I am now a God?

"Can you please repeat what you've had said?"

"I said; you're now a god. G.O.D. God."

Wait a minute. Hold up!

Me. The one who died just recently - just like that became a god?

Pfft!! Sound like my wet dreams... But still... Truck-kun hit me, so it might've been possible.

The mighty Truck-kun is stronger than God after all...

I have never thought that I actually will be hit by a truck when I was live-streaming for the first time of my career.

Pity. That was my first donation so I thought I'm going to go big for his request... Tsk!! Unfortunately, I was plummeted by a truck in the sky; who by the way is send via the plane and squash me right I was passing the crosswalk, so I wasn't aware of the coming danger.

Anyway, back to the topic.

"Yes, I've heard that, but, what's the deal with my title?" I ask wryly.

I never thought that Truck-sama godly power has a defect on it. Because I am supposed to be God after this, right?

"Hoo, hoo, hoo. You've heard that right. You are now the "God Of Entertainment"! Congratulations! You're the "64th" God who held that title, so do cherish it!" He laughs.

"Are you kidding me!!?"

Okay. I wasn't that ungrateful for having this title. But the big question in my mind right now was that, me? A "God Of Entertainment"!? I couldn't even play the first rhythm of any song in Cytus properly!! And now you're saying I'm a freaking, motherlucking God!!!? I'm Asian btw...

Should I play Mario song using my fart!? Well, I actually can...

No no no! Don't overthink it! Calm down...

Now, remember. Every story has a purpose. Yes, that's right!

I am now a God, so that would've meant I can play any instrument right now! As though I practice it in my entire life!!

Yosh! Hit me, 2020!!

...Wait for a freaking minute!? Again!! Why did you emphasize my sequence title!!?

Don't tell me all who took this kind of title died miserably!!?

Are you saying I am going to entertain you by dying in the end!!!? Hell, the freaking NO!!!


He notices my dilemma and chuckles. "No, no, my child. You are not going to entertain me by dying. But for the dying part. It was actually partial for your occupation of being a god.

You see. You are the "God Of Entertainment", and because of that. We have no vacancies for you to work with to earned "God Essence". What is "God Essence," you ask? Well, that is a vital thing for most of the gods. It is the life force that keeps their vitality alive to live for eternity. And that's where the problem lies...

You are a "God", so you couldn't just entertain mortals, right? Entertaining is a part of your jobs to earned "God Essence", but due to this reason, you couldn't do so. That's why the one you're going to entertain is us! With this, gods who watch you can donate their essence to you so you can live. And yes, you're going to entertain us by watching you do your things. Now, any question?"



Although I was infuriated inside thinking how do I entertain all of these geezers, I still manage to ask the vital question.

"So... Do I get power or what?" I voice out my concern.

He chuckled hearing that. "Of course, you are. You're a "God" after all."

Phew... Dodge the bullet there. At least with this, I still have the chance to do whatever I want to entertain them.

"Now, if you would let me." He took my hand, " And here we go!"

After he seized my wrist he teleported us to another white dimension just like a moment ago. The only difference I can see between the two was that this time there were a bunch of modern appliances in this white dimension.

He has every gamer dream kits for gaming! Monitor to CPU, lights, cameras, and most of all the famous $399.99 gaming chair!! And those consoles men!

The place reeks of potato chips. Yep, this is a true gamer cave.

The floor has tatamis' mat, a kotatsu table, and a bunch of potato chips wrappings. All in all, he has everything he needs to be comfortable in gaming. And he also has a fridge on the corner. Sick!!

I notice his countenance smirk slightly. He must've thought that I was impressed to the point I can't move in my spot. I guess that is the trait of being a true gamer. But he didn't boast his gaming setups and proceed to walk towards the small cabinet compartment below his monitor's table.

"Now where was it?"

As he sought what inside that cabinet which I guess a big dimensional pocket, he fishes out many kinds of things until he finally finds something he seeks.

It was a very dull GoPro camera. Its design is lackluster. But what's catchy in this camera is that it have wings. Yep, wings.

He swift the dust on it by tapping it a few times and blow it. He turns towards me afterward and said. "Here, this is your partner from now on."

Taking the camera, I was dumbfounded for a moment and ask. "What is this?"

"A camera?"

