all these things were for Lily.

What's next? She has a superpower and a mythical beast? Or it turned out that she was not really the daughter of the General.

Those are the typical plot of transmigration novels. When Lily read them, it could be fun sometimes, but it's not fun anymore when it happened to herself. She could die in this world.

"What happened to me?" Lily tried to rearrange her thoughts. She remembered something about Shadow Court and some other things like folklore creature. And then, Luther told her that she was a witch and that man identified himself as a vampire.

A freaking vampire.

Lily laughed. She must be crazy. A vampire does not exist; it should not be. The vampire is just a myth created by humans to scare the other human.

"Are you alright, Third Miss? When this servant entered your room to send your lunch, you are sprawling on the floor. Your body is still weak; you should rest more." Xiao Ting distanced herself from the Third Miss. Xiao Ting did not know what happened to her Third Miss, but she felt that the Third Miss was too pitiful.

Lily nodded absentmindedly because her mind still lingered with Luther and how he has fangs and golden eyes. She knew how people worldwide have different eye colors, but since they are in ancient China, the people here should have brown eyes.

"Xiao Ting, what color are the eyes of the crown prince?" Lily stood up and walked towards the table to pour herself a tea.

"This servant did not know the color of the crown prince's eyes. This servant did not dare to look at the noble crown prince directly to his eyes. It would be inviting death of oneself." Xiao Ting explained hastily.

How could she forget? There were too many protocols in ancient China. The servant must not look at the royal family right in the eyes. They must lower down their head all the time. Is it too exhausting to live in this world?

If Luther is really a vampire, should she fear him? But if she stays away from Luther, she will not return to the modern world. Lily was thinking so much that her head hurts. At the end of the day, she decided that she will give Luther one more chance to explain himself and get herself out of this world.

The next morning, Lily stayed in the room in case Luther will come and see her once again. After waiting until the afternoon, Luther still did not come to her room. Lily was not sure what to do. In this world, the gap between Bai He's status and the crown prince was like heaven and earth. She could not possibly seek him out herself. She could only wait for him.

If he's real, that is.

There were a lot of unbelievable things. Herself being transported or transmigrated into this world, for example. It was absurd and hard to believe. Since she could accept that she transmigrated, she should accept that Luther was not a human.

Since there was no clock or watch in the ancient era, Lily did not know how to tell the time. Xiao Ting kept on telling her the time, but Lily had no idea what that was. Lily could only refer to the position of the sun to indicate the time.

It should be around 1 p.m. when Xiao Ting came hurriedly into her room. Xiao Ting had a wide smile on her face as if something good was coming to her way. But what could happen to an unfavoured daughter like Bai He?

Behind Xiao Ting, there was an entourage of older people in a grand robe. Some had a wary look on their face; some had a genuine smile while some put on an unknown expression on their face.

Behind the entourage of older people was a ladies' entourage with the dress a hundred times better than what Lily had on her body.

From the original memories of Bai He, Lily could recognize some of them, including the First Miss of General Gu household, the most favored daughter, and the one who bullied the poor Miss Bai He until she passed away.

The people made a beeline towards her courtyard and stood outside of her room. Lily did not know what to do, but she was sure that lying on the bed would be out of the question. She stood up and greeted the people like how she saw the people did in the movies.

A burly man, whom Lily recognized as General Bai, the father of Bai He, took a closer look towards her. There was an emotion that Lily could not decipher from him. The general was about to say something, but before he could say it, a voice rang out.

"Please accept the decree of the Emperor!"

Lily peeked at the incoming man and was actually impressed that a real-life eunuch came to her. But when she took a clear look at the eunuch, she was disappointed.

The eunuch looked like a normal man. It wasn't the same as the one described in books or drama where they were described as putting on rouge and looking neither like a man nor woman.

Lily felt betrayed. Her expectation was destroyed.

All of the people knelt in front of the eunuch and lowered their heads. Lily followed the crowd.

"The beauty of the Third Miss of the General Bai household is known all over the country. The crown prince took a fancy towards the Third Miss of the General Bai household, Miss Bai He. Miss Bai He is to enter the palace as the concubine of the crown prince. Please accept the decree."

When the eunuch was done reading the decree, General Bai stood up and thanked the eunuch politely. He had a wide smile on his face, but when the eunuch excused himself, he asked all the people to evacuate the courtyard, leaving only the madam who is the mother for the First Miss, the First Miss, Bai Lu, and Bai He, herself.

General Bai had an unreadable expression on his face; meanwhile, the madam and the First Miss had a malicious expression.

What's this? Lily looked towards the general, and then she looked at the evil stepmother in front of her. How could the general not see how malicious his wife is? Is he blind? Or did he pretend not to see how wicked the lady beside him is?

"Father will do the necessary preparation for you to enter the crown prince's courtyard. Take care of yourself before that. Don't go out if you don't have any important matter."

After speaking a few sentences, the general went out, leaving Lily with the vicious stepmother and half-sister.

Huh? Is she supposed to accept whatever things decreed to her? Can't she have a say in her own marriage? Not wanting to incite any anger from the people in front of her, Lily looked down, not looking at both people.

Who knew what they would do to her if she looked them in the eyes. After all, the people in this world are peculiar. They took direct eye contact as a sign of confrontation.

"A useless person like you can really attract the crown prince based on your look. I wonder if the crown prince will still fancy you if he knows how useless you are." Bai Lu snorted. "I am the one who was supposed to be with the crown prince. Merely a concubine but acting as if you are the future queen."

Bai Lu grunted and left the courtyard in anger. Her mother went after her to pacify Bai Lu.

What the heck? She did nothing but still accused by the real devil. Lily was quiet all the time, and she even looked down like a servant but still, Bai Lu accused her of acting out. No wonder the characters in the novel of ancient times got heart attack all the time. Lily felt as if she would die of anger if she kept on spending time in this world.

If this Bai Lu is in the modern world, looking at how she was acting out, Lily was sure that she would not lose in a girls' fight.

Also, what is Luther planning to do? He even used the status of a crown prince to make Bai He a concubine. Was he planning something?

The plot thickened, and Lily did not know what to do. She could only pray that she will live safely in this world until she gets back home.