Vowing Revenge 2


Jack cleched his fists until his knuckles turned white and still continued seeming to not feel the pain.

'What the f*ck is this situation?Grandpa goes fishing only to get attacked by a bear trying to protect his friends?

Is this some kind of twisted spider man origin story ? Will I turn into a hero for justice when he gives me a life changing speech at his last breath and I see him die in front of me?

F*ck that! This is not a comic.'



"Jack, stop punching the walls ,it won't solve anything. You have to understand there is nothing that you can do but pray that he may live."

Jack clearly heard his father's words, but he couldn't accept it, no he wouldn't accept it.

"Huuu huuu...

'Is there really nothing I can do to save him? With the app I can by any kind of recovery medicine, but the Gold I have right now is not enough to buy one and grandpa can't wait for me to gain the required amount.

Wait! Some of the drops I got from killing the boss were potions, I'm sure of it. I also clearly remember that one of them is a health potion.'

Jack's defeated look subsided a little with new hope he rushed somewhere.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the bathroom...



The sound of the water running was heard non-stop in the men's bathroom . Inside there no one there except for Jack who was watching himself in the mirror.

'Please , please work!'


He took a handful of water and splashed it over his face to try to calm himself down a little.

"Haaaa, I really needed that."

Cold water dripped from Jack's face and hair bringing him somewhat to his senses. He looked himself in the mirror and saw his dirty visage. His hair was a mess , his eyes red from crying . If someone didn't know the situation he would think that Jack was definitely a homeless person.

'I look like shit. If I saw my face right now in the middle of the night I would think I was seeing a ghost. I really need to take a shower when I get home.


"No time for stupid thoughts. Time is of the essence and grandpa's life depends on this."

He scouted his surroundings and when he saw no one was inside he walked over to the last stall and entered it .

*Clik Clank*

He closed the door behind him and opened his phone. The phone screen lit up and the usual figure of a game controller was shown in it. The blue controller reflected on his eyes , but Jack didn't think about it at all.

"I control my destiny...


The inventory appeared before his eyes and he without a second to waste looked for the potion he needed.

"This isn't it... this isn't it also..

This is it!"

*tap tap*

His eyes finally caught the image of glass bottle containing a red liqud and he immediately tapped on that potion twice in rapid succession without a second thought.

As soon as he did that an information page about it appeared.

Health Potion (low)

Instantly recover 5% of your HP and every second for 10 seconds recover 1% of your HP.

' It really recovers your HP ! If grandpa drinks this then he will definitely get a lot better. Even though he may recover 15% of his HP at least he won't be in any danger for his life.'

"I just have to make....him drink....

No, no no...

I'm so stupid. Why didn't I take that into consideration?"

'I can't give him the potion. Dad said that grandpa had a damaged throat because the bear bit him and the doctors had to put a tube in his mouth and then lungs to let him breath freely and not suffocate.'

"Damn it all!"


The phone hit the tiled floor of the hospital bathroom hard and broke it , the floor that is. Surprisingly the phone didn't receive any damage , it didn't even have a little scratch on it.

"F*ck f*ckf*ckf*ckf*ck...

While Jack was cussing to no end the phone just layed there , it's screen showing Jack's inventory.

"F*ck you..






"Hah hah hah...

Jack fell to his knees crying silently.

' What good did it bring me to become stronger! I killed and killed slimes relentlessly so I could become stronger to protect my family , to keep them safe from harm and look at me now...

I'm f*cking crying my eyes out while kneeling on the dirty floor of a hospital bathroom.'

"I'm so useless.

Why do I even live, huh? Is it just to feel the pain of watching your loved ones suffer? Life is such a bully.

It first trips you over for something small then lends you a helping hand to get up with a smile on it's face before relentlessly kicking you in the chest with all it's strength."

'What was I doing when this happened?

I was killing slimes.'


' I kicked, punched, slammed them and they just got up.

If humans could be like slimes, wouldn't that be awesome? No matter how you were injured you would just recover with enough time.'

*Drip drip drip*

His tears didn't stop flowing, making his eyes hazy and not be able to see anything.


*Drip drip*

Tears flowed and anger burned within him , but even though he felt it was over he was not forgotten. A peculiar being had set his gaze upon him.


In the dark void , where no light had ever penetrated since the dawn of time long before life even existed, before everything..

In this place where nothing mattered and where even death took it's finals rest.

*Cling cling*

In this place , a being of immense power lay dormant , sealed by something..

*Cling cling*

In this place where not reality nor time existed , what seemed like a human at first sight waited there. It waited for something or was something waiting for him?

The lone figure had a human body which was covered covered with a black armour from head to toe. The armour was stained with rust and blood like the armour of someone who had fought and killed many. If one looked closely he would surprisingly get the feeling of indestructibility, that no matter how strong the attack it wouldn't be able to damage it.

In the figures back there were four wings that had no feathers or flesh , but only white bone . The bone wings and the black armour painted a demonic figure , but if you saw closely at those boney wings you could feel that they radiated a pure energy that was life giving in nature .

*Cling Clang*

The figure had his four bone wings restrained by chains as we're also other parts of his body. In total he was held by seven chains;one for each of his wings, one for the legs, one for the arms and lastly one around his neck.


The figure spoke, but no sound was heard in this forsaken place.


As he spoke those words a beam of light shoot from his eyes and into the darkness.

"Follow the chain, little one ....

I'm waiting for you."


At the bathroom stall Jack was still crying his eyes out.

*drip drip*

Two drops, two drops of his tears were guided by something . Maybe it was fate , but what was fate anyway.

One after the other the two teardrops fell at the same place on the phone screen at Jack's feet.


Jack's attention was drawn by the sound and he turned to look at his phone.

"What is it!

Are you trying to cheer me up?"

He had heard the sound of the notification and looked down on his phone to see the description of something, but he couldn't read it as his eyes were watery. He dried his tears to take a better look and what he saw surprised him.

"Slimy Recovery? What is this item I've never seen before.

Ah, is it something I got from the Boss? Effects are...

*Tremble tremble*


His eyes widened, his heart stopped and his hope was regained.


At that moment the scream of someone was heard all over the hospital. It was a scream of pain, anger, relief and finally hope.

Slimy Recovery


Convert your MP to HP with a ratio of 10:2.