First Live-Stream

As though I was looking at some loading game mechanism, my vision turns black; swiping down, and the next instant, I was already been teleported.

"That's too fast," I muttered.

Looking around the place. I was standing in the middle of some unknown part of a forest.

"*Exhale slowly*"

Yep. There's no plastic waste in here. The air is really fresh.

"Now what?" Asking myself, I started walking aimlessly on the small trail in front of me. Northeast is my direction as I calculated it by just looking at the sun's direction.

It might not noticeable but, I was excited inside. The adrenaline of traveling to another world is every man's dreams, much more like me, who loves anime and novel, and game by the way.

I was already imagining how epic my adventure is.

Fighting Dragon, Saving the princess, Defeating the sovereign Lich, etc. Every one of that category is pretty exciting to look for.

The only downside was that I was pretty much an anomaly right now. With my strength that could literally destroy this world in a mere second only, my fights will be an easy one.

Yes, I was crestfallen right now, slightly. But I was still thankful that I'm not going to die instantly in any situation. I was invincible!

Brushing the thick, high grass in front of me. I stumbled upon a river stream. The water glittered beautifully, reflecting the sunny day.

The birds are singing, flower is blooming. On days like this, kids like me, should be bathing in stream.


Jumping to the stream current, I unclothe myself in the process, before I fully emerged in the water.

Like an adonis in the movie. I swung my short black-hair upwards and washed my face with the water.

"Oh~! That feels nice!!"

It's already been 10 years when the last time I bath outdoors. So it feels refreshing to bath without restrain. Society wasn't going to blame me for not being proactive. Even more refreshing when I knew that I was not a part of society anymore!

Enjoying the bliss, I started contemplating my next course of action. And that is to live-stream.

"Talking about live-stream." Muttering, I looked at the camera, who by the way, following me at the very start.

Sending my thoughts towards the camera, as though it has life - a smart sentient. It approaches me so I can grab it.

Inspecting the camera on my hand, I started fidgeting it to see what surprises it brings. Sadly, it doesn't have any hidden buttons on it. Only the single-lens camera in the front and the wings in the back and a small red button between it.

Immediately, I conclude that it was the button to start the streaming, so I didn't even try to push it as I was still naked right at the moment.

Drying myself, I put my clothes back and look at my own reflection on the water.

Black-hair, black eyes, and slightly well-defined jaw lined is my look. My looks would be labeled as an above-normal rating. My body is skinny outside the perspective but I was packed inside. Not too packed but above normal to pass the gym coaches' standards.

Please at my own body I push the button on the camera. The camera moves in front of me and faces me afterward. It is now starting to record my movement.

In my sight; instantly, a HUD appeared at the top-right of my vision. A small green interface loaded and started rebooting.

[Live-stream will start in 3's. 1... 2... 3...]

[Now Live!]

Immediately, after it starts, the first person who joined sounded and followed by the next person.

[Omnipotent God joined the chat]

[FPSgoddess joined the chat]


Omnipotent God: Oh, starting already?

FPSgoddess: Hallo? Hallo? Old Geezer, can you see my message. My internet is troubleshooting right now!

Omnipotent God: Yes.

FPSgoddess: Good.


Reading the chats, I coughed a few times to turn their attention to me.

I spoke. "Welcome to the stream guys."


FPSgoddess: New Guy, still alive?

Omnipotent God: Hope you have a good content, Yulsa.

Omnipotent God: And Vroxxa, don't be rude to him. You're putting much more pressure on his situation. He needs to be on his peak to perform well.

FPSgoddess: Lol

Omnipotent God: You brat!... Anyway, I already contacted one of my friends, Yulsa. He'll join later the room, so do your best to entertain us.


That vixen mouth!

My mood turned sour instantly remembering what is my purpose is, but hearing Omni comments, my mood subsided seeing his support to me.

"Cough!" Coughing once again, I spoke. "Okay, guys. Now that the stream started which my first time performing/entertaining for your own pleasure, I decided that the two of you will be the one who will choose what is my first live-stream content is."

Starting like this, I can hook their attention and interest on the stream, so they wouldn't be bored with what I was going to do. And it's for their own record so they wouldn't find the stream lackluster to continue to watch.


Omnipotent God: Nah... You're the one streaming, so you decide.

FPSgoddess: Oh! Oh! How about you jump to the a black hole, and let see what's your experience was. Don't worry, a simple black hole can't kill you, so daijoubo. ;-)


That's not DAI.JOU.BO at all!!!

