Between the Rabbit and the Dragon

A destructive beam suddenly struck the background, windswept blow the fog, and the explosion into the area.

At the same time that happened, a strong, constant gale that came from some unknown source blow the remaining fumes in the area. It came from above!

A Dragon!!!

It lands and snarled towards us. It sharp-organize fangs build an inconceivable heat, boiling through its throat out of its mouth ready to strike us at any moment.

It spoke, "You brainless Rabbit. Give my asacoco back, and I'll let this slide." In a menacing tone.

The white-haired rabbit ear spasm in response and run immediately without stopping.

"You rascal! DIE!!!"

The dragon scoffed in annoyance and fire a red beam at the rabbit which destroyed the peaceful forest in a second, black fume immediately covered the forest.

I, on the other hand, as a bystander took the little girl at my protection and watch the dragon continued to fire a volley of beams in the direction of the rabbit-girl.

The rabbit-girl emerged on the black fumes unscathed, the dragons give chase as it fired more red beams at her.


FPSgoddess: Follow them!! Looks like it gonna be fun!

Godfather FBI: Hahaha, this is new

Omnipotent God: Yes it is, a rabbit and a dragon were unheard.


There's no need to remind me, I knew that this is going to be content so I give chase immediately without giving my presence at the two. Of course, the little girl was still on my embrace.

The rabbit-girl was really nimble and agile, she easily maneuvers every part of the forest as the dragon in the sky attack her with a volley of beams.

I tried to sound like a announcer in some kind of an es-sport championship but immediately been shut by my chats saying that it's not good, so I just give some comments on the side and they would correct me or deviate of what I said right or wrong.

The rabbit-girl has been cornered on the bottom of a rather high cliff, but she easily darted the cliff as though it was flat.

Before she can even reach the top, the dragons peek its head on the edge as its mouth full of boiling fire, it shot a beam at her.

The rabbit-girl disappeared before the beam manages to touch her and appeared at the front of the dragon.

Putting her hand at the top of her head; a carrot, size half of her body manifest on her hand, and her countenance that was cute a moment ago suddenly turned serious.


The force behind ber attack manages to knock the dragon head to the edge of the cliff - burying the dragon head.

It was a successful hit but wasn't enough to reach the dragon monstrous durability chart to be in a dizzy state. It soon fired a powerful beam towards the rabbit girl despite its head was buried.

"Sorre, Sorre!"

As fast as the rabbit-girl facial expression change, it faster when the beam almost hit her by the inches.

The dragon's beam continued to burst towards the rabbit-girl direction mid-air while she dodges it inches each time.


The rabbit-girl countenance changed again when she almost on the top of the dragon head like a switch which I find it funny somehow.

Her attack connected to the dragon head that was on the ground. Dust covered the edge of the cliff.

"I'm sorry, it'll never happened again!! let me live!!"

The rabbit-girl appeared at the dust smoke and run away like a bolt. The dust was blown away when the gale of wind surged out on the dragon wing that stood in a matter of second after it was been pummeled on the ground. It soon fired again a beam to halt the rabbit-girl escape, but only a matter of second is enough too for the rabbit-girl to completely escape the dragon.


The dragon howled in livid but it soon calms down and sighs. It flapped its wings and hovered away from the place.

"...That was interesting..."

I muttered.


Omnipotent God: Yep, you're right...

Godfather FBI: Me too. I've never seen a rabbit vs dragon before even though it was only a one-sided chase.

FPSgoddes: That rabbit is interesting! Peko! Peko! Peko! Orree!! hahaha!


"I know right!"

I agree with them. Even in anime, I never saw that dynamic chase between the two separate creatures. The other was a helpless rabbit-girl and on the other side was the peak of the food chain, the Dragons!

[FPSgoddess donated 3GS][1]

- Go chase the rabbit!

"Thanks for the dono-"

[Omnipotent God donated 5GS][1]

- We don't need your gratitude! Chase her!!

Thanking someone donation is a common courtesy, but I was immediately been cut off by Omni donation.

"Got it, got it," I said in a slightly annoyed tone.

I soon catch the rabbit-girl who is now leisurely walking with a spring on her foot; humming to herself happily.

"Oh~ Hello there little one. Are you lose?"

She saw a small vulnerable rabbit in the tree-covered. Her tone carried a motherly love that resonates towards the rabbit, which made the rabbit detect she was non-hostile and friendly.

So it approached her...

But something unexpected happened even though I already saw it.

She brutally hit the rabbit and took the carrots on its mouth and said. "Go to school, you piece of shit."



Omnipotent God: Hahahhaha

Godfather FBI: Hahaha WTF is this!

FPSgoddess: Hahahahahhaha


The sudden change of her personality caught me off guard as I clutch my stomach in laughter in the ground.

"Are you okay, big brother."

"I-Im o-kay, hahhaha, okay, hahha!"

I can't help my laughter which lasted for almost 5 minutes.

The chat was silent too so they must be rolling in laughter like me.

[Godfather FBI donated 10GS][1]

- Lol

[FPSgoddess donated 5GS][1]


[Omnipotent God donated 20GS][1]

- Oh, god, I'm dying in laughter. Help me!!

I was right seeing the donations.

Getting my bearing back, I wipe the tears on the side of my eyes and stood up.

"Wanna go follow her?"

I ask the little girl. I was trying to shift her focus for the meantime so I can think if I'm willing to bet my life to resurrect her villages or not.

She was silent for a moment before answering, "Okay..." Reluctant slightly.

I smiled wryly, but I throw the guilt at the back of my head for the meantime and focus my attention on the show that I was to witness.

And looks like the chats too...

[1] GS - God Essence