God Of Boy

FPSgoddess: what's happening? I just bought some chips and we already have some new characters?

Omnipotent God: I... Don't really know...

Godfather FBI: They just pop-up suddenly, and doing drama's...


Yep... What is happening...?

I just following the rabbit a few moments ago and these guys showed up out of the blue, so I choose to peeps on them of what's happening before I resume my own agenda. It is a free content and I wouldn't waste it.

I was hiding in the corner of some cluster of boulder with the little girl, peeking too in curiosity.

2 men, 1 woman, and a boy with a bow.

The guy who is bald has two pickaxes on his hand while the boy who is assisting him in the fight has a long-bow. His accuracy was pro, every arrow he releases always hit the midget guy that has no weapon only bare-fist. As for the woman, she was stuck on some boulder on the cliffs not too far away from them.

"Boy! Now!!" Said the bald guy.

With his signal, their coordination was precise as though they had practiced it a million times, they wombo combo the guy on his own knee's.

After that, some drama's happened.

"Kill him, brother!"

Ah, yeah! I forget the talking white balls on his waist. Yep, balls... Not the basketball, as it literally balls! Get it!!

Before he could even impale the guy with his pickaxes, the woman intervenes and manage to persuade the bald guy to spare the midget.

As I was watching the climax, I suddenly remember something like this scene, vaguely...

The dramatic scene continues, the midget struggles his mother almost to death which the mother accepts, she's not angry nor sad, just full of acceptance.

Of course, the guy intervenes, and with a quick smash, he crippled the midget nuts, really hard.

The woman cries and curses the bald guy to parade his body in some gay clubs, a plaything for the tribes of female orcs, etc, she will ravage his dead body.

"Does he knew?" The woman said.

The bald guy was momentarily silent but he spoke. "Boy!"

"Yes, Father?"

"Listen close! I came from the lads called, "Doujinshi". I made a deal with the gods that cost my soul. I NTR'ed who deserve it and many who are not."

He looks to the boy and said.

"I'm the "God Of Chads"



Godfather FBI: Hahhahaha

FPSgoddess: I-I can't, medic!

Omnipotent God: Hahhaa! Is this some rip-off God Of War![1] Hahahhahahahah


"Are you okay, big brother?"

"P-please, n-no m-more! I can't take it!!"

I don't know what happens for the past 20 minutes beside of me rolling in laughter in the ground, but the rip-off cast of God Of War[1] already left.

The last thing I heard was that he needs to fight someone called "Whore", the goddess of thunder, who's currently willed the legendary "Stuntor", in short, "Stun-gun Vibrator"

Once again, I was rolling in laughter.

The hell with this world!!

"Oh, God! No more!!"

Another half-an-hour was wasted.

I resumed my undercover to go after the rabbit-girl. She was currently walking on some spatial valleys of rocks, towards the top, still humming happily.

"Big brother, I'm hungry."

As we were following the rabbit, Chloe's stomach rumble indicating she was hungry.

Out of the blue, a bag of potato chips appeared beside me, so I caught it.

[Godfather FBI donated 15GS]

- I'm having a blast right now.

"Do you have something nutritious food there? You lazy bams!" I whispered.

"What is it, big brother?"

Looks like Chloe heard it.

"Nothing. How about this?"

I showed her the bags of chips. She took it and bit the plastic.

"No, that's wrong. Here, let me have it."

I taught her how to open the chips which she quickly picks up how to. Because why not?

Resuming to go after the rabbit-girl, she entered a cave on the top of the mountain, her voice trailed in echo for a moment before gradually disappeared, out of reach.


FPSgoddess: This is going to be fun!

Omnipotent God: I hope so, I've never laughed so hard as far as I remember

Godfather FBI: Wait. I will order some pizzas and french fries, I have a hunch that this stream will be a long one! Better safe than sorry!

Omnipotent God: Me too!

FPSgoddess: Too! Too!


"Got it. I'll wait for you guys."

There's no response came, and that's made my mood increase.

They really enjoy the stream! I should continue the pace and never slacks-off!!

As I was waiting for the chats to response I saw a sign beside the cave entrance. It was bland, a typical plank where a notice should be input.

Leaving the busy Chloe who is eating the addicting chips, I approach the sign and read the notice.

To Outsiders, heed this notice for your own safety.

Thou, it'll be your lucky charms.

From here on, beyond this cave, hid the most ferocious creature you'll ever see. She could annihilate an army of shrimp with a single word, command a thousand simps, and struck someone heart to death because of her cuteness.

She is the Apex Predator! And none-shall above her!!

- By Justin Why[2]

[1] God Of War - A popular games in PS-consoles

[2] Justin Why - Rip-off version of Justin Y


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