Smiling wryly, I groaned to release some stress.

"Okay then. How about fighting a Dragon?"

Everyone likes Dragons, right?


FPSgoddess: Don't bother. I have a celestial dragon in my palace, so it won't pick my interest at all.

Omnipotent God: Already slain a thousand dude, so no.



What do I do?! Whatever might I say or do, the two of you will only find it boring!!! This is depressing!! Goddamnit!!!

"Help!!! Someone, please help!"

As I was cracking my brain in full capacity, I heard a voice in the distance, so I turned towards that direction.

With my kin eyes, I saw a little girl 2 kilometers away, between the trees. She was running at her full speed, and on her back, a bunch of adults, wearing animals furs following her with a malicious smile and laugh.

Frowning, not because it was cliche first moment of an Isekai'd story, because the little girl was running with two bloody arrows on her back.

I can saw how tired the little girl is. Only the adrenaline rush keeps pushing her to run away from the bad guys.

Putting my hand above my head, like a crane. I shouted the famous word.

At the same time, I did that, the chats simultaneously manage to synchronize on my word.


Omnipotent God: ZA WAROUDO!!!

FPSgoddess: ZA WAROUDO!!!


I activated the OP meme. The meme that won't die despite the fact that it's already been three years. RIP, the dubs...

Instantly, in a mere second, a wave of impulse surged out in my body, and the time stops in this world.

Even though I can just teleport beside the girl and stop the third arrow coming on her back, I can't help but do the legendary meme.

After the time stopped, I appeared at the little girl's side and resumed the time.

The arrow continued to tear the air as it flows towards me, but I just simply grab it and throw it back on the archer, 1 kilometer away. It hit him between his eyes, but instead, the arrow to be stuck between his eyes, it continued to pass and pierce the trees in the back before stopping on the 20th tree.

Looks like I need to learn to control my strength. Or else, I'll become just like Saitama.

I'm not against in fast-pace battle. But with my current circumstances, I need to entertain them so I can earn some "God Essence".

"T-the hell!!?"

One of the guys said. He was startled because of my sudden appearance the same state of his friends. But he has no time to identify who am I.

Forming my hand in rock, I smashed him on the ground without restraint, because why would I?

Exploding in mince of blood, I appeared to the next guy who has no clue what happened.

"Thousand Finger Cuts!" I mumbled.

With farce words, just to be look cool, I sliced the guy's body into millions of pieces, and he turned like a mist of blood because of how tiny like molecules what my cuts to be.

For the remaining four men, I just simply kick or punch them to oblivion, causing them to crash on trees snapping it on two before they drop dead on the ground with countless bone fractures.

I didn't hold back because I knew that the little girl's mind right now is to only run, so she doesn't have the luxury to look back to see the bloody scenes.

For me, my action didn't affect my emotion. As I thought, I was now a god, and a mere emotion wouldn't affect me.

I still felt wrong, I can still smile normally just like before, the humanity inside me are still inside. But something inside me fortified my emotion to handle situations like this normally, even things that I still not experiencing as of now.

Before I followed the little girl direction. I cleaned the mess that I've made.

Waving my hand, the place instantly turned clean. The blood and reeks of the one-sided battle earlier vanish. For the archer body 1 kilometer away from me, I didn't bother to clean it as I thought that his body will be a good compost to the surrounding flower beside him.

The chats were pretty hype right now even though only the two of them are in there.

FPSgoddess was screaming as Omnipotent God saying that she was becoming more violent because of her game lifestyles.

He's sounding like Trump for a moment there. Not gonna lie.

Anyway, looks like if I became ruthless enough, FPSgoddess would somehow like it, and Omnipotent God will be engrossed too as long they interact with each other.

I didn't halt their arguments instead I teleport to the little girl path instantly which made her bump to me and fall her butt to the dirty ground.

She was jolted and at the same time terrified, seeing someone already caught her. She looks up and met my kind smile.

Not moving my muscle to not scare her even more, I waited for her to move or do something before I act.

But something made me frown. Very frowned. Which cause her face to turn paled and became even more terrified.

Not because she was naked that made me frown, I already knew it from the very start.

I heard something. Something that many people will not want to hear.

I'm no coward nor valiant too. I fear nothing... But that thing... It scared me...

[Godfather FBI join the chat]