Chapter 8: Marriage Decree 2

Luther was sitting in the crown prince's study while holding a book when the eunuch came to inform him that the decree had been delivered to the general household.

Luther nodded his head.

Seeing that the crown prince had no other instruction, the eunuch stepped back quietly, leaving his master in the study. When the eunuch left the room, he wiped his non-existent sweat.

The crown prince went to see the emperor during the court session this morning to request that the Third Miss of the General Bai household become his concubine in front of all the officials.

It will not be a problem if the one he fancied is a lady from the same standing. When he specifically mentioned Bai He's name to the emperor, some people could detect the coldness in the emperor's voice even when his face did not show anything. General Bai was not around, but the eunuch was sure that news traveled fast regarding the request.

Even though Miss Bai He was known as a peerless beauty in the country, all people knew that she was a wastrel. Having a beauty without any talent at one's own courtyard was equal to having a pretty doll – beautiful but useless.

The crown prince told the emperor specifically that he liked the beauty of Miss Bai He, and being a man, one could not really stand the temptation of a beauty. Since the crown prince requested it in front of the emperor, he could not find any good reason to reject the request while keeping a good tie with the general.

After all, General Bai had a high standing in the people's hearts. Saying that the emperor refused to grant the crown prince's request because the Third Miss of General household was a wastrel would invoke the general's anger.

The crown prince requested Miss Bai He to enter his courtyard as soon as she can. Some of the pervert old officials smirked and had a knowing smile on their faces as they did not expect that the crown prince had that kind of side.

The decree had been sent right away, and the eunuch could not wait to get away from the crown prince's resident. The crown prince had been in a somber since morning. The decree had been sent; why was he pulling a long face?

In the study, Luther was actually pretending to be holding a book. He could not care about this world; after all, he knew that the world he was in right now was just a fiction – a story created by some over-imaginative writer.

The day Lily moved into the Shadow Court to the house next door, Luther did not expect to bump into her when he was about to go out from his house. He was in a panic mood that he closed the door to Lily's face.

Luther was not ready to face the new neighbor since he did not know what kind of creature she was. Since the Shadow Court mostly housed the vampires, werewolves, and witches, for the time being, Luther assumed that Lily should be one of those.

Without thinking much, Luther decided to test her by using the easier method - paper and blood method. As he looked around his house, the only thing he saw fit to be used as paper would be his sister's novel – to be precise, a novel with a compilation of stories so absurd, Luther could die if he read it.

Now it's a paper and blood method, but why would Luther use the whole book?

The reason would be, his sister will kill him if he ever tore the pages in the book as the book was his sister's favorite book. That's the reason why he sent the whole book to Lily's front door.

After all, he did not expect to be sucked together inside the book with a freaking witch. A normal folklore creature will return the book anyhow. But that should not be the concern of Luther for the time being as he had more pressing problems.

Luther did not know the book's whole storyline, but he heard his sister told him a little bit of the plot; the handsome and merciless crown prince fell in love with the First Miss of the General Bai household and became a lovestruck fool towards Bai Lu.

Apparently, he only knew a little bit of what happened to Bai He as she was just a minor side character in the story – and he was not even sure if he remembered correctly.

But that was not the problem. The real problem would be how he could return to the real world. When he sent the book, he did not expect Lily to be a witch who can do blood magic but did not know it herself.

Nothing is more dangerous than a clueless witch.

To return to the real world, Luther decided to have Lily by his side and maybe taught her a little bit of what he knew about witches and their magic. Perhaps they will be lucky and be sent back to the real world.

When he arrived in this world, he got the original memories of Long Qi. No matter how nice his life would be as the crown prince, he could not live in a world that is not real. He is the crown prince, but at the same time, he is Luther- and he is still a vampire.

His mind wandered towards Lily, who fainted after he flashed her his fangs and his real pupils. This would be his first time seeing such a cowardly witch.


Meanwhile, Lily was bothered by the sudden incoming gifts from her family and relatives. The relatives were trying to scurry a favor with her, so of course, they were sending a lot of congratulatory gifts.

The servant came non-stop into her small courtyard, and it irked her so much because they kept on shouting to announce the incoming present, and they were moving things around.

Lily tried to think of reasons why Luther did what he did, but no matter how much she thinks of him, she could not fathom his motives. The body of Miss Bai He was seriously weak when the day got darker, she fell asleep.