"Of course I knew what this is! Damn it!! I'm asking what's purpose of this camera is!!?"

"Oh, I see. It's for your live-stream, my child. *Cough* *Cough*. Maybe I should change my way of addressing you. You're now a "God" after all. And for your question. It's for your way of entertaining us. 'Cause that way, your entertainment in us is more intriguing if we don't know what's happening in your circumstances. It's part of the surprise if you've asked me."

What a thoughtful idea you've had. Thanks.

I can't help but be grateful inside. At least I have another card to entertain them.

"And now for your power. Here. Oh, please bear with the pain for a moment, okay?"

"What do you mean-!!"


After he touched my forehead I collapsed right away on the ground and wiggled like a worm in pain after being rubbed by salts.

My throat was very dry. My body was being impaled by some unknown stake as I was being squashed by tremendous gravity right now.


The torture was really unbearable for me. In fact, any moment now, I thought I was going to pass and never woke up. But for some unknown reason, I didn't.

Gradually, the pain subsided. The severe pain diminished instantly as though nothing happened after I felt I was being okay.

I felt rejuvenated that I never felt before. And I could tell that I gained something inside tremendously. An absolute power that mortal wouldn't achieve.

My eyes snap wide-open, and with a few blinks, I stood up and face God again.

"Feeling great?" He asks me with a smile.

"Never before! This is great!!" I replied with a jovial tone. I couldn't contain my excitement inside.

"Good." He nodded, "Now. I'll give you some briefing instructions and a description of what your occupation is. First-"

But suddenly-

"Hoy!! Old Geezer!!! Your Fortnite skin is now available! Should I pre-order for you!?"



"Hey!! You dead!? Answer!!!"

It was a woman voice. Her tone didn't carry respect toward the Gods, so I could guess that she was maybe a God too, or Goddess if we were direct.

"You're playing Fortnite bro?" I couldn't help but put a disgusted look in my face, or rather in my eyes.

Seeing me look at him with disdain, he smiled wryly to me.

He coughed a few times to signal the other side that he was here and replied. "Vroxxa, can you please lower your voice!!? And for the record, I wasn't playing Fortnite for addiction I was just merely hooking some girls in there!!!"

He tried to defend himself but to no avail.

"Oh. You mean that "Guy" who scammed you to give him skins because he sounded like an E-Girl?"


I nearly puked my inner organs hearing that, whilst he was already fuming in anger.

Once again, before he could retort, the other side spoke.

"Fortnite? Who even played Fortnite? If you're a man play PUBG, you freak!! True men's' play survival, not E-Girl skins!!!"


I agree with her.

He really wanted to retort the woman but he once again been ignored.

"Who's that with you? Oh, I know. This must be the new "God Of Entertainment", right? Well, good luck to you buddy. That title always ceases to exist not too long."

Yeah. Thanks for the reminder, Bitch!

"So, are you going to entertain us. Hey, Old Geezer. Is the new guy going to sing again?" She turned towards Mr. Gods #1. Or rather I felt her presence did so.

His angered already subsided now as though it was a daily occurrence. He replied. "No, Vroxxa. This time he's going to do some live-streaming for us. Wanna join me to watch him? Let's see what he got."

"That's new! Kay' got it. Just send me the room IRL and I'll join it! See ya'!!"

Her presence in the area disappeared after she said that. Mr. God #1 turned towards me afterward and give me an hour of the briefing of what I can do.

He said that I was free to do what I want to entertain us. Even killing all of humanity is allowed as long they're please to let them donate to me some essence, albeit the fact that thing was already boring for them as he reminded me. So I need to think of some content that I could exploit.

He also said that I was free of my schedule of when or whenever I want to live-stream.

With me being a god, I could travel the vast universe as I please to seek some content suitable for the live-stream. But for now, for my first live-stream, my destination is unknown as he will be the one who will send me to some unknown planet civilization.

After the short briefing, he teleports me to the random planet.

The process was so fast. But although that was the case; now that I had the power of Gods, I can hear the short exchange of their conversations.

"Hey, Old Geezer! Lend me your Nekopara Series. I want to play some kinky stuff right now."

"You unholy brat!! Only cultured people can play that! Come back to me when you finish Boku no Piko! Both the Anime and Manga!!"


I really want to puke...